Kane ignored him and made his post. I read the caption as he typed. Nothing better than being at a ball game with my girl.

My girl? Did he really mean that?

He caught me reading his caption and smiled at me. “Is that okay?”

I nodded, speechless. It was more than okay. It was perfection. The only thing I could think to do was kiss him. Chastely, of course, given our audience. I pressed my lips against his for a stirring moment. No lips parting, just a, Please, feel how much you mean to me. I think he did, as he pressed harder and didn’t seem to want to move. I’m not sure we would have, except Mindy said way too loudly, “Knock it off already. Some of us came here to watch the game.”

We broke apart even though Kane looked entirely put out by it. I was, too, but couldn’t be upset—Kane had just declared I was his, and it was incomprehensibly exhilarating.

Kane settled for taking my hand, despite the humidity making it feel as if we were swimming in hot pea soup. I didn’t mind drowning in the heat with him.

Our little display of affection didn’t go unnoticed by Auggie. He glared at Kane’s and my clasped hands as if profits had plummeted at Armstrong Labs.

“Did you know the Braves’ nickname is the Bravos,” Auggie said out of the blue.

I squinted to make sure it was my father sitting next to me. Auggie never threw out random facts.

Auggie tugged at his starched collar. The CEO couldn’t even dress down for a game out in the blazing heat. To be fair, he’d thought he would be in a suite.

“I didn’t know that,” I replied into the uncomfortable atmosphere. Everyone was surprised by his odd behavior.

However, Lady Deathstrike, a.k.a Eva, laughed and swatted his arm. Her makeup was melting off her face, showing that she did indeed have wrinkles. She, too, had thought she’d be in an air-conditioned suite. But she was glued to Auggie like a fly to flypaper. Always touching him and looking at him adoringly. I could understand the need to be close to the person you loved, or thought you were falling in love with. There was something wonderful about each touch. But, sadly, I noticed that it was never my father who initiated the affection. He didn’t shun it, but it almost seemed mechanical for him. Almost as if he were afraid to put any real emotion into it.

Sometimes I wondered what he would do if I hugged him or tried to hold his hand. I wasn’t brave enough to try.

While Eva played doting wife, Kane played peacemaker.

“They’re also the only team to win the World Series in three different home cities,” Kane threw out another fun fact to smooth over the awkwardness.

The corner of Auggie’s mouth ticked up a tad. That was all the thanks Kane would get from him.

I didn’t behave like Eva and fawn all over Kane because he knew some random team facts; I went with the teasing route. “What’s the World Series?” I grinned.

For a second Kane thought I was serious, and his mouth began to fall open. I think he was a bit worried I was way too oblivious. Then he narrowed his eyes at me, reading through my feigned innocence.

Auggie, on the other hand, began to answer me. “It’s the annual championship.” He was as serious as could be.

I had to press my lips together before I laughed. I may not know much about sports, but I wasn’t that clueless.

Kane squeezed my hand while I turned toward Auggie. “Um, thank you.”

Auggie nodded as if he’d done a good deed.

Kane whispered in my ear, “This is why I like you.”

Like? It didn’t sound as wonderful as it once had. Not because I didn’t believe him or feel honored that he liked me. It was just that I found myself wanting more. I wasn’t sure I was truly falling in love, but whatever I felt was more than “like.” I couldn’t quite explain it, but I felt connected to Kane in a way I’d never felt before. And because of that connection, I felt more connected to myself, if that made sense. Still, I couldn’t say any of that, especially in front of everyone. Instead, I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He kissed my head, and I took comfort in his touch.

The game started, and I got lost in my head trying to remind myself that we hadn’t known each other that long, and I was being silly wishing for more. I only wished I knew all the rules.

Kane shook me out of my thoughts with his enthusiasm for the game. He jumped up several times, and when I didn’t follow, he started pulling me up with him. Apparently, standing up was an integral part of watching the game that I didn’t know about. As was shouting and cheering. Most of the time I didn’t know what I was cheering for. However, I was happy because Kane was. It was an odd sensation to be happier because someone you cared about was happy.