“Should we race?” I teased. I was a decent swimmer at best, but it seemed like something a couple would do together. Not that we were a couple. We didn’t have a title. Which was fine. Though I admit I did hope we would become Facebook official or something.

He chuckled. “I don’t want to humiliate you.”

“It sounds like you’re afraid.”

“Darlin’, those are fighting words.”

“Okay. Ready, set, go,” I rushed to say and dove into the water, trying to catch him off guard. When I came up for a breath, he was right by my side, laughing and trying to pull me back. “You’re a little cheater.”

I was only trying to take all the help I could get. I knew Kane would be able to outswim me. He was quite the specimen and obviously worked out, by the state of his lean, toned body.

We only made it to the other side of the pool before I found myself back in Kane’s arms, laughing.

He brushed back my hair and looked me over as if he were amazed. “I’m definitely the winner.”

I knew he wasn’t speaking of our pseudo-race. I felt his words in my very being, making me feel as if I were the victor.

“Every winner deserves a prize.” I found myself flirting. I deserved a high five for that line. Good job, Scarlett.

“Mmm. I like the way you think.” He leaned in, his lips hovering so closely, teasing me with beautiful anticipation before they landed on mine.

This time, it was me who pressed my body against his and let my hands take their liberties. Of course, just as I was getting comfortable, we had unexpected company, breaking Kane and me apart.

Auggie cleared his throat so loudly, I thought he might have coughed up a lung.

I whipped my head in his direction. Kane took my hand under the water, as if he knew I would need to be steadied.

“Auggie,” I said, out of breath. “What are you doing home already?”

He crossed his arms and glared at Kane. Even without my glasses, I felt the heat from his stare and his menacing pose, made even more so by the fact he was in a business suit.

“Looks like I arrived in the nick of time,” he spat out.

“For what?” I questioned.

Auggie ran a hand through his hair. “Scarlett,” he sighed. “I think it’s time to say goodbye to Kane.” That sounded like a permanent suggestion.

“I don’t think so.” I threw a hand over my mouth. I wasn’t used to talking back to my father, but I wasn’t a child.

Auggie spluttered, at a loss for words. I imagined if I could see him up close, his face was probably bright red, ready to explode.

Kane looked between my father and me. He sweetly brushed my lips once with his. “I’m going to go. I’ll call you later.”


He pressed a finger to my lips. “It’s okay . . . this time.”

Auggie gave Kane one more withering glare before saying, “I’ll meet you inside, Scarlett.”

Kane led me to the steps and helped me out of the water. I was so embarrassed by Auggie’s behavior, I forgot to be embarrassed by my less than perfect body. Kane went directly to the towel valet and grabbed two fluffy white towels—one for him and one for me.

Numbly, I wrapped myself in the towel, not knowing what else to say other than, “I’m so sorry.”

Kane wrapped a towel around his waist, covering up his Hawaiian swim trunks, which were clinging to his godlike body. His red splotched skin indicated he wasn’t happy about the turn of events. “Scarlett, it’s not your fault. Your father,” he growled, “is right to be worried.”


“Because, unlike you, I’m not innocent. And Augustus isn’t naive.”

“But I am.” I guessed that’s where this was going.

Kane stepped closer to me and ran a finger down my cheek. “It’s one of your finer qualities.”

“I’m not a child,” I said in hushed tones.

“No, you’re not. You’re a beautiful woman. And if you were anyone else, this would be a much different relationship.”

My eyes widened, thinking of the possibilities. Was he thinking like Facebook official?

“Don’t worry, darlin’, I have no plans on giving you that option right now.”

“What option?”

He chuckled and kissed my head. “The fact that you have to ask says it all.”

“Oh,” I eeked out way too high pitched. How did I miss that? Probably because no one in the history of the world had ever thought of doing, well, you know, with me.

Kane grinned. “Oh, is right. I think it’s time for me to go.” He pressed a kiss to my lips. “We will do this again. Soon.”

I bit my lip. “Promise?”

“You have my word.”

What if I wanted more than his word?

“Good night.” He turned to walk away.


He turned back around.

“Does it bother you that I’m not ready for a different relationship yet?”