“Do you even have a suit?” I stuttered, half hoping he would say no but excited about the possibility of seeing him in swim trunks.

“I always keep a pair in my gym bag in my car.”

“Oh,” I squeaked.

“If this makes you uncomfortable, we don’t have to.”

It did make me uncomfortable, though not because of him. It was always me. Always my insecurities. But how was I ever going to get over them unless I faced them? “You know I’m not a supermodel under my clothes, right?” I stalled some more while I contemplated my fate.

“Scarlett,” he groaned, “you’re beautiful. Do you want to go swimming or not?”

I did. I really, really, really wanted to.

Kane dared me with his soulful chocolate, caramel eyes to metaphorically and physically jump in the water with him. Be brave, I begged myself.

I exhaled loudly. “I’ll meet you in the pool.” Yikes.

In Hot Water

After some major hyperventilation, a quick shave of my legs and underarms, and staring at myself in the mirror in my one-piece black swimsuit that was supposed to flatten my middle—false advertising, by the way—I tiptoed out to the pool wearing a cover-up over the lying swimsuit. Yes, my thighs were clapping for me, but this was one time I could have done without their applause. Especially when I got a look at Kane, glorious Kane, in the pool. Oh. My. Heavens. I was in heaven. The water wasn’t the only thing rippling. His abs had ripples for days, and his tan, wet skin was like a beacon begging me to come into the water.

Going in meant taking off the protective shield that was hiding all my imperfections. But it also meant being in Kane’s arms.

Kane swam over to the edge closest to me and dared me with his smile to join him. When I didn’t heed his silent call, he motioned with his finger.

Inch by inch, I moved forward through the warm evening air and across the brick paved path. The orange-and-pink sunset reflected in the water, lighting my way to Kane. When I finally made it to the pool, I sat on the edge and let only my feet and legs dangle in the water.

Kane stood in front of me and rubbed his hands up my silky legs, leaving a trail of goose bumps. “You’ve come this far. Join me.”

I tucked some tendrils of loose hair behind my ear and closed my eyes before taking off my glasses and painstakingly removing the cover-up. Once it was off, I held it to me like a lifeline.

Kane grabbed it and tossed it to the side before pulling me into the water with him, obviously done waiting for me to get my act together. I didn’t feel the cool water; I was only aware of Kane’s body pressed against mine. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands, though they were itching to touch his chest. Stupidly, I giggled when my eyes zeroed in on his nipples. That dumb video played in my head.

“You find me funny,” he teased.

I looked up and caught his intense gaze. “No,” I breathed out. “I find you to be serious, and that scares me.”

“I’m very serious about you, Scarlett. Here’s a little secret—that scares me too.”

“I scare you?”

“Very much.” He nuzzled my ear. “By the way, you’re gorgeous.”

I braved resting my hands on his taut, smooth chest. It was magical. He was magical. I prayed he didn’t disappear.

“Now, where were we?” He let down my hair before backing me up against the edge of the pool.

My hands slid up his chest. I was pleased to see his skin rise. I’d always enjoyed using the pool, but this went way beyond any pleasure I’d ever gotten from swimming—the one sport I was decent at, only because I’d fallen into the pool when I was three, and, according to Naomi, my father had jumped in to save me in his business suit. From that day forward, I was in swimming lessons for years and years and I was never allowed to swim alone, not even in high school.

Kane was by far the best swimming companion I’d ever had.

Kane wasted no time finding my lips with his. Wet from the water, his lips glided easily across mine. When he parted my lips, I could taste the salt from the water mixed with cinnamon. His hands found my hair, where they got all tangled up as our tongues danced together. His kisses made me feel so flushed, I felt like we were in a hot tub. Minute upon minute upon minute, he consumed my lips and captured my soul.

Like always, he abruptly stopped and pushed himself away from me. We both had to catch our breath.

“Maybe we should do a few laps,” he suggested.

This time I knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be with me—it was because he wanted me. It was a lovely feeling to be wanted and to want. More than that, I appreciated him not pushing me to go further than I was comfortable with right now. Yet he didn’t treat me like a child; he saw me as a woman, and for once so did I.