He leaned in closer. “You did promise me you would tell me more of your secrets.”

I swallowed hard. “Aren’t you anxious to take a test-drive?” I desperately tried to change the subject before I blurted out something about all the kissing videos I’d watched earlier in the day. It was like every part of me wanted him to know all of me. My heart needed to get the memo that spilling my guts was dangerous and if he knew how ridiculous I was, he would run screaming.

He brushed back some of my unruly hair, giving me shivers in the warm evening air. “I’m more anxious to know what’s going on inside that beautiful head of yours. By the way, I love when you wear your hair down.”

When he said things like that, it gave me hope I might have a chance to be a Disney princess after all and get to kiss Prince Charming. It also loosened my lips. “I researched some silly stuff this afternoon that I can’t stop thinking about.”

His brow popped. “For work?”

“No.” I bit my lip.

His eyes danced with amusement. “Do tell, darlin’.”

I shook my head no.

He handed back my glasses. “We’re going to come back to this after I show you man’s greatest creation.”

I put my glasses back on, hoping my mouth wouldn’t betray me later and tell him exactly what I had been researching. “And here I thought it was penicillin.”

“Penicillin may be lifesaving, but the Porsche 911 Carrera is life changing.”

“If you say so.” I smiled.

He pulled me closer to him. He was most certainly a game changer. “Get ready for a religious experience.”

Oh, I was looking for one, just not in a car. Well, he could kiss me in a car. I had a feeling if he ever did, I would shout a hallelujah.

When we walked into the showroom, I swore a tractor beam grabbed Kane and zipped him straight over to the silver car sitting in the middle of the floor. I got to go along for the ride, as it seemed our hands were welded together.

With reverence, Kane held out his free hand but didn’t touch the vehicle, as if it were too sacred. “This. This is heaven right here.”

I wondered how much heaven cost and took a peek at the spec sheet displayed in its own special case. Whoa. A hundred and fifty grand. No wonder Kane was waiting to purchase his dream car until he was making a C-level income.

Kane left my side and stalked the vehicle. I watched him, smiling to myself. I wasn’t sure anything had ever made me as happy as Kane was in this moment. It didn’t take long before a salesperson approached us.

“Kane,” the redheaded man wearing a goofy grin and tight boy band pants called out.

Kane took his eyes off the prize for a moment. “Duffy. How’s it going, man?”

I didn’t realize Kane knew anyone here.

Duffy shook Kane’s hand. “I see you’re back to torture yourself. Maybe this time I’ll convince you to sign on the dotted line.”

Kane eyed the car like a proud father would. He exhaled loudly. “It’s tempting.” Kane’s eyes roved my way.

Duffy followed his line of sight. He tilted his head, like he didn’t know what to make of me.

I flushed under his scrutiny. He was probably thinking what I already knew—Kane and I were in different leagues.

Kane narrowed his eyes at Duffy, like he knew what the guy was thinking. “Duffy, I would like to introduce Scarlett Armstrong.”

Both men walked my way.

Duffy held his hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Maybe you can convince Kane to take the plunge.”

I shook his hand. “I don’t know about that.”

“I was hoping to take her for a test-drive.” Kane wrapped an arm around me, his warm hand landing on my bare shoulder. I was suddenly glad I had been getting bolder and had worn my new baby-blue spaghetti strap dress.

Duffy chuckled. “I’m not surprised. I’ll get the paperwork and a key. Give me a second.” He walked off.

Kane watched him go with hawk eyes. “I didn’t particularly care for the way he was staring at you.”

“You noticed.” I grimaced.

“Of course. I was about ready to tell him to keep his eyes to himself. You already have a date tonight.”

I leaned away from Kane, surprised. “What? You think he was attracted to me?” I almost laughed.

“Scarlett,” Kane whispered, “if you could see how beautiful you are, you would be a dangerous woman.”

I lowered my head. “Whiskey in a teacup, Rae would say.”

Kane tipped my chin right back up. “I couldn’t have explained you any better. Embrace it,” he implored.

“I’m trying.”

He kissed my forehead. Like his actual lips touched my skin. It was searing yet comforting like a warm blanket. “You’re doing beautifully.”

It was silly to tremble and feel so flushed after a simple kiss on the forehead, but to me it was significant. It meant there was hope that maybe our lips would one day meet, even though I knew I would embarrass myself thoroughly if that ever did happen. At least I would be going out in style.