Kane parked his car and turned off the lights after we drove into the empty parking lot where the trailhead began. I should have been nervous we were breaking the law, but I knew if we got caught, Kane would be able to talk his way out of anything. He turned toward me and ran a finger down my cheek. His handsome face was illuminated by only the overhead light in the car. “Thank you for letting me have a do-over here.”

“You’re welcome.” I smiled.

“It’s more than just this place. I mean thank you for letting me correct the biggest mistake I ever made. That day eight years ago . . . it felt like my world ended.”

“Mine too,” I whispered.

“I hope you can forgive me.”

I leaned in, kissed his lips, and lingered there. With him, all felt right in the world. “I forgive you.”

“Good, because we have some unfinished business to attend to tonight.” Without another word, he hopped out and ran around to get my door. He grabbed me and the picnic basket. “Stay close to me on the trail.”

“I think I can manage that. I pray I don’t twist an ankle, though.” That would be my luck.

“If you do, I’ll carry you,” he promised. “You know, only if you want me to rescue you,” he teased.

“That kind of rescuing is acceptable.”

He laughed into the cool night air. It was finally cooling down here in Georgia, at least at night.

We carefully traversed the trail in the dark. It was slow going, and my ankles faltered a time or two when I landed wrong on a rock, but they were so used to my clumsiness by now we kept on going with barely a wince. Though I couldn’t see well, I loved listening to the sound of the rushing water and the leaves rustling in the light breeze. It was the perfect mood music.

When the trail ended at our destination, the moon and cloudless night gave us a lovely view of the river.

Kane reached into the basket and pulled out a blanket, spreading it out near the water’s edge. He helped me sit down before joining me. I snuggled up close to him, and he wrapped me in his arms. Looking out into the water, I was able to make out the rock that I had taken solace on the day Kane had said goodbye. I wished I could tell that girl that it was all going to work out. And even that she would appreciate the time she had to grow, to know without a doubt that the man who held her now was the one. It was something she couldn’t have known then or even fully appreciated. More than anything, though, I wished I could have told her it was okay to go for her dreams. That she didn’t need to wait to follow them.

Kane kissed my cheek. “Tonight, we get to check off the last item on our list.”

“Finally.” I sighed a happy sigh.

“I want to make a new list with you.”

“Okay. An autumn list?”

He turned me toward him and tipped my chin with his finger. “No. A lifelong list. And I know what I want number one to be.” He reached into the basket and pulled out a little white box.

My hand flew to my mouth as I gasped. Was this really happening?

He opened the box to reveal a stunning halo ring that shimmered in the moonlight. “Scarlett Armstrong, please marry me,” his voice choked, full of emotion.

I was so overcome, I couldn’t speak. I hadn’t been expecting this. At. All. Not to say I wasn’t happy about it. I was ridiculously happy.

Kane tilted his head, worried when I didn’t answer. “Are you going to say something?”

Leave it to me to make our proposal awkward. “Yes.”

“Yes, you’re going to say something, or yes, you’ll marry me?”

“Yes.” It was all I could think to say.

“Scarlett, I’m going to need some clarification. What are you saying yes to?” He seemed desperate.

Finally, my brain kicked in. “Yes, I will marry you.” I wanted to shout it out to the world.

He let out a huge breath of relief. “You had me worried there for a second.” He slipped the ring onto my finger while we both laughed. That was, until he took my face in his hands and captured me with his soulful eyes. “I love you, Scarlett.”

“I love you too. So much.”

He leaned in and gently pressed a kiss to my mouth. It was a forever kind of kiss. But, as with all of our kisses these days, his tongue parted my lips, and we were all hands on deck—touching, feeling, and trying to close any distance between us. We could never get close enough. Sharing the same breaths and hearts somehow didn’t seem enough. When the kiss slowed, he gently laid me next to him while I held up my ring and stared at it. “It’s beautiful. How long have you been planning this?”