The office was quiet this time of night. It was funny how it wasn’t claustrophobic to me anymore, even with only the artificial light illuminating the long hallway. While I paced the gleaming tile floors and admired the large plants and artwork lining the walls, I thought of how much my life had changed this past summer. Here I thought I would be doing my best to avoid Kane. Never, ever, did I think I would end up spending every moment I could with the love of my life. And while I’d thought I would be working to make my father’s dream come true, I was still astonished to find out my father’s dream all along was that I be happy. Well, I certainly was. In fact, I had happily informed the board tonight of my decision to pursue a different course outside of Armstrong Labs, for now. I was already busy with residency applications and studying to pass the necessary board exams in Georgia. In between, Kane and I were checking off our summer list. We had only one more check mark left to go.

No one besides Dad and Naomi knew that Kane and I were back together. We’d thought it would be best not to advertise it until after the board made their final decision. I hadn’t minded at all. It meant that while we were in public, we kept it friendly; but then every minute we spent alone was a gift I loved to unwrap every time.

Dad came out of the boardroom first and was to me in no time. He put an arm around me in what I was sure looked like a consolation-type hug. I suppose in a way it was, just for him, not me. Sure, Dad wanted to see me pursue my dreams, but if pressed, I knew he would admit he was disappointed not to see me at the head of his empire. Honestly, he couldn’t have asked for a better captain than Kane. Deep down, he knew that.

Dad kissed my head. “You did well.”

“Thank you.” I was glad it wasn’t well enough.

“I made reservations at Bacchanalia for dinner to celebrate. Naomi”—he cleared his throat—“has agreed to meet us there.”

My brows shot up. “You invited Naomi?”

His cheeks pinked. “I thought you and Kane would want her there.”

“Right,” I said with a smile. “Kane and I definitely want her there.”

He flashed me a knowing smile.

I didn’t have a lot of hope that my parents would reunite. However, after the last few months, I believed almost anything was possible, even the impossible. I mean, who would have ever thought I would be calling my father Dad? Or that next month we would be taking a father-daughter trip to Europe? Okay, so Kane was coming too. And I had made them promise, no working while on vacation. Even though they would be in the middle of transitioning Kane in and my father out as CEO. However, my father would retain his position as chairman of the board. He wasn’t ready to fully retire, yet.

I knew this wasn’t easy for Dad. Next week the company would make the announcement that he was retiring and Kane was taking his place. It was all getting real. He had no idea what he was going to do with all his free time. He was going to have to finally stop running and hiding from his pain. I think he knew, deep down, he had to finally come to terms with Momma’s death. It was one of the reasons we were going to Europe. He and Momma had taken a second honeymoon there and he wanted to show me all the places she’d loved. Especially Salzburg, Mozart’s birthplace, as he was one of my mother’s musical heroes. I couldn’t wait.

It didn’t take long for Kane to emerge with several of the board members. I swore some of them were actually swooning over him like he was a rock star or something. I wanted to say, “He’ll be signing autographs later in the lobby,” but he caught my eye and broke away from his adoring fans to come straight to his number one fan.

I held out my hand to congratulate him, keeping up the appearance that we weren’t a couple. Though Kane was terrible at keeping his eyes to himself.

“Congratulations, Kane.”

He took my hand, drew me close to him, and whispered, for my ears only, things that made me turn as red as my namesake.

I needed to fan myself. Instead, I stepped away from him and said, “I am amenable to your proposal.”

That earned me a smile.

When we turned to face everyone, we were met with a lot of suspicious grins. They wouldn’t be suspicious for much longer, I was sure. Kane was tired of sneaking around.

It wasn’t too long before we were able to leave to meet my father and Naomi at the restaurant. On the way over, I couldn’t help but admire Kane. He was beaming.