I had no doubt. “I guess that says something.”

“He loves you, Scarlett. I do too.”

“I love you, Auggie. I mean, Dad,” I choked out.

“How about we stick with Dad?”

“All right. Just promise me: no more interfering in my love life.”

“Deal. Now get out of here.” He jerked his head toward the door. “I’ll have Randall send you the address.”

He didn’t need to tell me twice. There was something I wanted, and I had every intention of getting it.

Checking All the Boxes

I straightened out Kane’s old alma mater T-shirt as I stood on his doorstep. I was more nervous than I’d thought I would be. I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was kind of a big deal. One of those I-am-woman-hear-me-roar kind of moments. Granted, my roar would probably be more like a purr. Regardless, it would be me seizing my moment.

After a few cleansing breaths in and out, I knocked on his door. While I waited for him to answer, I admired his home. It was older but charming, with a deep covered porch complete with a swing. Kane had even hung a few potted ferns that were rustling in the light breeze.

It didn’t take long for Kane to open the door. When he did, he blinked a few times, as if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

“Hi,” I said breathily.

He perused me from head to toe, taking in my outfit—his old T-shirt and a pair of cutoffs. He must have liked what he saw. He dropped his hammer on the tarp-covered floor.

I took a good look at him, too, all sweaty in a dusty fitted T-shirt and snug khaki shorts. Oh, I was definitely going to be purring. Perhaps even roaring.

He wiped his brow. “Hello, darlin’. Nice shirt,” he said, ever so pleased.

I looked down at the old, faded thing I had probably worn and washed a hundred times. “I thought you might like it. I also thought since I have nothing to work on now, thanks to you, you might want some help with the house.” Though I knew zero about renovations.

He chuckled and tugged on my shirt, pulling me into his home before shutting the door.

I was hit with the smell of freshly cut wood and stain, mixed in with Kane’s spicy scent and a hint of perspiration. I found the mixture quite intoxicating.

He pulled me closer, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Are you furious with me?”

“Very.” I ran my hands up his taut chest. “How dare you try to give me what I want,” I purred.

“And what is it you want?” His lips drew closer.

I placed a finger on his lips before they ravaged my own. “We’ll get there. First, we need to lay out some ground rules.”

He kissed my finger before leaning in and whispering in my ear, “Name your terms, darlin’.”

A shiver so deep ran through me before I stuttered out, “One, no more trying to force my dreams to come true—that’s up to me. And no more playing hero, unless I’m on fire or have cake crumbs stuck down my bra.”

He nuzzled my ear, driving me wild. “I’m happy to unzip you anytime.”

I gripped his shoulders, as he was making me weak in the knees. “I’m trying to be serious,” my voice hitched.

“Believe me, I’m serious about unzipping you,” he groaned.

“Kane.” I pulled away enough to peer into his hungry eyes. “You know what I mean. No more trying to be valiant, thinking you’re doing the right thing. I’m not a naive young woman anymore, and even if I were, I know my own heart. Which brings me to point two. You don’t get to leave me unless I have a say in it too.”

“Easy. I don’t plan on ever leaving you again.” His lips brushed mine, almost making me forget we had more to talk about.

“I’m amenable to that,” I breathed out, wanting to get lost in his touch.

“You are, are you?” He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his body.

“It’s pretty much non-negotiable.” My fingers curled into his hair, reveling in how wonderful it felt.

“Any other rules, darlin’?” He sounded impatient to accost me.

Believe me, I was impatient too, but business first. “Who’s going to run that new forensic pathology division you plan on opening?”

“You heard about that, huh?” He was obviously pleased with his genius plan.

“Yes, which reminds me. Rule three: no gloating that you won.”

“Scarlett, this was never about trying to beat you, or steal your company. I wanted us to both come out winners.” He gave me such a tender look.

“I might be able to forgive you, if you let me be involved in the creation of the new division and let me run it after I find a new residency and do a fellowship.”

He pushed me up against the bare drywall. “Who else did you think I had in mind?”