Page 26 of The Sweetest Fix


She hummed, adjusting the duffel bag on her lap. “I was worried I wouldn’t be good company, but I’m feeling better after talking to you.”

Leo didn’t speak for several seconds. She waited.

“What were you going to do instead of lunch?” he asked.

“Honestly? Take a shower hot enough to scald myself and take a depression nap.”

His chuckle warmed her ear. “You could do those things with me.”

Now it was her turn to laugh. “What, like a nap date? Is that a thing?”

“It’s a thing if we make it one.”

She thought of her postage stamp-sized bedroom and inwardly cringed. “Where would this nap date take place?”

He gave her one of his signature chest rumbles. “My apartment isn’t far from the bakery. It’s clean. By man standards.”

Reese leaned back against the bench, wondering if she was crazy for considering this. Going to Leo’s apartment and napping with him. It sounded insane. But she’d been in those arms, she’d felt that strong shoulder against her cheek. After the morning she’d had, she couldn’t think of anything better than snuggling all up in that and falling asleep. However. “Do we really think we’ll, um…nap?” Heat rose in her cheeks. “If we get in bed together.”

The tone of the conversation was changing. Rapidly.

Whereas a moment ago, her body was nothing but weary and sore, it was showing definite signs of life, her thigh muscles flexed, her nipples tingling at the prospect of getting into bed with Leo. It was too soon, wasn’t it? They hadn’t even gone out on their first date yet. Although, oddly, nothing about this felt rushed. She was more comfortable with him than guys who’d taken her on multiple dates.

“I don’t know, Reese,” he said, his voice significantly deeper. “If you want to nap, we’ll nap. If you want something else…” His breath rasped in. Out. “I’ll give it to you.”

Okay, she was definitely getting hot and bothered on this grimy bench.

What was it about this man that gave her libido teeth?

“I have to take a shower,” she managed.

“I have one of those, too.”

Her laugh came out husky. “This is crazy.”

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll text you my address and apartment number. Tell someone where you’re going to be.”

Oh cool. Now she extra wanted to jump him. “I was planning on it.” Her legs were shaky when she stood up from the bench, her feet taking her in the direction of the Cookie Jar. “I guess I’ll see you soon, Leo.”

Chapter 10

Leo was almost surprised when the buzzer went off in his apartment.

Had he really suggested a nap date?

Ever more unbelievable, did she actually accept?

The weirdest part of all? Inviting Reese over to sleep didn’t feel all that bizarre, considering how they’d gotten here. This whole thing between them didn’t seem to have a playbook. And Reese had that unnamed something that wiped him of any self-consciousness, allowing him to throw the odd idea out there.

Now she was going to be in his place. In his bed.

If he thought too hard about what could take place in that bed—if she asked for more than a nap—he was going to answer the door with wood.

“Jesus, pull it together,” he muttered, crossing his apartment to the intercom and hitting the buzzer to let her in downstairs. After unlocking his apartment door and leaving it open, he turned to view the space through a woman’s eyes. He hadn’t brought anyone back there for some time, and even then, there’d been no thoughts paid to the apartment’s appeal. Now, it seemed to matter quite a damn bit.

He lived in a one-bedroom in a pre-war building in Hell’s Kitchen, exposed brick making up the walls, original crown molding. Old, but kind of charming, maybe? His living room had all the basic furniture—television, coffee table. A couch big enough for a man his size to sit comfortably. But it was the kitchen where he’d paid the most attention to detail.

A metal rack hung from the ceiling above the free-range stove, spatulas, scrapers and ladles hanging down like a culinary wind chime. The apartment was rented, so he’d probably violated his lease by installing the sea glass backsplash behind the counter. There were Tupperware containers stacked everywhere, holding baked goods he tested in his spare time for their potential sale at the Cookie Jar. A window on the far wall overlooked the avenue, a fire escape affixed to the side of the building and bisecting his view. This was where he spent most of his time. Is that why his palms were sweating over her reaction?

Leo dragged a hand down his face. “You’ve got it bad.”

“What was that?” Reese asked from his doorway. “Sorry, it was open. Should I just—”

“Come in. Yeah.” He was momentarily dumbstruck by how fucking pretty she looked in the afternoon light, her hair pulled up in a ponytail, little curls springing out near her temples.