Daryl put his phone away and turned toward me with a broad smile. “Okay, now that that’s taken care of, you can be the gardener. I’ll say you’re deaf and dumb and only communicate through signing. We need to get you some sunglasses to hide your eyes, but other than that, you barely look like you after all these months.”

“One problem. I can’t keep sunglasses on every moment I’m at the house, and one look at my eyes and she’ll know it’s me in a heartbeat.”

Walking past me into the living room, he shook his head. “I’m one step ahead of you. Come with me. It’s time to head to Wal-Mart to change those big brown eyes to something even your lady won’t recognize.”

I followed him, thrilled to know that I’d be close to Nina again and taking pleasure in his amusement at all of this. “You seem almost happy, Daryl. Enjoying yourself?”

“I’ll enjoy myself when all this is over and you and Nina are back together so she doesn’t ream me out anymore. Ever been to Wally World?”


I followed behind Daryl as he walked the stone path toward the gardens behind the house. Our Wal-Mart trip had been a success, but my color changing contacts wouldn’t be in for up to a week, so I questioned whether his whole grand plan was going to fall apart the minute I was introduced to Nina.

Slowing down to walk next to me, he whispered, “No matter what she says, do not take off those glasses. Just let me handle everything. Remember, you’re deaf and dumb.”

I made the OK sign with my hands, which were hidden inside gloves. That I was already wearing gloves before I began the job seemed even odder than the sunglasses, but I was afraid she’d suspect something if she saw my hands.

“Is that supposed to be something I know?” he asked, staring at my fingers.

“It means OK,” I whispered out of the side of my mouth.

“No talking. You want to be able to see her every day or not?”

He knew the answer to that. Just being on the grounds again filled me with anticipation. My stomach flipped when I thought about finally seeing her after all these months. Even if she didn’t know who I was, I’d finally be able to be close to her.

Then I saw her. In the distance, she appeared angry as she stormed down the pathway toward us, and I recognized that look of unhappiness on her face. All at once, I knew the story Daryl had told me about her reaming him out was no exaggeration, but even angry she looked beautiful. She wore her long hair up in a ponytail and had no makeup on. But it didn’t matter. She was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

“Nina, how are you today?” Daryl asked as we all met at a bend in the path.

“I’m fine, Daryl. I don’t really know why you needed me out here for this, but I’m fine,” she said sourly.

“I felt you should meet the new gardener since I had to fire the old one.”

“I liked Chip, Daryl. He was a nice guy. I feel bad that you fired him. To be honest, I can’t imagine he’d be involved with anyone bad.”

“Not to worry. This is Ethan and he’s going to be fine.”

Nina looked me up and down and then looked back at Daryl. “Ethan?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t speak because he’s deaf and dumb, but he knows his way around a shrub.”

She looked me up and down once more and turned her back toward me to speak to Daryl. “Are you two brothers at the Water Buffalo Lodge or something and you owe him a favor? He looks oddly like you. And deaf and mute? How is he going to do this?”

“He’s got a disability, but we can’t hold that against him. As for the beard, it’s not as nice as mine, but you have to give him points for trying. Don’t worry. He’s perfect for this.”

She turned around, and I saw her expression soften. After studying me for a few moments, she extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ethan. I hope you’ll be happy here.” I shook her hand, wishing I wasn’t wearing gloves so I could feel her skin against mine. I wanted to take her in my arms and fill my nose with the familiar scent of lavender her shampoo left in her hair. I wanted to hold her against me and tell her I was there with her.

Turning toward Daryl, she continued, “I think Chip was working on fixing up the garden so it would be ready for the summer. I’d told him I wanted to plant some vegetables, so have Ethan pick up where Chip left off.”

“Got it.”

“Anything else, Daryl?”

Smiling, he shook his head. “No. I’m glad to see you’re in a better mood today.”

“You can thank Gage for that,” she said with a chuckle before she turned on her heels and walked away.