I nod and wrap my hands around my coffee cup. "Sure."

He pulls the chair a little closer to mine and sits, not taking his eyes off me. "I had no idea you were coming. This is all Lukas's doing."

"I know that." I smile weakly. "I kinda owed him a favor."

"So I hear," he says. "No pun intended. I can't thank you enough for what you did. I'm so much better now. I still can't hear much, and I have some issues, but it's nothing like before. So, thank you for doing that for me. I never would have found a doctor like that on my own."

"You don't have to thank me, Tal. I'm just happy for you. And you own this café? How did that happen?"

He looks around, grinning proudly. "It was Lukas's idea, and I thought it was great. I don't know if you heard, I left A & E."

"I did hear that. I'm sorry. I'm sure that was hard for you."

"It was, but I think this is better for me. Our little band, the name is Be the Moon. We're making our first CD, and we're having a blast. I love the music we're playing and writing. My creative side is going wild."

I nod excitedly with him. "You guys sound great."

"You gave me the idea for the name, ya know. Remember the day on the porch? You told me to be the moon?"

"I do." The memories assault my heart like daggers. "That's the day I found out you wrote my favorite song."

He nods slowly, holding my eyes, and I'm sure he's remembering what else happened on the porch that day, just like I am. I feel my cheeks getting warm and my eyes burn. I look down at my coffee, avoiding the pain and regret evident in his eyes and not wanting him to see it in my own.

"I'm really glad you came. I'm sorry if Lukas tricked you into seeing me, though."

"It's all right. I'm glad I came too."

"How's Pixie? I miss her a lot. Especially sleeping on my head."

"She's good. I'm sure she misses you, too. Thank you for setting up insurance for her; that was incredibly sweet."

He waves his hand. "Let's not talk about all that. I just wanted to make sure you were both taken care of."

I don't know what to say to that, when he’s the one who destroyed everything we had, so I look around the room. "The old instruments are a cool touch."

He follows my gaze. "Yeah, most of these belong to Lukas. He's collected old stuff since he was a kid."

We talk until midnight, avoiding anything too personal or about the past, until most of the guests have started to leave and the employees are cleaning up. I should be mad at him. I should have slapped him and walked out of the café, but sitting there talking to him felt too good, too comforting. It was probably the most we had ever talked, just as friends, getting to know each other. He’s a great listener. It’s ironic that he would have made a great boyfriend, in another time, under different circumstances. This would have been the perfect blind date.

"I should really get going," I finally say, glancing at my watch.

"Can I walk you to your car?"

"Um, sure."

He doesn't talk as he walks me across the street, and I'm confused, not sure how to say good-bye to him. He leans against my car and looks up at the night sky for a moment, then looks at me. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"I don't have any plans." Tomorrow night or any night.

"Would you have dinner with me? Lukas says I have to get out and start dating."

I giggle. "Oh, did he?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how. I've never dated anyone."

God, he's so fucking cute, and I know what he’s trying to do. This is a dangerous game we're playing, and I'm not sure I can do this.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

He pouts. "You're going to turn me down the first time I ask a woman out on a date? That could scar me for life."

I look down at my feet, trying to gather my wits. I can’t deny that I want to see him again.

"I don't eat meat. I'm not a very good dinner date."

A smile creeps across his face. "I think I can find a place around here that has vegetarian dinners."

I force myself to breathe. "Okay, then. I guess I could have dinner with you."

"I could pick you up at seven."

"That works. Do you need my address?"

He shakes his head gently from side to side, and I realize he's already found out where I live now. I should be creeped out, but I'm not. I'd be curious about where he was living, too.



"I'm glad you came. I miss you. I miss everything." His eyes are so full of regret—and hope—that I have to restrain myself not to throw my arms around him and kiss him, just to make him feel better.

"Me too," I say.

Chapter 46


Fucking Lukas. I don't know if I should smack him or thank him. Maybe both. I was totally blindsided seeing Asia at the café, and she looked like she felt the same way.

And fuck, she looked so cute and hot. Not being able to touch her—and kiss her—was sheer torture. And now I'm lying alone in bed, contemplating jerking off just to get my intense desire for her out of my system.

Ugh. I'm pathetic.

Instead, I grab my phone and send her a text.

Me: I didn't tell you how beautiful you looked tonight.

A few minutes pass before she replies.

Asia: That's ok

Me: You looked beautiful

Asia: Well, thank you. You looked great, too.

Me: Did my text wake you? I just realized

it’s 2am

Asia: LOL yes

Me: Sorry

Asia: No worries

Me: Ok. Go back to sleep :-)

Asia: You should, too.

Me: I said I'd be there at 7am, right?

Asia: Don't push it, Tarzan. Go to sleep.

I smile at my phone. Maybe she can forgive me. All I know is I'm not giving up until I've got her back in my arms. I'm getting my wife and my marriage back, no matter what it takes. I won her over once; I can do it again.

* * *

I pull in front of her town house ten minutes early, relieved to see she's living in a safe neighborhood. Even though I had her address, I never physically drove by. That would put me on stalker level, and I'm not that crazy yet.

She answers the door with a shy smile and invites me inside, where Pixie immediately bounds across the room to greet me. I scoop her up, not caring if I get white fur all over my black shirt, and plant a kiss on her. She purrs and rubs her face across my cheek.

"Okay, I see how it is," Asia jokes. "The cat gets all the attention?"

"I think she remembers me."

"It appears that way."

I gently put the cat down. "You can rub all over me, too, baby."

She glares daggers at me.

"Or not. You look great."

"Thank you for telling me now and not at two in the morning," she teases.

"I'm sorry about that. I was just thinking about you and realized I didn't tell you how pretty you looked."

She smiles, blushing a little, and I like how I can still affect her. "That was very sweet. So, I had an idea," she says. "Instead of going out, why don't we stay here? I cooked for us. If that's okay?"