After turning off the lamp, I settle back in bed, comforted by his shirt, with Pixie and the little stuffed toy next to me.

Chapter 26


"Seriously, Asia, I love your house. I totally want to just move in. How many bedrooms do you have?" Kat walks around the kitchen, opening and closing the drawers. "These drawers don't even slam. It's amazing. What life is this?"

I chew my muffin, watching her in amusement. "They're like soft glide or something. They came with the house."

"Remember when your cabinets barely opened at all or fell off the hinges?"

My teeth grind together. "Yeah, Kat, I do. I'll never forget those things. And ya know what? If I had to, I'd live like that again. I couldn't care less about kitchen cabinets." Sipping my coffee, I swallow it, hoping my annoyance goes with it. "What matters to me is the man who has provided all of this for me."

She leans against the kitchen island where I'm sitting on my usual stool and studies me. "So, how are things going? Tell me the truth, because I've been a little worried." Honestly, she's not a bad friend. She's just easily distracted by bright and shiny objects and doesn't have much of a filter when it comes to pointing out the obvious about someone's situation. Especially mine.

"Are we allowed to talk about details?"

Waving her hand, she perches on the stool across from me. "Screw Dr. H for now, Asia. You're my best friend, so you can tell me whatever you want. She knew you were my friend when you got into this, so of course, she knew we would talk. I just can't tell you anything I've learned at her office."

"Okay, then. Things are a lot better."

"You finally fucked him, didn't you?" she yells, pointing at me. "Finally! I knew you looked different when I got here today. Your vag is thanking the heavens and spreading glow juice though your veins."

"Glow juice? You are a twisted, horny freak, Kat."

"I know.”

Shaking my head, I finish off my coffee. "Great. Anyway, yes, we finally slept together, and it seems to have brought us closer. We're both really happy right now. At least I think he is." I chew my lip. "I'm pretty sure he is."

"I'm sure he is," she confirms. "I can't believe you tortured him for two months with no sex."

Geez. I hope Talon didn't feel like I was torturing him the entire time. "I didn't torture him—"

Her eyes bug out at me. "Um, yes you did. You don't marry a hot as hell rock star and make him celibate. That was a huge, risky move, but I commend you for sticking to your guns. You are totally my idol. I could never get a guy to stay without giving him the goods by the third date."

"It really wasn't like that. He understood my reservations. He's actually a really sweet guy." My lips curve into a smile just thinking about him.

"So, is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"You know—" a sly smile touches her lips "—about the eleven inches."

My mouth gapes open. "Kat! I can't believe you asked me that!" My cheeks burn and I can't even look her in the eye. Does the entire female population know about my husband's cock? That's something I never thought I'd have to worry about.

"Well, he's kinda known for it. Google it."

"No! That's disgusting. He was right; women just wanted to use him. He's more than a piece of meat."

She tries to stop herself from laughing but isn't doing a good job. "You should see how red you are. You're so cute, Asia. And I am very envious of what you've got."

"Shut up, whore," I tease. "The size of his dick was the furthest thing from my mind, believe me."

"Is he good? I seem to remember you telling me Danny was a two-minute wonder."

I grimace at the thought. "Ugh. Don't remind me. If you must know, Talon is amazing. Words can't even describe, and I'm not even gonna try because it's too personal. I just never thought it could be that way. He's wicked sensual." A tingling sensation ripples through my pelvis as flashbacks of him crawling all over me flip through my mind.

She pouts. "Damn. I love Rob, but he's kinda just missionary. I'm jealous. You love him, don’t you?”

"I'm definitely getting there. It's been a really hard journey to get to where we are now. But, yeah." We smile at each other and giggle like we did when we were younger. "I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with him."

"I'm so happy for you, honey. This is exactly what I wanted for you. I've never seen you look better or happier." She leans forward a little. "So you know I type the notes for all the chats and stuff for Dr. H, but everyone is identified with a number and I don't know who they are. Though, I'm fairly confident I have figured out what your numbers are, and I can't say too much, but… Dr. H. thinks you two have the best chance out of all the couples of staying together."

"Get out!" I squeal. "You really think she thinks that?"

She nods excitedly. "I'm as sure as I can be about which notes go with you two, and I'm sorry if that weirds you out, but you know I love you, right? I know I can be a crazy bitch, but I love you."

"I know that, Kat. I trust you and I love you. I never would have met him if not for you."

"Well, the other couples have had some serious issues. One has been unfaithful, one is pregnant already, and the other two just can't seem to get their shit together. It's really crazy."

"Oh wow! What a shame." I feel really bad for those other couples, because this really is not an easy situation to go through.

"Well, I didn't want you to feel like you two were the only ones who had issues. It hasn't been all unicorns and rainbows for the others either. They're all trying to work it out, though. But, Dr. H did mention in her notes that these two certain numbers—" she glances sideways with a little grin "—are the most devoted to each other and much more 'serious about being married than the others.' And I'm sure that’s you two."

Taking a deep breath, I feel a new sense of confidence come over me. We're doing well. And according to what Kat just said, Dr. H's notes indicate that we are the most devoted to each other. We. That means him, too, which means he must be telling her good things.

"Kat, thank you for telling me that. It makes me feel so much better. But don't tell me anything else. I don't want anything to mar this for us."

"Okay. I understand."

I take our coffee cups to the sink to rinse them before placing them in the dishwasher. "Did you and Rob set a wedding date yet?"

"Not yet, but we're working on it. He has to coordinate with his job and all that. Thankfully, Dr. H. will be flexible with me, so I can take off whenever I want to. I'll keep you updated when we finally have a date."

"You better. I'm excited to start planning with you." I wish we could have planned my wedding a little more personally, rather than having to follow all the rules of the team for the project. I would have much preferred to get married outdoors, near a lake perhaps, or maybe even a small beach. And if I had known Talon before our wedding—wow, that sounds crazy—I think I would have liked him to wear something more his style, rather than a tuxedo. The one thing I regret the most, though, is not being able to experience a proposal. Instead of a romantic night with my guy getting down on one knee and sliding a handpicked symbol of his love onto my hand like Kat was able to experience and have memories of forever, I got a phone call from Dr. Hollister.

"You have to show me the new outfits you're making!" Kat begs. "I cannot believe you're designing clothes for Ashes & Embers and freakin' Sugar Kiss. It's too amazing for words."

"Isn't it nuts? I still really can't believe it. Talon is going t

o take pictures of the guys wearing some of it while on the tour. I can't wait to see."

She follows me down to my craft room to see some of the designs I'm working on, and she actually tears up as she touches all the outfits and looks at the sketches Tal and I have pinned up to the idea board.

"Asia…I am so proud of you." She pulls me in for a hug. "I could not be happier for you. In just a few months, your entire life has turned around. I always knew great things would happen for you."

Squeezing her back, I know I owe it all to her. "I wouldn't have any of this if you hadn't helped me so many times or had faith in me. I don't even know how to thank you."

She pulls away and wipes her finger under her eye. "That's bull. You would have been amazing, no matter what. I just tried to give you little shoves. Now, you can thank me by taking me to the spa. It's about time for us to leave, I think?"

Glancing at my watch, I nod. "It is. Let's go get pampered."

I never thought I'd ever be able to take my best friend for a day at the spa to get the works. It still feels surreal to me, or perhaps like a dream and I worry I'll wake up any minute and be back in my little apartment, wondering if I'll have enough money to eat next week.

* * *

From the car, I fire off a text to Talon while Kat drives us to the spa.

Me: On my way to the spa with Kat. Thank you for doing this for us. Xo

Five minutes later, he replies.

Talon: Anytime, baby. Have a great time. Loved your picture last night. Take one tonight.

Me: I will :-) Send me one of you too

Talon: Ok. We're just getting some shit set up now. I like you in my favorite shirt. I'm going to fuck you in it when I get home

Whoa! My thighs burn and clench together as I stare at the screen.