"I made this reminder sheet for you." He hands me a piece of laminated paper, and I look at him quizzically, not quite sure what it is.

He points to it. "It has the alarm code, and cell and house numbers for Lukas, Evie, my mom, Gram, Rayne, Storm, Asher, and our manager. So, if you need to get ahold of me and, for some reason, I don't pick up my cell, you can call one of the guys or my manager. Or if you need something here, you can call Lukas or anyone else in my family. Lukas is the closest, though. And I put Toren's number on here, so if you can't get in touch with anyone and you need some help with something, you can call him. He's like family. I also put the number and address of the emergency vet in case, God forbid, anything ever happened to Pixie. And I got you a small thing of Mace for your keychain."

I take the small can of Mace he's holding out to me as he continues, "I also made sure both cars have a full tank of gas, and I left you five thousand dollars in cash in your nightstand. Oh—and I kinda took your phone and programmed all these numbers into it."

I blink at him and the paper I'm holding and the small canister of Mace. "You did all this?" I ask, surprised. I never would have pegged him for the emergency planning type. "And five thousand dollars? What would I do with that?"

He shrugs. "I dunno, just in case you need it. I want you to feel safe while I'm gone. You can spend the money, go to the spa, buy some clothes, get some cat toys, take Kat out, whatever you want. I just want you to feel safe and happy."

"Tal, you don't have to give me money."

"Stop it. I want you to promise me that you'll lock the doors all the time, don't wander around by the woods looking for dandelions, and you have to set the alarm every night."

"I promise."

Grabbing my keys from the table in the foyer, he hooks the tiny canister of Mace to it. I feel strange having a tiny weapon attached to my keys, but in all actuality, I should have had one when I lived in the ghetto.


"Yes, baby?"

"Will you promise not to get drunk or high?" I ask cautiously. "I know it's what you're used to doing, but I'm just kinda a little bit sorta nervous about you doing that and then all the hot horny girls trying to see your abs and—"

"Asia," he interrupts. "Stay there and stop talking for a sec. I'll be right back."

He runs upstairs and comes back a few minutes later carrying his two suitcases, which he puts by the front door. I try not to look at them because they mean Max will be here any minute to get him. "You want me to get your name tattooed on my abs? Cuz I'll do that if it will make you feel better."

"No…I don't think the girls who paw at you will care that you're married or taken."

He cocks his head and nods. "That's true. They'd probably want you to join in."

Sitting on the arm of the couch, I cross my arms and pout. "That's not making me feel better in any way."

He stalks from across the room and swoops in on me, pushing me backward onto the couch and falling on top of me, his lips devouring mine, his long hair tickling my cheek and neck. My arms instantly go around him, squeezing his wide shoulders through the gray thermal shirt that accentuates every hard muscle of his upper body.

Pulling back a little, he stares down into my face, his eyes dancing. "Guess what?"


"I still only want you. And I may have one or two beers after the show, but that's it. I'm not gonna get wasted or get high. I promise. Storm also said to tell you he will kick my ass if I even attempt to."

His phone vibrates and beeps in his pocket, and he reaches back to pull it out, groaning when he glances at the screen.

"Max is here."

He slowly stands and holds his hand out to me, pulling me up to my feet. Damn, I don't want him to leave. My heart feels heavy in my chest as we walk to the front door together. How did we get like this? A few weeks ago, I wasn't even sure if we liked each other that much and now… I'm not even sure what this is now.

An awkward silence settles over us at the door as he hesitates to leave and I restrain myself from flinging myself around his legs like a child throwing a tantrum. I don't want to drag him into a dramatic good-bye with me crying like an idiot, so I force a smile. "Well, have fun," I say stupidly.

"Um, you too." He grabs his suitcases, and I open the door for him.

"Call me or text me when you can?"

"Yeah, once we get moving on the road, I'll give you a buzz. Remember your list. And buy yourself something."

"I will." I kiss him quickly on the lips, feeling a lump form in my throat. Don't cry. Don't cry. He'll think you're a freak.

From the doorway, I watch him walk down the slate, flower-lined pathway toward Max, who waves at me and meets Talon halfway to take his bags from him. Just as he's about to get into the dark backseat, I freak out.

"Talon!" I yell, running down the walkway, but I don't get very far because, within seconds, he's got me in his arms, kissing me wildly. Suddenly, we've turned into that crazy, cheesy scene in a romance movie, but this is so much better because it's real. It's us.

"I'm sorry," I sputter between kisses. "I didn't want to be the spastic wife who freaks when you leave."

His hands splay on either side of my neck as he kisses me so deeply I feel like he would crawl inside me if he could, and I would gladly swallow him up.

"Be the spastic wife, baby. It fuckin' rocks."

I hug him tightly, trying to squeeze my feelings into him. "You better go. Just…" I take a deep breath, lost for the right words. "Just come back like this, okay?"

Nodding slowly, his eyes reflect exactly what I'm feeling, and he takes both my hands in his. "I'm not going to let anything change, Aze. Our wheels are moving forward, right? The minute I get back home, we're going to pick up exactly where we were this morning. So I expect you to be properly yummied up with body lotion and that wicked tingly stuff on your lips. You got it?"

"I got it."

He gives my ass a playful smack. "Now get back in that house and take a cute selfie with Pixie for me."

Max's laughter can be heard behind us as we kiss one more time before Talon jogs back to the limo, disappearing behind the dark tinted glass.

"Don't worry about him, Mrs. Valentine," Max calls out to me. "We'll see you soon."

I wave until the limo can no longer be seen and then go back into the house, which already feels twice the size and oddly quiet without him. This is going to be a long twenty days.

* * *

A few hours later, my cell phone beeps, and I almost drop it in my excitement to see if it's a message from Talon.

Talon: Miss me yet? ;)

Me: Who is this?

Talon: Ha. Very funny. Don't break my heart, baby

Me: Never

Talon: Just wanted to say hi.

Me: I miss you lots. I might sleep on the couch

Talon: No. I want you to sleep in our bed.

Me: It’s too big and lonely without you :(

Talon: Get in that bed, woman. And set the house alarm.

Me: It's already set

Talon: Good. I mean it—sleep in the bed. I'll call you in the morning.

Me: Ok. Nitey nite.

Talon: Nite, babe. Kiss the rug rat for me ;)

Carrying Pixie, I walk through every room of the house, although I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, other than to make certain all windows and doors are locked and no one is hiding out anywhere preparing to attack me once I go to sleep.

After I write in my journal, I decide to skip my nightly bath and just climb right into bed, flicking the television on with the remote, in hopes the glow and soft noise will help me feel less alone. As I try to get comfy without my husband to cuddle up to, I notice my pillow feels strange and lumpy. I sit up to try to fluff it and find his favorite faded black T-shirt, a Post-it note, and a little white stuffed kitten toy under my pillow.

Smiling, I grab the little note and turn on the bedside lamp so I can read it.

Oh, my.

He can be so freaking adorable and sweet sometimes, it makes my heart want to burst. Taking off the tank top I already have on, I replace it with his T-shirt, the fabric thin with a few holes, oh-so-soft, and holding faint traces of his scent.

I grab Pixie from the foot of the bed, hold her up against my cheek and snap our picture, making sure he can see I'm wearing the shirt, and text it over to him.

Me: Thank you for this. We miss you. You're the best husband I've ever had. xoxo