Fuck, she's going to rattle me out of my mind. She's the only girl who's ever had the ability to suck my breath right out of my lungs with just words or a look.

Grabbing her thighs, I lift her up and her legs go around my waist as my cock rams up into her. With a yelp and a moan, she clutches my shoulders, her nails digging into me as I fuck her hard against the wall. My ability to be gentle has gone out the window for now after months of no sex and lusting after her for the past few weeks. Leaning my forearms against the wall on either side of her head, I let her body slide down the wall a few inches so I can fuck her back up it again. I can't take my eyes off of her, fueled by the way her eyes keep fluttering closed and her mouth opens with each hard thrust.

"Tal…" she whimpers, wrapping her arms around my neck. I kiss her deeper and pound into her harder, wanting to consume every part of her, steal her breath, her thoughts, her everything, so all she wants and needs is me.

Her pussy clenches around my cock, and her body starts to shudder just as I reach that same ecstasy with her. I've never been able to get off so quickly before; it usually takes me a long time to get to that point, but with her I can barely go ten minutes before I'm losing all control.

"Holy fuck." She lays her head on my shoulder and kisses my neck while panting for air. "I think I'm gonna pass out."

I carry her to the bed and lay her down before going into the bathroom to get her a cup of cold water. She takes it from me with a glazed smile and takes a few sips, then puts it on the nightstand.

"You okay?" I ask, stretching out next to her and pulling her closer to me.

She nods, still trying to catch her breath. "Yeah. I've just never been fucked against a wall before. I think you broke my pelvis."

"Your pelvis is perfect, baby." I slide my hand down her body and caress her tummy, my large hand almost encompassing her from hip to hip. Damn, she's so small, I can't help but wonder where my dick is going. "Did I hurt you?"

"A little…but it's a good pain. The good outweighs the bad."

A feeling I'm not used to creeps over me, settling in my chest. "Aze, I don't want to hurt you. You're a lot smaller than the other chicks I've been with."

"Well, you're a lot bigger than the guys I've been with."

Ugh. I don't want to think about her with other guys, smaller dicks or not.

"Okay, I don't want to compare notes. I just don't want to hurt you. I'll go easier."

Turning her head toward me, she kisses my neck. "I don't want you to go easier. I want us to give in to what we feel and not hold back."

"What happened to waiting for all feelings to properly process and meet approval first?" I tease, tickling her waist a little.

I immediately regret my words when she turns away, her smile fading. Touching her cheek, I turn her face back toward me. "No." I kiss her lips softly. "No steps back today. Okay? We're together. We're happy. We're moving forward. Let the wheels keep turning."

"Okay," she whispers.

Somewhere on the floor, my phone rings. "Shit," I mutter, getting up to find it buried in my jeans with Mikah's name flashing on the screen.


His voice is loud in my ear. "Where are you, fuckface? Everyone's at practice but you."

I eye my wife naked on the bed, curled up against a pillow, a ray of sunshine coming in through the window, lighting up her face and bringing out the purple in her hair. She's fucking gorgeous.

"I'm busy."

"No one cares. Asher wants you here."

"I never miss a practice; you assholes always do."

"Yeah, but you're the one who wrote most of the fucking songs, so we need you here."

I blow out a frustrated breath. "Maybe you guys should start doing some of the work, too."

"C'mon, Tal. Let's not start this shit again. Just get your ass here before Asher blows a gasket."

"I told you, I'm busy." I want to spend the day in bed with my wife and make up for the two months we didn't touch each other.

"Asshole, did you forget we're going on tour in two weeks? We need to have these new songs down. Stop fucking off and get down here." He ends the call just as Asia's eyes meet mine. Shit. I did forget about the tour.

"You have to go, hon?" Her lips pout, making me want to feel them on me.

Resisting her mouth, I pull on my jeans and sneakers. "I'm sorry, babe. I'd much rather stay here with you."

"It's okay. It was a nice surprise that you came back."

Sticking my e-cig in my mouth, I grin at her. "It was a fuckin' awesome surprise." I walk over to the bed while pulling my shirt back on. "I'll be back soon."

She reaches her arms out and wraps them around my neck when I bend down for a kiss. "I'll be thinking about you."

I squeeze her back and reluctantly pull away. "You better." I wink and leave before I change my mind and dive back in bed with her. The last thing I need is Asher pissed off at me.

I blast some Sixx:A.M. on my way to the studio, trying to remember if there was ever a time before now that I didn't want to practice and wasn't excited about going on tour.

Nope. There never was.

* * *

"Nice of you to show up." Asher's in my face as soon as I get to the studio, which is in his minimansion.

I throw my stuff on the floor in annoyance. "What the fuck, I can't miss one fucking day? I'm here every single day, sometimes to all hours of the night, usually by myself, writing music. For us."

"No one ever made you do that. Don't get mad at us for your choices," Mikah says.

"Tal's right," Storm says, picking up his guitar. "He's been doing a lot more than any of us for the past year. We've all been preoccupied with our personal shit. Lukas has been picking up the slack too. He and Talon wrote all the songs on this album and half of them on the last one. We're supposed to be working together."

Mikah scowls. "Luke's not even a real member of the band."

Vandal glares at him from across the room. "Really? Since the fuck when? Last time I checked, that's his violin solo and special sound effects on all our CDs. And didn't he do the drum solo on a few cuts, too, when you fucked them all up? He doesn't have to be at every practice and at every live concert to be part of the band, man. What the fuck do you do, anyway? You're just fucking background noise."

"Okay, enough!" Asher yells. "You're like a bunch of fucking girls. We gotta get our shit together. We're leaving in two weeks. I'm sick of the fighting and babysitting you idiots. I have enough shit to worry about. Everyone in the band matters. But Tal and Storm are right. We all have to put some effort in, or we may as well just fucking quit."

Storm shakes his head. "None of us want that."

I watch my oldest brother squeeze his temples, and I wonder if all the shit he's dealt with is finally breaking him down. "Ash, I don't mind doing the work, but I'd like to be appreciated a little bit. You guys take every

thing I write and then change it at the last minute without even including me. I'm not a fucking kid anymore. It sucks when I put all this time and effort into writing, and then you guys take it from me and fuck the shit out of it."

Mikah throws a drumstick up in the air and catches it. "We like your stuff; we just want it edgier. Big deal, we change up your shit."

"It's a big deal to me. I thought we wanted to show some diversity, not have every song sound the fucking same." I'm getting more and more frustrated and wish I had stayed in bed with my wife rather than deal with this.

"I'm with Talon on this. I like the diversity in what he writes," Storm says. "Not everything has to be hard rock or metal. I love the blues edge he's been putting on the songs, and I really kinda dig the old-style rock love songs."

"I agree," Vandal adds.

Asher looks torn. "If we change too much, we're gonna lose some fans. They expect a certain style of music from us."

"So we lose some fans, and we'll gain new ones. It happens to every band," Vandal says, leaning back in his chair. "I don't want to be fucking stagnant."

"How could you be stagnant when you've been on a fucking hiatus and we had to have a chick fill in for you?" Mikah throws at him.

"I'll fucking kill you if you ever bring that up again," Vandal seethes, and I can't blame him. Only Mikah would be a douche enough to remind Vandal that he had to take a break from the band while he was grieving his daughter.

Asher stands up. "Mikah, cut the shit. You've been a bigger asshole than usual lately and everyone's sick of it." He turns to me. "We'll start collaborating more on the music. I'll try to be here more during the day when you're here. We all should. And since we're all here and in such great moods today, I wanted to talk about the tour. Since you guys are all involved with girls now, with the exception of the asshole in the back—" he nods toward Mikah "—I think we need to agree that the girls should not be going on tour with us."