Somehow she has managed to transform this tiny, run-down space into a cozy little home that screams her. It's colorful. It smells like candy. It's clean and organized. Above all that, it reflects her unique creativity and ability to turn something plain, broken, and old into something pretty cool—giving it new life with her touch. What little furniture she has is hand-painted and distressed to make it appear antique. I don't even have to ask her; I already know she painted it all herself. Instead of typical curtains, gauzy fabric in a rainbow of colors covers the windows, hanging from birch branches. Not metal or plastic rods—white birch branches, and I can picture her walking through the woods looking for the perfect little branch.

Colored plastic boxes, which must hold the supplies she uses to make the clothes and soaps she mentioned, are stacked in a mock stairway leading to the ceiling.

As I stare around at all the little details she's added to her apartment, my interest in her kicks up a few notches. She's definitely not lazy or an airhead. She's driven and talented and completely self-supporting.

"You've made this place pretty cool, Asia," I say, slowly walking around the small space.

"Thank you… I'm kinda really into crafts."

"It shows. You've got a gift."

"I'll be right back." She disappears down a short hallway to what I assume to be her bedroom and comes back a few minutes later holding two things. One is the smallest cat I've ever seen in my life—that's also wearing a little sparkly tiara on its head—and the other is a black scarf with white X's randomly dyed into it.

"No one said a cat was part of the deal." I'm only partially kidding.

She holds the tiny silver creature with huge green eyes against her chest. "Well, she is. I've had her for three years. I'm not about to part with her. I love her."

"Three years? That's an adult cat?" I swear this cat would fit in one of my hands.

"Yes. She has a form of dwarfism. She hasn't grown since she was eight weeks old."

"Shit. Why is it wearing a tiara?"

"Her name is Princess Pixie. I dress her up and post pictures of her on social media sites. She has a huge following, over eighty thousand likers and followers."

This cat has more fans than my personal fan page. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No. She even has product sponsors. They send me food, outfits, and toys for her, and then we review and post about them."

Fuck me in the ass. Just when I thought things were looking up, now I have a diva dwarf cat with fans to deal with.

"Well, she better not blog about my band or be all up in my shit," is all I can mutter as she gently places the miniature cat on the floor.

"Kat's been taking care of her for the past two days, but if we're moving in together, she's coming."

"Fine. Just keep her out of my stuff and don't let her claw up the furniture."

"She has nail guards in five colors. She won't scratch anything." She stands in front of me and hesitantly puts the scarf around my neck, fluffing my hair out over it, then grins up at me in approval. "There."

"Did you make this?" I ask, touching the thin fabric.

"Yes. It looks good on you."

"Everything looks good on me," I tease, getting me yet another eye-roll from her. "I dig this, though. I'm gonna wear it on stage."

"Oh, cool. That would be awesome."

I pull the scarf off and quickly throw it over her, capturing her tiny waist with it and pulling her against me, enjoying the startled look on her face. "Or…I can tie you up with it and have my way with you." Her hands instinctively press against my chest, and she gazes up at me from under her dark lashes.

"You could." She swallows nervously and licks her lips. "But, wouldn't it be more fun if I were a willing participant?"

"I'd like to find out."

For a quick moment, her eyes glaze over a little and I think she's going to kiss me, but instead, she pulls the scarf out of my hands and puts it back around my neck with a playful smile.

"Until then, I like it on you."

Damn, she's going to be a tough nut to crack. I've never had a chick ignore my flirting before, and it's only making me want to prove to both of us that she does want me. She may not be my type, and I may not be hers, but there's definitely a little spark of chemistry starting to burn between us that I plan to take full advantage of.

I admire her ass as she bends over to pick up the cat. She doesn't know what she's up against. I will get her to want me. I will make her beg for me.

Turning quickly, she eyes me with a mischievous glint. "I know what you're thinking, Tarzan. And good luck."

Game on, jelly bean.

After walking through the rest of her apartment, I pull out my phone to look up the contact info of a Realtor some of the guys have used. "No way can we live here, Asia. My dick barely fits in this place. I'm finding us a house."

She shakes her head with a small look of disdain. "You seem to have a fixation on the size of things. Big trucks, big boobs, big dick, big place to live…"

Hmm. She has a point. "That's a big observation. Plus, I have too much expensive stuff to live in the ghetto."

"I figured. Thank God everything I own is worthless."

Sighing, I ignore her sarcastic comment and type out a quick text to Sandra, the Realtor.

"I just contacted a Realtor I know. I told her we need a fast close. In the meantime, why don't we stay in my grandmother's guesthouse?"

"Your grandmother has a guesthouse?"

"Yeah, it's just a little two-bedroom cottage on her property that she has for relatives to stay in when they visit. Last week when I talked to her about all this, she offered it to us until we figured this out."

She chews her lower lip and looks at me skeptically. "I don't know, Talon. I hate to impose on people I don't even know. I don't want your family to think badly of me, and so far, it seems like they don't have a very good opinion of me. First, you called your mom and told her I pretty much suck, then your brother is talking about sticky sheets…"

"Asia, come on. My mom understands our struggle. She writes fucking romance novels. Actually, I'm pretty sure she helped set us up just so she can get some good material out of us. And my brother is just an insensitive dick. Gram is the sweetest person ever; she wants to help. It makes her feel good. And she'll feed us."

She smiles and her shoulders relax a little. "All right, that's very sweet of her. And Pixie can come?"

The blogging, fan-mongering, dwarf cat is gonna be trouble, I can feel it. "Yes, but not wearing that thing on its head."


"Pack whatever you and the rodent need for a few days, and we'll come back for the rest of your stuff when we find our own place."

"Okay, I'll just need a few minutes."

I follow her down the narrow, dim hall to her bedroom. "Will your car be okay here for a few days? Or should we bring it to Gram's? You could follow me."

"Um…I don't have a car," she says from the closet.

"Oh. Did someone steal it already?" I joke, studying her bed, which is just a mattress on the floor with no box spring and no headboard. She's got a dark purple curtain hanging over the wall it's against like a mock window, which is actually pretty cool. I like how she puts something where there was nothing and creates her own little vision.

"Very funny." She comes out of the closet with some clothes and puts them into a suitcase. "Maybe I should just stay here and you go to your place until we can move in together? Maybe we need to de-stress a little and let this all sink in."

I lean against the doorframe and shake my head at her. "Yeah, I'd like to get away from you too, sugar, but we're supposed to stay together. That's the idea."

Frowning, she goes to a small dresser and pulls out some panties that my eyes zero in on before she quickly shoves them into the suitcase. "This just feels so…"

"Strange?" I offer.


"Fucked up?"

"Yeah, that too."


p; "Awkward?"

"Yup." She zips up the suitcase.

"Fake?" I add.


"Like a dream?"

She tilts her head and then nods. "Yeah."

"Well, of course. You're married to a rock star, baby. It's every girl's dream."

She sighs heavily. "Can you be serious?"

"I am serious."

"Okay, it wasn't my dream to be married to a rock star. You're out of my league. I wanted someone normal."

"That's fuckin' boring." I scoff, taking her suitcase from her. "Think of it as an adventure. That's what I'm doing."