As we leave the suite, I ask, “Can I invite Fallon and Kao over for dinner this weekend?”

Tristan nods. “I can ask Ryker to join us as well.”

Smiling, we load everything into the car, and when Tristan steers us away from Trinity, I let out a breath of relief.

It feels like I can finally start living the life I was always meant to live – with Tristan.

Wanting to enjoy the evening with Tristan and our friends, I ordered a variety of platters. Placing the last platter on the coffee table out on the balcony, I take a step back and glance over everything to make sure it’s perfect.

I got salmon and crab soufflés for Fallon, mini cheeseburgers for Kao, and spicy wings and riblets for Ryker.

Tristan opens the sliding doors wider. When he turns to me, he asks, “Everything ready?”

I nod. “You’ll take care of Kao and Ryker’s drinks, right?”


Walking to the fridge, I make sure I have soda chilling for Fallon.

Tristan’s phone rings and I watch as he answers, “Yes.” After a couple of seconds, he says, “Let them up.”

I was sad when I learned the concierge was killed the day they took me, and every time I interact with the new concierge, I feel bad that I didn’t even know his name. I’ve gotten to know Mr. Perry, the new concierge.

When the elevator opens, a smile spreads over my face.

Fallon glances around, then she says, “No wonder you don’t want to live in the dorm.” After we hug, she goes to hug Tristan, saying, “You have a beautiful home.”


“Just drop your bag on the couch,” I say. “Can I get you a coke?”

“Please,” Fallon answers.

Tristan’s phone rings again, and he lets Ryker up.

“How’s work?” I hear Tristan ask Kao.

“Good. We miss you at Indie Ink, though.”

I hand Fallon the glass of coke and grab a bottle of sparkling water for myself.

The elevator doors slide open, and Ryker comes in. Fallon and I hang back so the men can shake hands, and then we go to hug Ryker.

Tristan pours the men tumblers of whiskey, and then I say, “Seeing as everyone’s here, let’s go sit out on the balcony.”

Tristan waits for me to sit down before he takes the seat next to me. The patio set we got is perfect for tonight. I just want everything to be comfortable because it’s the first time we’re having Fallon and Kao over.

Fallon picks up a salmon soufflé, and after biting into it, she groans. “So good.” She finishes eating then asks, “Where did you get the platters? This will be perfect for the house warming.”

“There’s a deli down the street. Everything there is good.”

“Do they deliver?” Fallon asks.

“Yes. I’ll give you the number.”

Everyone grabs a cocktail plate, and then the conversation starts to flow between the guys.

Fallon smiles at me, murmuring, “You look like a married couple already.”

I let out a chuckle. “Have you and Kao set a wedding date?”

“We’re looking at dates. I want it during summer break so we can have a long honeymoon, and I won’t have to worry about school.”

“Let me know if you need any help.”

Fallon nods, then she asks, “How does it feel to be a working woman?”

My smile instantly widens. “I love it.”

“Honestly, I was surprised when you said you’re dropping out of school.”


Fallon shakes her head. “I just always pictured us graduating together, working together…”

I set my plate down, and reaching over to her, I squeeze her hand. “I’ll be there for your graduation, and once you’re working, we can have lunch together. Just because my life is taking a different path doesn’t mean I won’t have time for you. You’ll always be my best friend.”

Fallon smiles happily at my words. “I needed to hear that.”

“Hunter and Jade moved in together?” I hear Tristan ask.

“Yeah, just down the road from us,” Kao replies.

“Hunter told me last week,” I mention, and turning my gaze to Tristan, I ask, “Didn’t I tell you?”

He shakes his head.

“Sorry, my love.”

Tristan reaches for my hand and placing it on his thigh, his fingers caress the skin.

We spend the night catching up on news and sharing plans for our immediate future. Everything feels perfect, and I let out a content sigh as I lean into Tristan’s side.

Chapter 31


“Hi, Daddy,” I say as I reach their table.

Even though Tristan and I aren’t a part of Indie Ink and CRC Holdings, we are still attending the Christmas party that’s being held at the country club.

Dad gets up and folds me into a warm hug. “Hey, snuggle-bug.”

When Dad lets me go, I hug Mom then drop down in the seat next to her

“New shoes?” Mom asks.

“Ugh. Stupid, right?” Over the past three months, I’ve settled into my new life. “How are things?”

“Good,” Dad answers. “Your mom started a new hobby.”

“Oh? What?”

“Origami,” Mom answers. “It’s fun.”