
“Don’t shoot me,” he chuckles.

I let out a burst of laughter as my heartbeat speeds up and a rush of adrenaline floods my veins.

As I come up on the passenger side, I stay a couple of feet back, so I don’t get into Alexei’s line of fire.

Alexei taps on the roof of the car. “Pérez, De León. Remember me?”

“Mierda!” The driver tries to open the door, and when Alexei begins to empty his clip into the back of the seat, I pull the trigger and do the same. The gun vibrates in my hand as the rounds fly, sending a euphoric rush through my body.

When I’m all out of ammo, I let out a holler. “Holy fuck, that was awesome.”

Alexei laughs as he comes to my side of the car. “Don’t point that at me, fucker.”

He takes the machine gun from me as we laugh, both high from the action.

We jog back to the SUV, and once we’re speeding away from the scene, Alexei says, “Now we drink.”

I look down at my shaking hands, savoring the thrill of the kill.

Chapter 19


I packed a weekend bag, even though I haven’t spoken to Tristan about staying until Monday morning. I wanted to surprise him, but I’m sure he’ll be okay with it.

Leaving the bag in Tristan’s closet, I walk to the bathroom to shower. I tie my hair up so it won’t get wet and turn on the water. I hold my hand under the spray until the temperature is right. Stripping out of my clothes, I fold each item neatly before placing them on the counter.

Stepping under the spray, I close my eyes and let out a contented sigh. I squirt some body wash on a loofah and begin to lather the soap into suds.

Feeling eyes on me, I glance over my shoulder. When I see Tristan watching me with the sexy smirk I love so much, I smile. “You’re home.” He begins to undress, and seeing red stains on his shirt, I frown and ask, “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” He continues to undress. “It’s not my blood.”

I turn to face him, asking, “Who’s is it.”

Stepping into the shower, his eyes lock on mine, then the corner of his mouth curves up. “Justin.”

My conscience whispers that I should be worried about what Tristan did to Justin, but remembering Mila’s beaten body and how she cowered away from us all, a smile forms on my face.

Wanting to know how far Tristan went, I ask, “Did you kill him?”

He shakes his head, a disgruntled look settling on his face. “Unfortunately not.”

I begin to wash his body. “Did he suffer?”

Tristan's eyes capture mine, and he stares for a while. He’s probably wondering if I can handle hearing what he did.

I lift on my toes and press a kiss to his mouth, whispering, “Tell me you broke his ribs. Tell me you beat him to within an inch of his life.”

Tristan’s gaze roams over my face, and when I continue to wash his body, he murmurs, “I did.”

A satisfied smile tugs at my mouth. “Good.” I press another kiss to his mouth. “Thank you, my darkness.”

Tristan strikes, and grabbing hold of my hips, he shoves me back against the tiles. His tongue surges into my mouth, and his teeth knead my lips until they tingle from the feral kiss. I push against him and wrapping my arms around his neck, I begin to fight him for control, repaying every scrape and tug of his teeth with my own.

He groans into my mouth, the sound a mixture of satisfaction and possessiveness. It makes a thrilling sensation flood my body, causing goosebumps to spread over my skin and my core to pulse with need.

While Tristan devours my mouth and his fingers bite into my skin, one thought is clear – everything I believed has changed – I’ve changed. I know there’s a psychotic side to Tristan, and I love that part of him. Something in me craves the darkness in him.

I’m starting to separate myself from the life I knew before him because he consumes me. The future I always envisioned is no more. I’m struggling to focus on my studies.

With every passing day, I’m drawn more to Tristan and his world and pulled away from what others deem right – normal.

I don’t want ordinary.

I need this thrill.

I’ve become addicted to it.

There’s a darkness in all of us, and Tristan’s woken mine.

His hands slip down my back until he reaches my butt, and then his fingers dig hard into the cheeks, crushing my pelvis to his. He grinds his hard length against me, a growl rippling into my mouth.

Tristan lifts me against him, and I lock my legs around his waist. His cock thrusts inside me, making my head fall back against the tiles.

Then his voice rumbles low, “I want all of you.”