A smile blossoms on Fallon’s face, and she pulls me into a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you. You deserve this.” Fallon shifts back, and her eyes meet mine again.

“Don’t tell the others.” A frown begins to form on her face. “It’s just… it’s all still so new, and I’m not ready to share it with the world yet.”

Immediately her lips curve up again. “I understand. It’s the same with Kao and me.”

Kao and Fallon have been dancing around each other for a while now. I really hope they make it official soon.

When we hug again, I whisper, “I’m so happy, Fallon. I didn’t know anything like this existed.”

We pull apart, and Fallon asks, “Like what?”

“To connect with someone on such a deep level.” I shake my head. “It’s like we’re in our own little world.”

“I know what you mean,” she whispers. She gives my arm a squeeze and stands up. “Time for lunch.”

“Yes.” I gather my stuff and walk out of the lecture hall with her.

Fallon hooks her arm through mine and lets out a chuckle. “Who would’ve thought you and Tristan would end up together. My bet was on Noah.”

Noah’s one of our friends we share the suite with.

I let out a burst of laughter. “Noah and I are just friends.”

“I know.” She gives my arm a hug. “But I’m glad you’re with Tristan. As long as he’s good to you.”

“He is,” I assure her.

My phone begins to ring, and I dig it out of my bag. Seeing Tristan’s name on the screen, a smile splits over my face.

“Speaking of the devil.” I grin as I answer, “Hi.”

“Hey, beautiful,” he murmurs. “How’s your day?”

“Good, and yours.” Fallon waves at me and walks away to give me privacy. I go to a nearby tree and sit down on the grass.

“Boring,” he admits. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

“You should move in with me,” he suddenly drops a bomb.

I let out a nervous chuckle. “My studies.”

“Yeah,” he lets out a sigh, “I know. Still, a guy can dream.”

“One day,” I murmur.


I let out a happy sigh. “Yes.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” I hear a door shut in the background. “I have to go. I’ll call you later. Okay?”


There’s a moment’s silence, then Tristan murmurs, “Mine.”

“Yours,” I whisper before we hang up.

My hand drops to my lap, and I stare at the grass as I soak up the emotions he makes me feel with a simple call.

Getting up, I walk to the restaurant and join my friends at our reserved table.

My gaze darts to Hunter’s face, and when I catch his eyes, I give him a smile. He instantly returns it.

Fallon, Hunter, Jase, and I are pretty close because our parents are best friends. Hunter’s been having a hard time with Jade, another friend of ours. She’s actually Tristan’s godfather’s daughter.

It’s weird how we’re all connected in some way.

“How are you holding up?” I ask Hunter. He’s like an older brother to Fallon and me.

“I’m good.” He knows exactly why I’m asking because he adds, “We’ll sort things out. I just need time.”

I nod at him, then ask, “What are you having for lunch?”

“Pizza.” His eyes dart past me. “Here it comes.” Once the waiter sets the extra-large pizza down, Hunter says, “Have some.”

“Thanks. Saves me from ordering.”

We all share the pizza while we catch up with each other.

“We should go to the club tomorrow,” Jase states.

Everyone agrees while I pull my phone out and text Tristan.

H: The group wants to go to Studio 9 tomorrow. Do you want to join us?

It takes Tristan seconds to respond.

T: I need to meet with a friend. Spend some time with the group. That way, I’ll know you’re safe. I’ll pick you up at nine tonight. Spend the night.

H: Okay.

I glance up, and catching Fallon’s eyes on me, I smile. “What are we wearing tomorrow?”

She instantly begins to go through her whole wardrobe, drawing a chuckle from me.


I walk into the exclusive gentlemen’s lounge and head to the table Alexei is seated at.

He gets up as I reach him and gives me a brotherly hug. “I haven’t seen you in a while. How’re things?”

“Good, and you?” I unbutton my jacket and sit down.

“I just got back from Switzerland. Spent some time with my brother,” Alexei says as he pushes a tumbler with vodka my way.

I pick it up, and we clink glasses as we murmur, “Na zdoróv'je.”

I take a sip, then ask, “How’s Carson?”

Carson is Alexei’s younger brother. He’s currently attending Saint Monarch’s Academy. It’s neutral ground for all the crime families kids to receive training on handling weapons and anything crime-related.

I sure as fuck wouldn’t have minded trading Trinity for Saint Monarch’s.

“Still training,” Alexei mutters. “His reflexes are much quicker.” Pride shines from his eyes as he praises his brother, which is a rare thing to see. Alexei has already been hardened by the work he does.