I nod, and feeling like I’m on auto-pilot, I walk to the bathroom. Excitement begins to course through my veins, and then I hurry so I can get to Tristan.

Calm down, Hana. You might be wrong.

It could just be a romantic dinner.

And that’s fine as well.

When I’m sitting in front of Amisha, I can’t stop smiling. It feels like I’m in a dream as she curls my hair before pinning it up, so it cascades down my neck and back.

She applies my make-up expertly and then stands back to admire me. “Beautiful. When you’re dressed, come out. The car is waiting for you.”

“Thank you so much,” I say, and the moment she leaves, I rush over to the dress. I put it on, and when I turn to the mirror, an emotional gasp is ripped from me.

Don’t cry.

Don’t cry.

Don’t cry.

Frantically I wave a hand in front of my face while I take deep breaths.

Slipping on the red heels, I leave the bedroom. Stepping outside the mansion, a chauffeur opens the back door for me with a nod of his head. I’m careful with the dress as I climb inside. “Thank you.”

The drive feels endlessly long, but he finally pulls up to steps that disappear into the scenic nature.

The chauffeur opens the door, then he says, “Just follow the trail.”

“Thank you,” I murmur as I climb the steps, and then I follow the cobblestone path.

When it opens up to a clifftop that overlooks the ocean. I see Tristan looking drop-dead handsome in a black tuxedo, and emotions overwhelm me again.

His eyes settle on me, and then his lips part. His breathing speeds up as I walk toward him. When I’m close enough, I see his eyes have turned light, looking like shattered glass.

I stop in front of Tristan, my whole body trembling.

This isn’t just dinner.

His gaze drifts over me before locking with mine, and seeing the emotions I feel reflecting in his eyes, it’s impossible to keep the sob from escaping my lips.

His mouth curves up, and then he goes down on his right knee.

I make a strangled sound as I try to keep from bursting out in tears. My sight begins to blur, and I blink fast, so I don’t miss a single second.


Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly.

“You’re the light to my darkness.” Tristan takes a small box from the inside pocket of his jacket, and then he opens it. I can’t look at the ring because my eyes are glued to his face. “You’re the angel to my demon.” Another sob flutters over my lips, and my hands are trembling so bad that I fist them. “You’re my entire universe. Marry me.”

I nod, and when Tristan rises to his feet, I throw my arms around his neck, and then I ugly cry against his chest. “Yes. A million times yes. It will always be yes.”

When I manage to calm myself down, Tristan uses his handkerchief to wipe the tears away. Then he takes hold of my left hand, and he slides the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen onto my ring finger.

“What stone is this?” I ask as I stare at the purplish-red stone set in a titanium band.

“A red diamond,” Tristan answers. “It’s rare, just like you.”

“It’s so beautiful,” I whisper. I lift myself on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his mouth.

I hear movement, and glancing over my shoulder, I frown when I see the chauffeur who drove me here.

He comes to stand in front of us, and then he says, “I take it she said yes?”

Tristan lets out a chuckle. “Yes.” Seeing the frown on my face, he explains, “This is David. He’s going to officiate the wedding ceremony.”

Oh. My. God.

Goosebumps spread over my body as my lips part on a gasp. “We’re getting married right now?”


“Yes.” Nodding, I struggle to keep it together as a tear spirals down Hana’s cheek. My chest is tight, and my fucking hands are shaking as I take hold of Hana’s.

I take a deep breath, then say, “Hana, the moment our eyes met, I didn’t fall in love with you. I. Loved. You. It was instant. It was consuming. It was life-changing.” I take a breath, my eyes locked on hers. “Every demon needs an angel to stop them from becoming soulless. You’re mine. My light. My soul. I’m committed to only you. I kneel only before you. I’ll love you until my heart stops beating, and I’ll protect you with my dying breath. I live for you, and only you.”

A sob escapes her, and then she takes a couple of deep breaths. Her voice trembles as she says, “I… you picked me up off the floor, and the moment our eyes met, I knew you’d be trouble.”

I let out a chuckle, tightening my grip on her hand.