Knowing it’s our last day and that we’re flying back home tonight, I say, “We should stay up so we can sleep on the plane.”

Hana wraps her arms around my waist, saying, “Okay.” We hold each other for a moment then she tilts her head back. “Thank you for the most amazing vacation.”

The corner of my mouth curves up. “You’re welcome, my angel.”

The past fourteen days have been peaceful, even easing the darkness always crawling beneath the surface.

Chapter 24


Going through the cupboards and fridge, I make a list of things to get from the store.

Yeah, my man definitely doesn’t like to cook.

I let out a chuckle, and grabbing my bag, I walk to the elevator. Tristan returned to work today, and I want to surprise him with a home-cooked meal. I’m going to prepare black bean noodles, the traditional way.

When I reach the basement, I walk to where my car is parked. We collected the vehicle from Trinity when we returned from Iceland.

On the drive to the nearest Walmart, I keep replaying our vacation in my mind, relishing in the perfect memories we made. It reminds me to develop some of the photos we took and to get them framed. Especially the one we took by the waterfall.

I park the car and get a cart. My first stop is at a kiosk, and I spend an hour going through all the photos I took of us. I narrow it down to my favorite five and get them developed. With my photos in hand, I go look at all the frames. I pick black ones, knowing Tristan will like them.

Leisurely, I begin to work through my list, grabbing some extra items I think Tristan would want.

Happy that everything on my list is ticked off, and having paid with the card Tristan gave me, I load the groceries into the back.

There’s a constant smile hovering around my lips as I drive back to the penthouse.

Knowing I’ll need help to carry all the bags to the penthouse, I stop at the building's main entrance. I get out of the car and walking to the concierge’s desk, I smile as I ask, “Can you help me carry my bags up to Mr. Hayes’ penthouse, please?”

“Of course, Miss Cutler.”

I grab two bags and take the elevator up. Once I walk into the living room, I let out a happy sigh. Setting down my handbag, I head to the kitchen and start to unpack. I hear the elevator ding, and glancing over my shoulder, I smile again. “Thank you for helping.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Cutler. Should I park your car in the basement?”

“Please.” I hand the concierge the key and then continue to unpack everything.

I keep the noodles, beans, and other ingredients out and wash my hands before putting the photos in their frames.

I place four in the living room, and taking the stairs up, I walk to the room and place the photo of us by the waterfall next to the bed.

Standing back, I stare at our smiling faces with the golden light glowing behind us.


Calling Hana again, I frown when it goes to voicemail for what feels like the hundredth time. I dial the number for the bodyguard I have watching her, and when an automated response comes over the line, I dart up from behind my desk.


Alexei comes into my office, and taking one look at my face, he asks, “Still no answer from Hana?” He knows I’ve been trying to reach her for the past hour.

“No,” I mutter, shaking my head. “The guard’s phone is off. I’m worried.”

“I’ll send Demitri,” Alexei offers.

I walk to where my jacket is hanging and shrugging it on, I say, “I’m going to check on her.”

A frown darkens Alexei’s features. “Let me know if she’s okay.”

“I will.” I stalk out of my office as apprehension and anger swirls in my chest. Hana knows to answer her phone whenever I call. She knows I’ll worry.

Leaving the building, I get into my car. With every mile disappearing behind the Maybach, my worry continues to grow.

I can feel it in my gut. Something’s happened.

The thought makes my mouth go dry, and my heartbeat speed up. When fear slithers down my spine, I press dial on Alexei’s number.

“Is she okay?” he asks as he answers the call.

“I’m not home yet. I have a bad feeling.”

“I’m on my way.”

We end the call, and knowing Alexei is right behind me, I press my foot down on the accelerator. Alexei has a keycard for my penthouse, just like I have a key to his place. It’s so we can be each other’s back up with the business we’re in.

Pulling into the basement, the tires squeal as I stop right behind Hana’s car. Climbing out, I walk to where the guard’s car is. The second I see him slumped over the passenger seat with two bullet wounds in his chest, shock and fear vibrate through my body. I yank my Glock out, and taking the safety off, I run for the elevator.