Overcome with emotion, I whisper, “I love you.”

Tristan’s arms tighten around me, pressing me hard against his solid chest. “You’re my life,” he whispers, his voice tight with emotion.

I know I’ll never be as loved as I am at this moment. Like I’m everything to Tristan, he’s the entire universe to me. Without him, my life is insignificant. Because of him, I’m precious.

The moment is filled with so much adoration, it brings tears to my eyes. When I’m unable to keep it in, and I gasp against his skin, Tristan ducks his head close to mine as he nudges my face up again.

There’s a strained expression on his face as if it hurts him to see my tears, and it has me explaining, “I’m just over-emotional.”

His features soften, and a striking smile curves the corner of his mouth. His head lowers, and then his mouth claims mine with the gentlest kiss.

Turning in his arms, I straddle him so I can deepen the kiss. Our tongues and lips express everything we feel with soft touches and soothing strokes. I feel Tristan deep in my bones, in every fiber of my being.

When he hardens beneath me, I slip my hand down between us. The moment my fingers wrap around his thick length, Tristan breaks the kiss.

His hands frame my face as he shakes his head. “No. You need time to recover.”

My mouth curves up as I position him at my entrance. “I want to feel you.”

When I slide down on him, a burning sensation makes my thighs quiver.

“Condom,” Tristan grinds the word out between clenched teeth.

“I’m on the pill.”

Pressing my mouth against his, I lick the seam of his lips so he’ll open for me. My hips begin to move to the rhythm of the kiss, slow, deep, all-consuming.

I lose track of time as I make my own claim on Tristan’s soul. He allows me to set the pace, and I feel his body tensing as he fights to hold back his rougher side.

The burning fades, only to be replaced by a sweet ache. Breaking the kiss, I gasp for air as I tilt my head back. “Tristan… please.”

His arms instantly clamp me to his chest, and he begins to thrust up. Water splashes over the edge of the tub, covering the bathroom floor.

My fingers get lost in his hair, and when our eyes lock, the sweet ache bleeds through my body, and pleasure satisfies my need.

Coming down from my orgasm, my attention focuses solely on Tristan. I watch as his features tighten and his breaths speed up. My hips move faster to meet his thrusts, and when a growl escapes his lips, I pull him to my chest. I press kisses to his temple as he empties himself inside me.

I feel his gasp burst over my breast, warming my nipple.

I feel his cock jerk inside me.

I feel his body tensing.

I feel everything as Tristan orgasms.

A satisfied smile stretches over my face, and placing my finger under his jaw, I nudge his face up. My eyes lock with his as I whisper, “Mine.”


Hana fucking slayed me.

Her light invaded my darkness, filling the cracks in my flawed soul, flowing through my veins, forcing the monster inside me back to the furthest corner of my heart.

Without her, hell will be unleashed on the world.

Without her, there will only be destruction.

Looking deep into her warm depths, I ask, “Do you have any idea what you mean to me?”

Hana presses a loving kiss to my mouth, then she whispers, “Yes.” Pulling back, her gaze caresses mine. “Everything.”

My mouth curves up. “We’re one now.”

She nods, her fingers moving to my jaw in a light touch. “You’re my universe.”

Emotion explodes inside me, a million stars creating a new world – one where Hana is the air, the sun, the rain – life.

We stare at each other until the water begins to cool. Only then do I push Hana up, and my cock slips out of her. I reach for the cloth and squirting body wash on it, I lather her body in suds before tending to my own. When I’m done, I rinse the suds off. Letting the water out, I rise to my feet. I lift Hana out of the tub and wrap her in a towel before I dry my own body.

We walk over the wet floor, leaving a trail of two sets of footprints – a premonition of our future together.

Always the two of us.

Just us.

I pull the towel away from her and drop it to the floor. Climbing into bed, I open my arms, and when Hana snuggles against my side, happiness courses through my veins.

I hug her tightly to me and begin to caress the stretch of silky skin over her back until she falls asleep.

I turn my body into hers until she’s practically buried against my side. Closing my eyes, I whisper, “I love you. Obsessively. Unconditionally. With every grain of my being.”