My heart rate instantly picks up, and my tongue darts out to wet my lips.

Tristan’s gaze drops to my mouth, and it intensifies the fluttering in my stomach.

It’s only a matter of time before I fall for this man.

I gesture at a chair and take a seat.

Tristan pulls the chair closer until it’s right next to mine, and then he sits down. His hand reaches for mine, and lifting it from my lap, he sets it down on the armrest. His fingers brush lightly over my skin, and it brings goosebumps to the surface.

My physical response to him makes the corner of his mouth lift.

“How was your day?” I ask to make conversation.

“A success,” he answers with confidence.

“Yeah? Did you sign a new deal?”

He shakes his head. “Just took care of business.” He turns my hand around and links our fingers. His thumb caresses mine, and it sends a spark shooting up my arm.

My eyes drift over Tristan, and I begin to realize there’s so much more to him than I thought. I’ve never met anyone who was able to make me feel so much with a single touch.

“I like when you do that,” I admit.

His mouth curves into the happy smile that makes me stare in wonder because it changes his features so much.

“You should smile more,” I murmur, totally entranced.

“I smile all the time.”

“Not like that,” I argue. “It makes you look… gentler, for lack of a better word.”

Dad comes out of the house, and his eyes instantly lock on our linked hands before Tristan pulls free. Standing up, he shakes hands with Dad.

“Mr. Cutler. I’m wearing your welcome mat thin.”

A smile forms on Dad’s face, and it sets me at ease. “Once you’re done with it, you can replace it.”

Tristan shakes his head. “That day won’t come soon.”

Dad nods at Tristan, then he asks, “Would you like a whiskey?”


I remain seated as the men walk into the house.

I listen to them catch up on some business issues. Nothing out of the ordinary.


As Hana comes in, Mr. Cutler leaves the living room with a tumbler of whiskey in hand, giving us privacy.

She shuts the sliding doors, and I wait for her to take a seat on the couch before I sit down beside her.

Setting the tumbler down on a side table, I say, “Much better.”

“Sitting inside?” Hana asks.

I shake my head as I turn my body to face hers. “You’re closer to me this way.”

A smile instantly tugs at her mouth.

Lifting my arm, I rest it on the back of the couch. “Move closer.”

Hana scoots in under my arm, and I lift my free hand to her chin, nudging her face up. “I want your eyes on me.”

The fact that Hana’s parents are somewhere in the house fades to background noise as I stare into her warm gaze.

She raises her hand to my jaw, and I turn my face into her touch. My eyes drift shut from how good it feels. There’s a scraping sound as she brushes her thumb over the bristles.

I feel her breath fan over my mouth, and then her full lips press against mine. Way too fucking soon, she pulls back, and it makes my eyes snap open.

Hana tilts her head, her eyes searching mine.

“What are you looking for?” I whisper.

“A flaw.”

“What traits do you dislike?” I ask.

Hana leans into me, and when she rests her head against my chest, I feel a strong urge to wrap her up and to steal her away from the world.

It would be so easy to just take her.

But then she’ll never be mine out of her own free will.

“Arrogance.” She answers my question. “I strongly dislike arrogance.” She thinks again, then adds, “Lies. Abuse of any kind.” She lets out a chuckle. “I have a long list.”

“All good reasons, though,” I assure her.

Hana glances up at me. “And for you?”

“Preying on the weak.”

Hana’s eyes widen. “Good one.”

“Mind games.”

She begins to nod. “Definity a solid no.”

“We shouldn’t have a problem then,” I chuckle.

Silence falls around us, and it feels like we’re being wrapped in a cocoon where there’s only us. I’m focused on every breath she takes. How her lashes move when she blinks.

“What do you see when you look at me like that?” Hana whispers.

“Life.” I begin to lean down. “Light.” I brush my mouth over her cheek and murmur, “Everything.” I let my breath fan over her skin as I turn my face until our lips are within tasting distance from each other. My eyes lock on hers. “Every fucking thing that makes life worth living.”

Hana’s arms dart around my neck, and her mouth slams into mine. I wrap my arm around her and yank her body to mine as I tilt my head. My tongue dives into the warm depths of her mouth, and I fucking lose my soul to her.