“Left hand, right?” I ask. Before he can mumble more shit I have no intention of listening to, I bring the bat down on his left hand where it’s tied to the armrest. The blow makes him howl with pain.

Alexei lets out a burst of laughter. “One hit, and he pisses himself.” He shakes his head with disgust.

Using more force, I deliver another blow to Ballmer’s hand, splitting the skin above the layer of fat. The moment I see blood, I swing the bat until there’s nothing left but a mangled mess of bones and bloody flesh.

I pause to catch my breath before I turn my eyes to the wailing man. “Let that be a warning,” I grind the words out. Leaning closer to him, a satisfied smirk tugging at my mouth, I hiss, “Next time, I won’t be as lenient.”

Alexei unties the gag from around Mr. Ballmer’s mouth, and leaning in close to him, he murmurs darkly, “Now thank Mr. Hayes for showing you kindness.”

Mr. Ballmer sputters through the shock, pain, and sobs, “Th-th-thank y-y-you.”

“Tell anyone, and the last thing you’ll see is my bullet,” Alexei warns him darkly.

“I w-w-won’t,” Mr. Ballmer whimpers.

Alexei signals for one of his men to tend to Mr. Ballmer while I walk to my car. Listing to the old man's grunts and wails, I shrug out of my jacket and unbutton my blood-splattered shirt before shoving them both into a plastic bag. Then grabbing a bottle of water, I rinse the blood from my hands.

When I’m dressed in a clean shirt and jacket, I pick up the bag and carry it over to a drum. Alexei lights a cigarette before he drops the match into the barrel. I throw the bag inside, and we watch it burn until there’s nothing left.

Exhaling a cloud of smoke, he asks, “Is she the one?”

“We’ll see,” I murmur as my thoughts go to Hana.

Alexei turns to face me. “You care for her?”

I nod. “Yes, she’s important to me.”

“Maybe one of us will get to taste the sweetness of love.” He makes it sound like a far-fetched idea.

My gaze locks with Alexei’s. “Thank you for your help.”

“It was… fun,” he mutters. “An appetizer before I get started with my work.”

I let out a chuckle, shaking my head.

“I’ll take the bat,” Alexei says, and he nods with his head to where one of his men places it in a bag.

Evidence, should I ever betray him and by some miracle manage to escape his vengeance.

“Happy hunting,” I say as I reach out my hand to him.

He lets out a burst of laughter. “I’d say have a good day… my friend, but how good can it be sitting behind a desk?”

I chuckle as I watch them leave with Mr. Ballmer. They’ll drop him off at one of the non-profit clinics for the poor that’s a front for an underground hospital.

Heading to my car, a smile stretches across my face.

Eight months. Fuck, I knew she’d make me work for her.

Chapter 6


Hana 19; Tristan 24

I didn’t hear from Tristan again until we got back from our trip to South Korea.

To say I was surprised when he called is the understatement of the year. I honestly thought he’d move on to his next conquest.

But here I am, getting ready to have dinner with him.

There were many times over the past eight months, where I almost gave in and texted him. Many nights were spent thinking about what could’ve been if I had agreed to date him immediately.

I don’t regret the choice I made, though. I feel I needed the time to grow, to adjust to being done with school, and to transition from being a teenager to a woman.

The kiss we shared grew into a hopeful dream that Tristan would wait for me.

Knowing he did wait… leaves me with butterflies and a racing heart.

The smile around my mouth grows as I take the dress he gifted me from my closet. I unzip the bag I kept it in and lay the fabric on my bed. I brush my fingers over the silk.

Tonight we’ll either start dating, or we’ll go our separate ways as acquaintances.

I have nothing to lose.

Except for my heart.

Getting dressed and applying my makeup with a careful hand, my thoughts dance around Tristan.

When I’m ready, I walk to my full-length mirror. My gaze drifts over my reflection, and feeling pretty, I smile.

“It’s all or nothing, Hana,” I whisper.

I hear the doorbell ring, and picking up my clutch, I leave my room. As I take the stairs down, my eyes lock on Tristan, where he’s talking to Dad in the foyer.

He looks even more handsome than I remember. Danger wrapped in an expensive suit.

The thought sends a thrill through my body.

Tristan's gaze snaps in my direction, and then he turns toward me. He stares at me until I stop right in front of him. Lifting my hand to his shoulder, I feel an electric current pass between us as I stand on my tiptoes. He lowers his head, and I press a kiss to the scruff on his jaw. The contact again sends an exhilarating sensation through me.