Her narrowed eyes relax around the edges. “He’s very protective when it comes to his family.” She sighs and her bottom lip pushes out. “Do I drive people crazy? Do you think? Really?”

“No,” I say, feeling for her. “I mean, you’ve been infuriating tonight, but most of the time you’re…”

She blinks, waiting for a beat before she prompts, “What? It’s okay. You can say it. Whatever it is.”

“Compelling,” I finish, instead of beautiful or funny or fascinating or unforgettable.

She is all those things, but she’s also angry with me. Better to save those confessions for a time when she’s more open to considering my offer.

Your offer? Offer for what? She deceived your entire family. Not to mention the fact that she’s out of her mind. You can’t seriously be considering this. You shouldn’t start a book club with this woman, let alone a relationship.

I don’t know what I’m seriously considering, only that Lizzy looks so beautiful and sad in the red glow of the cheap plastic torches by the restaurant’s front door. All I want to do is draw her into my arms and promise that everything is going to be all right.

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” she whispers. “I was upset by your betrayal, and you shouldn’t have lied, but that’s no excuse for violence. I hope you and your privates will accept my sincere apology.”

My lips twitch. “My privates and I will consider it if you’ll consider my apology for calling home. I truly didn’t feel I had any other choice, Lizzy. My brother deserves the truth. Surely you can see that side of things.”

Her lips tighten again. “Your brother deserves to be happy, and Sabrina will make him happy. Or, she would have made him happy if things had worked out according to plan.” She stands up straighter, rolling her shoulders back. “But there’s still hope. I know Andrew has his fair share of ego, but deep down, he’s a reasonable man. Surely he’ll see that love is more important than pride.”

I grunt in response.

If I know my brother, he’s going to send Sabrina packing the second she confesses—our father’s lies left Andrew with very little tolerance for anyone else’s—but I don’t want to be the one to deliver the death blow to Lizzy’s hope. Not when she seems inclined to let me take her home.

“Why don’t we go back to the cabin?” I ask. “You shouldn’t be running around barefoot in the forest when you’re recovering from a serious illness.”

“I’m not barefoot.” She extends a leg, bringing my attention to the trainers she’s wearing.

When on earth did she have time to put those on?

Before I can ask, she adds, “And I wasn’t in the forest. I hid under the sink until you left, then came out, packed, and got in my car. I was driving home when I saw you and Rafe. Though I didn’t realize it was Rafe at first.” She glances at the restaurant’s door. “It’s so strange. I never thought I’d be able to look at him and not know him like my own reflection in the mirror. No matter how far away he was or how long it had been since I’d seen him.”

“His wife looks like you,” I say, regretting the words immediately. It might make her feel better, yes, but it could as easily make her feel worse.

Or, least desirous of all, it might lead her to believe Rafe isn’t as over her as he seems. I have no idea what the man feels for Elizabeth. I only know that I would prefer to be the only man in her thoughts.

She turns back to me with a shrug. “Rindish girls all look alike.”

“No, they don’t.”

“They do,” she insists. “You’ve heard the joke. What’s the difference between a Rindish girl and a straw broom? The broom has bigger boobs and better hair.”

My forehead furrows. “No, I haven’t heard that. And you look nothing like a broom.”

“A bit like a broom,” she says. “From the front anyway.”

“No. Not from the front or any other angle. You’re…very beautiful.”

She bites her bottom lip, and her eyes begin to shine a little, but she doesn’t look away. “You’re very beautiful, too, and very kind. Most of the time.” She points a warning finger at my chest. “But if you do anything else to make it harder for Sabrina and Andrew to build a life together, I will hate you forever. I’m not joking.”

I nod. “I won’t contact home again. Not until you give me the go-ahead.”

She frowns again, deeply suspicious. “Really? You’d do that?”

I nod again. “I would. And I will.” I step in, brushing her hair from her forehead, just barely resisting the urge to kiss her there. “Now, can I follow you home? After running all over the woods searching for a missing princess, I could use a shower.”