The thought makes my lips curve as I push through the door of a small café in the village of Islip Downs. I’m frustrated with her deception, but I’m also…curious, though I’m sure our initial meeting won’t be pleasant.

I expect it to be fairly unpleasant, in fact.

But in no version of reality do I expect to stumble upon her the first time I pull off the road for coffee and a Berliner.

When the door to the shop opens behind me and a slim blonde steps inside, wrapped head-to-toe in a giant gray scarf, a fluffy white hat plopped atop her head like a dollop of whipped cream, I’m certain my eyes are playing tricks on me.

I blink—twice—but the woman’s heart-shaped face remains the same.

It’s Elizabeth, in the flesh, her cheeks flushing pink as her gaze connects with mine. I’m fifteen centimeters taller and probably twenty kilos heavier than the last time we met, but she recognizes me instantly.

The anxiety tightening her features leaves little doubt about that.

“Hello, Elizabeth,” I say, my voice surprisingly calm considering my pulse is suddenly beating double time. I thought I was ready to confront her, but now that she’s standing in front of me, looking so beautiful and familiar, I just want to buy her a coffee and spend the afternoon catching up.

I don’t want to be the bad guy, but like it or not, that’s my role in this drama.

“Hello, J-Jeffrey,” she stammers, her flush deepening. “What a surprise. But I’m n-not Elizabeth. I’m S-Sabrina.”

I arch a challenging brow.

I don’t want to mention the stutter—the one Elizabeth genuinely struggles with and Sabrina has been faking—but if she leaves me no choice…

She takes a breath, hugging the leather-bound book in her arms to her chest as she adds in a steadier voice, “It was t-too quiet at home after Lizzy left for the engagement festivities.” She smiles, and the sun shines brighter through the gauzy curtains in the shop window. “So I decided to take a holiday. The hiking trails are incredible here. Do you like hiking, too? Is that why you’re here?”

So we’re going to play that game…

Frowning, I chew the inside of my lip, debating my next move. I could continue to call her out as the wrong twin, but with no way of proving that she’s not her sister, that could quickly end in a stalemate. And seeing as people frown upon tossing princesses over your shoulder and toting them back to your castle these days, I’m going to have to find some other way to convince her that returning to Gallantia with me to sort out the Twin Swap Disaster is the honorable thing to do.

Assuming she has a sense of honor to appeal to.

The Lizzy I met years ago seemed to have principles and compassion, but I wouldn’t have pegged that girl as the sort to send her twin to the altar in her place. There’s a chance I was wrong about what sort of person she is. Standing here, staring into her eyes might feel like spotting the shoreline after months at sea, but the truth is I don’t really know her well at all.

“You should do something about your face, Jeffrey,” she whispers after a beat.

“My face?” I echo, my forehead furrowing.

“Yes. If I didn’t know better, it would be terrifying. You look like you’re planning to kidnap me, chop me into tiny pieces, and feed my organs to your pet weasels.”

My brows shoot up at how far off base—but still troublingly close to home—she is. Clearly, I need to work on my poker face.

“I have no designs upon your organs, Elizabeth,” I say, forcing a smile.

“Sabrina,” she corrects again, this time without hesitation or stutter.

But I’m not fooled. This is the same girl I played cards with until the wee hours of the morning years ago. She’s grown up and even more beautiful, with glossy hair so soft-looking it begs to be touched and plush lips I can’t stop glancing down at, but she’s Elizabeth.

I just have to find a way to prove it.

“Would you like to have dinner?” I ask. The longer I spend in Elizabeth’s company, the better the chances she’ll say something to incriminate herself. And good food and a bottle of wine never hurt when it came to loosening a liar’s tongue. “I’m in town for a few days to hike, as well. I’d love to catch up while I’m here. We’re going to be family soon, after all.”

Her eyes tighten around the edges, but she smiles. “Dinner sounds wonderful, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She sniffs and swipes at the tip of her pink nose with the tissue clenched in her fist. “I think my allergies are just acting up, but if I’m wrong, I’d hate to give you a cold and ruin your vacation.” Lips puckering, she holds the tissue aloft between us. “Which reminds me, I should wash my hands before I order coffee. If you’ll excuse me?”