But as I gather my things and start back to the hotel, I don’t feel finished.

I feel like I’m just getting started.



From the texts of Jeffrey Von Bergen

and Andrew Von Bergen

Jeffrey: How are you and Sabrina holding up? I saw the headline in today’s Baden Bergen Post.

Andrew: The one questioning my mental fitness to lead the country?

Jeffrey: They’re identical twins, and you’d spent very little time with Elizabeth before Sabrina showed up in her place. Your confusion is understandable. I’m honestly surprised by the ferocity of the backlash.

Andrew: The press hates being played for a fool as much as anyone else. Maybe more, since they’re in charge of reporting the facts. But it’s all right. Sooner or later, another scandal will rear its ugly head, and the Twin Swap will be forgotten. Until then, I’m working remotely while perfecting my tan. Majorca is gorgeous this time of year.

Jeffrey: You’re in Greece?

Andrew: Sabrina and I flew down a few days ago. Got a condo on the beach. Life is good, brother.

Jeffrey: So you’re still enjoying each other’s company, I take it?

Andrew: Enjoying is a pale, pasty word, Jeffrey. We’re relishing, luxuriating, savoring each other’s company like fine wine. I’m so happy I don’t care that half the world thinks I’m a blithering idiot who’s being led around by my dick.

Jeffrey: There are worse things to be led by.

Andrew: Exactly. Which reminds me—how is Elizabeth? Sabrina’s worried. Apparently, she wasn’t very forthcoming when they spoke last night.

Jeffrey: She’s fine.

Andrew: Fine. Huh. And how are you?

Jeffrey: Also fine.

Andrew: So, reading between the lines, you’re fucking like bunnies, but want to keep it just between the two of you until things calm down on the home front.

Jeffrey: Not at all. Not even close.

Andrew: Oh, come on, I’m at least a little close. You like her, don’t you? If you didn’t, you’d be on your way home right now.

Jeffrey: I care about her, yes.

Andrew: Care about her AND want to kiss her.

Jeffrey: I’m not going to talk to you about Elizabeth.

Andrew: Fine, then I’ll talk. If you two are hitting it off, I say go for it. We wouldn’t be the first brothers in the world to marry identical twins. And yes, from the outside looking in, it’s kind of weird—I’ve absolutely judged the hell out of those guys in the past—but who cares? Life is too short and love too sweet to let something pass you by because you’re worried what the gossips are going to say.

Jeffrey: Gossip is actually part of the reason I texted. I’ve been trying to reach Jarod at the genealogy institute all day, but he isn’t answering the phone.

Andrew: It’s Saturday.

Jeffrey: I thought they were open on weekends.

Andrew: Why would they be open on weekends? The dead people aren’t going anywhere, Jeffrey. It’s not an urgent area of research.

Jeffrey: Fine. Never mind. I’ll call on Monday.

Andrew: No, I can get through to Jarod for you. What do you need? What’s the genealogical emergency? We’re not related to Sabrina and Elizabeth somehow, are we? Because I can’t quit her, Jeffrey. I don’t care if we’re actually third cousins instead of fifteenth cousins, or whatever. I’m still going to get naked with her as frequently as possible. I won’t be stopped.

Jeffrey: No, it’s nothing like that.

Andrew: Thank God. So, what is it, then?

Jeffrey: I was hoping to get copies of all our data on the Rochat family tree. Elizabeth and I are looking into an issue with one of her ancestors and hit a dead end. I tried to access the material online, but the institute doesn’t have a searchable database.

Andrew: An issue with one of her ancestors? I thought she was working on finishing a big project for work. That’s what Sabrina said. Or was that another lie? You can tell me if it was. I won’t tell Sabrina. I don’t want to upset her any more than she’s upset already. Not to speak ill of your crush, but Elizabeth’s been petty insensitive about the effect her actions have had on Sabrina. Not to mention our family.

Jeffrey: She isn’t insensitive. She’s got a lot on her plate right now.

Andrew: With finishing her fancy panties?

Jeffrey: Don’t minimize her work. It’s important to her, and it’s beautiful. She’s an artist.

Andrew: Trust me, I enjoy lingerie as much as the next man—possibly more—but Sabrina is worried. So, if Elizabeth could tear herself away from her artistic process for a few minutes to call her sister and explain what the hell is going on with you two, that would be great. Or you can tell me now, and I’ll tell Sabrina. Then the artist won’t be inconvenienced by putting someone else’s needs first for a second.

Jeffrey: You don’t know her at all. All she’s done her entire life is put other people’s needs first. That’s why you’re sunning yourself on the beach with the love of your life right now—because of her. Don’t forget it, and don’t talk about her that way again. Not in front of me.