I’m about to put a hand on her lower back to steer her over to our table, but something stops me. It’s a good thing, because something tells me Molly would’ve had something to say about it. And my teammates would’ve noticed, too.

I introduce Molly to the guys and the wives who are there so far. Easy and his wife Allie immediately call her over to sit with them, and I shoot Easy a warning look.

There’s only one story I’d be embarrassed for him to share with Molly. A little over a year ago, I had too much to drink after a road game and I slept with a woman I’d just met. I regretted it before it was even over. She asked me to tie her hands to a bed and have my way with her, and I was too drunk to resist the temptation.

Of course, I faced a nasty scene the next morning when I told her it was a mistake and not the start of a new relationship. I talked to Easy about it, and he knows how remorseful I am. I think I can trust him not to tell Molly about it.

Still, I strain to hear their conversation over the noise in the crowded bar.

“Great game tonight,” Mia Petrov says over my shoulder.


Molly’s laughing and taking notes at the same time. Fuck. I hate knowing they’re talking about me but not knowing what they’re saying.

I get roped into conversations with teammates as I try to eat and keep my eyes on Molly. She makes the rounds, introducing herself to the new people who arrive at our table and scrawling notes on every interaction in her notebook.

When I finish talking to a couple fans, I look over and see Molly standing by herself. She looks a little uncomfortable, and I get up to go over to her, but Knox stops me.

“Was that penalty bullshit? I didn’t see it.”

I shrug. “Yeah. We both hooked, but I’m the only one who got caught.”

“Ah. Well, that ref’s a fucker.”

“Where’s Reese?”

“At home with the baby. I’m heading that way now, actually. Need to sleep when we can.”

“See you tomorrow, man.”


He turns to go, and I look at Molly again. She’s got her coat on and is about to leave, too. I’ve hardly even seen her tonight. I walk over to her, not letting myself get stopped this time.

“Hey, you’re not leaving, are you?”

“I got what I need.”

I’m several beers in, and I don’t think she’s had anything to eat or drink yet. I try to look persuasive as I say, “Put the notebook in your bag and hang out for a while.”

“No, I—”

“Come on, Molly. Don’t say no.”

Hugging the notebook to her chest, she gives me a look that’s almost imploring. “I don’t belong here.”

“Of course you do. You’re here with me.”

She looks over at the table, where Mia is laughing at something Anton said and a puck bunny is sliding onto Porter’s lap.

“I’m not good at this stuff.”

“What stuff?”

Her glare tells me the answer should be obvious. “Social stuff. It’s not fun for me.”

“What is fun for you?” My tone low, I edge a little closer, enjoying the pink flush of her cheeks.

“Nothing.” She takes a step back, the blush on her cheeks getting darker. “I mean, nothing that you would think is fun.”

“I think talking to you is fun.”

There’s a hint of a smile on her lips as she says, “So you like talking about yourself. Shocking.”

I laugh, my gaze drawn to the tiny bit of collarbone exposed by the one open button at the top of her shirt. She’s wearing a navy sweater over a white dress shirt, with dark jeans and her trademark ready-for-an-avalanche snow boots. No strappy shirts and heels for this practical woman. The world can take her or leave her as she is, and I like that about her.

“I just like talking to you, Molly. Even if we just talk about the weather.”

“It’s cold,” she says, giving me a pointed look. “That should cover it.”

We laugh, releasing every ounce of tension between us, but when I step closer to her and reach for her coat, Molly tenses once again.

“Stay,” I say.

“I really shouldn’t, Kit.”

It’s the first time she’s ever called me by my name, and I like it.

“You could just sit by me and not say anything.”

She shakes her head. “If someone from work saw me…it wouldn’t be good. I have to keep things strictly professional until the story is done.”

My blood heats. Until the story is done. I didn’t realize how much I’d like to see what could happen between me and Molly until she said those words.

“Strict, huh?” I lean closer, the mix of alcohol and desire making me bold.

I want to slide my arms around her waist and feel her body against mine. Show her she doesn’t have to be on her guard around me.