Fuck him. He’d given up that right ten years ago. Besides, if she were truly in danger, he was helpless, naked, and shaking in terror. She would have to save him.

She paused by the couch and looked at Tommy expectantly.

Your move.

He lowered the rifle. Then he lowered into the chair behind him.

Van and Luke spread out, taking up positions on either side of him, guns trained on Mason.

“You hired Paul Kissinger to monitor this woman.” Tommy leaned forward, his mouth moving behind the mask. “Paul got a better offer and handed off the job to us.”

Mason’s eyes widened, and his thrashing went ballistic.

She remained quiet, uncertain where Tommy was going with this lie.

“I want my payment in advance.” Tommy turned his cruel glare on her. “Undress.”

Her heart stopped, and her limbs turned to ice.

What was he doing?

I make decisions and do things that sane people would never fathom.

That conversation had been deliberate. He was warning her. Testing her.

Was this a test?

He reclined in the chair and lowered his zipper. The fly opened, exposing the thick, swelling root of his cock.

Sex was the destination. In front of Mason, Van, and Luke, he expected her to undress and ride his lap.

I live a crazy, filthy, dangerous life.

His team lived openly in their sexuality. They had monogamous partners now, but they hadn’t started that way. Tommy had watched Luke fuck Vera in California. Van had fucked half of the guys. They weren’t shy about sex. If she was going to live with them, this couldn’t be a sticking point.

It wasn’t. Not for her.

She looked at Mason, taking in his traumatized misery.

This wasn’t a test. It was punishment. Revenge. Tommy had set this up for Mason, the man who destroyed her trust and continued to harass her for the next decade.

She reached down deep and searched for something, a scrap of a feeling inside her that wanted to save Mason.

All she felt was heat. Fire. A burning desire for justice.

An eye for an eye.

“I watched you fuck another woman.” She stepped toward him and removed her shirt. “Do you know how that feels to watch someone you love betray you so cruelly?” She unbuttoned her jeans and kicked them off with her shoes. “I’ll show you.”

She stood before him in a black bra and panties. A matching set. Lacy and sexy. She’d chosen wisely when she dressed this morning. But she hadn’t selected her underwear for Mason. She was interested in one reaction, and it was searing a line of fire down the length of her back.

Pivoting, she found his eyes in the mask, and oh, Jesus, they smoldered.

Luke and Van kept their guns and their attentions on Mason as she made her way to Tommy. She circled his chair, savoring the track of his gaze. It stayed with her, turning his head until she stepped out of view behind him.

Bending over his back, she brought her hands around him, caressing his sculpted chest, dragging up the shirt, and exposing all that glorious muscle.

He moaned as she touched him. He slumped down in the chair as she reached lower, slipping her hand into the V of his open fly. Soft hair, swollen root, he was so hard, so long and thick. It took some adjusting and a lift of his hips to wrangle him free.

A muffled cry sounded from the couch, drawing her gaze to the tears leaking down Mason’s cheeks. He was hurting. The emotional sort of suffering that stabbed deep.

She didn’t rejoice in that. Didn’t torment him with a smile. She might’ve been vindictive, but she wasn’t inhumane.

Straightening, she walked around the chair, eyes locked on her man. He sprawled with a casual confidence that watered her mouth and soaked her panties.

His cock lay on his thigh, twitching as his golden stare violated every inch of her body.

She climbed onto his lap.

He did the rest, his hands roaming, pulling her close, and tugging aside the crotch of her panties. His mask prevented kissing, but his eye contact sealed their intimacy. He watched her as he guided himself into her body. He didn’t look away as she gripped his corded neck and struggled for breath. He held her gaze as he lanced into her and broke into a hungry rhythm.

She was on top, but he controlled everything. The speed, the thrust, the tempo of her pulse. He owned her, dominated her, and brought her screaming and writhing into blissful completion.

With his forehead against hers, he grunted into her cheek, exploding, spilling himself into her with a deep, rumbling growl.

Mason was full-on sobbing behind her.

As she started to lift, Tommy palmed her backside, holding her to him.

“Thank you,” he whispered, too low for Mason’s ears.

His jealous-possessive nature had needed that bit of revenge. She’d needed it, too. For entirely different reasons.

Mason wouldn’t bother her anymore, and he would think twice before cheating on another woman.