“She was pissed. But he wanted to be here for you.”

“Vera stayed behind because she has a gunshot wound?”

“He refused to let her travel. He’ll have a lot of groveling to do when he gets home.”

Home. In Colombia, Texas, or Timbuctoo, it didn’t matter. Home was wherever his fucked-up, overprotective family was. And Rylee.

“She’s one of us now.” He nodded at the restrooms.

“You think she’s a good fit?”

“For the team? Or for me?”


“She’s mean enough.” He chuckled. “Yeah, she fits. She’s carrying her weight in issues.”

“Oh, good. I was starting to think she might be too normal for this crowd.”

“Nah, she’s batshit crazy.” A warm whoosh filled his chest, lifting it. “She wouldn’t be a psychologist if she wasn’t.”

“Look at you.” Her enigmatic brown eyes roamed over his face. She stepped closer and trailed her fingers along his jaw. “You’re falling, and my God, it’s stunning.” She smiled wickedly. “You’re so fucked, Tomas.”

He cupped her hand to his cheek, cherishing the connection.

Footsteps approached, and they turned.

Rylee breezed past them, followed by Luke. She shot Tomas a withering glare and stormed to the SUV, slamming the door behind her.

“Jealousy. I don’t miss that stage of a new relationship.” Liv patted his cheek. “Good luck.”

She strolled toward Van and the others, where they’d calmly gathered near the other SUV. Tomas headed to the bathroom to take a piss. Then he joined Rylee in the backseat.

“You want me,” he said in greeting.

“I want you to fuck off and leave me alone.”

“I’m not him.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Yeah.” She huffed. “You think I’m hypersensitive and over-reactive because the man I loved cheated on me. Here’s a news flash. You can fuck whoever you want because I. Do. Not. Love. You.”

“Love me or hate me. Either way, I’m yours.” He grabbed her jaw and forced her eyes to his. “I will never fucking cheat on you.”

Her swallow jumped against his hand, her eyes round and heartbreaking.

He was pushing too hard, too fast.

“Get some sleep.” He released her, giving her space. “We have a long way to go.”


Cole’s safe house was a lakefront estate in rustic Missouri. Any doubts Tomas had about finding a place to comfortably and safely accommodate their party of nine were immediately quashed when he stepped inside the sprawling mansion.

It sat on a dead-end road, where the asphalt met acres upon acres of woodland. No other houses. No sounds of traffic or life for miles around. Total isolation.

“Bedrooms are down that hall.” Cole paced through the main living area, flicking on lights and tapping codes into a screen on the wall. “Eat. Get some rest, and we’ll reconvene tonight.”

No one moved. Tomas didn’t know what the others were thinking, but Jesus, it was surreal, this glimpse into Cole’s private life. Even Rylee, who had only met Cole a week ago, looked shell-shocked by the grandeur of the place.

Fireplaces dominated both ends of the living room. The cathedral ceiling and natural color schemes directed all attention to the wall of picturesque windows between the hearths.

The view of a private cove, illuminated by the late morning sun, was nothing short of mesmerizing.

“You own this? The estate? The land?” Tomas watched Cole move through the open kitchen. “By yourself?”


“Clearly, we paid you too much for your services.” Van prowled along the windows, gnawing on a toothpick and taking in the view.

“Seeing how I’ve been saving your asses for free for the past year, I’d argue you’re not paying me enough.”

“You’re either with us, or you’re not.” Liv lowered into an overstuffed chair. “It’s not a monetary decision.”

“Am I with you?” Cole stalked toward her and bent into her space, nose to nose. “Spell it out. What do you want?”

“Secrets don’t keep well for long in this family.” She was a fraction of Cole’s size and managed to look more threatening as she leaned in, forcing him back. “We hide nothing from one another.”

“Except Tomas’ emails,” Cole said.

“Which are no longer a secret.” Tomas clenched his jaw.

“Like I said.” Liv raised her chin. “Secrets don’t keep in our family.”

“If you let me in, I’ll do the same.” Cole straightened and shrugged off his leather jacket. “This property is the entirety of my wealth. An accumulation of the side jobs, the risks I’ve taken over the past twenty years. But it’s more than that. This is my retirement. My sanctuary. And now, I’m offering it to you. To the cause.”

Tomas glanced at Rylee beside him, the surprised look on her face mirroring his thoughts. For whatever reason, Cole had just made an exorbitant bid to be part of their exclusive team.

He’d been working alongside them for a year, but always as an outsider. He wasn’t forced into this by way of Van’s attic. Nor was he marrying into the family. Before now, those had been the only avenues into becoming one of their kindred.