I glance at Winston, but he won’t look at me. He’s gone rigid. So much for saving me from the evil queen. I try not to wither under her hateful glare.

“I’ll, uh, just see if Perry needs anything,” I stammer as I turn and start for the door.

“I’m sure Perry can handle himself just fine.” The warning in her voice has me shrinking away from her. “Perhaps you should . . .” She waves another manicured hand at me. “Freshen up in the ladies’ room.”

My cheeks burn hot. All I can do is nod before I bolt out of Winston’s office. His secretary, Deborah, smirks at me, clearly enjoying my embarrassment. Rather than let her see me frazzled, I do as Caroline suggested and freshen up—and put my damn panties back on.

The way Caroline had looked at me still haunts my mind. As though someone like me will never be good enough for her son. Sometimes I wish I’d met Winston four years from now—after college. So that I’d have my own value. That money wouldn’t be the connecting factor. That he’d see me as a successful woman with similar bedroom tastes.

But I’d never have had the opportunity to meet him had things not transpired the way they did.

With a sigh, I head over to Perry’s office, hurrying past Nate’s so I don’t have another confrontation with him like earlier in the week. He stops tapping away on the computer to smile at me as I enter.

“Hey, sis,” he greets, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

I shake my head at him. “Don’t let Winston hear that. Or Nate for that matter. He already thinks I’m trying to get Winston to put a ring on me.”

Among other things. Like fucking someone behind Winston’s back.

If only that were the worst of my worries. But, on top of everything, I have this building, burning worry about what I’ll do about Leo. I haven’t heard from him in a couple of days, ever since I fed him false information, which should bring relief, but it only brings uneasiness. It won’t be long before he accosts me again to see what I know. I’ve been lucky to come out unscathed thus far, however, I’m not sure that will always be the case.

Perry’s features grow serious. “Nate giving you shit?”

“Just protecting his friend.” I let out a harsh breath. “We have bigger problems.”

Besides Leo and Nate and the triplets and all the other crap in my world.


“Your mom . . .” I trail off and wince. “Let’s just say I met her for the first time, and it didn’t go well.”

“She’s here?” He sits up in his chair, frowning. “Why?”

“I’m not sure, but she ran me out of Winston’s office.”

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’ll be fine. She’s just . . . overprotective sometimes.” His blue eyes find mine. “Speaking of overprotective, have the triplets fucked with you anymore since the night of the party? You’ve seemed edgy this week.”

It warms my heart that Perry seems to care about me and my wellbeing. Where Winston tries to pretend he doesn’t, Perry makes it clear he does care. I’m glad we’ve become friends. Since the triplets ran all mine off, it’s nice to have someone to talk to—someone who isn’t interested in getting me naked.

“No,” I tell him with a shrug. “But, in their world, that’s scarier. If they’re quiet, then they’re up to something.” Just like with Leo. Of course, I don’t mention that.

“Hmm,” Perry says, an evil smirk on his face that reminds me a lot of his wicked older brother.

“You know, when Win does that, he’s up to no good.”

“I’m a Constantine, Ash. We’re never up to any good.”

After helping Perry for a few hours until five, I leave his office to seek out Winston. His office door is still closed. I’m dying to know what his mother said. I walk over to his office and knock.

Deborah ends a call and clears her throat. “Mr. Constantine has left for the day, miss.”


As though I’m some random visitor.

Deborah knows I’m way more than just a visitor for Winston, and yet she seems to get a thrill by treating me as though I’m nothing to him.

“He went to dinner with his mother,” she reveals, forcing a fake smile. “Could I leave him a message?”

I grit my teeth and shake my head. “Nah, I’ll see him at his place later.”

It’s a lie, but I enjoy seeing her bristle. Truth is, I don’t know if Winston plans on seeing me later. He’s never cut off contact from me like this or not given me some sort of itinerary. I feel sort of abandoned, but I certainly don’t let her see that.

He gave you an apartment.

My blood boils at that thought, but it’s another sick dose of reality. Am I reading into what we have more than I should?