Winston steps closer until his chest is pressed against my back. “Do not make me say it again, or I’ll embarrass the shit out of you in front of everyone here.”

Sully grabs Scout’s shoulder, but he shakes it off, fury rippling from him. He releases his hold on me and steps back.

“See you later, sis,” Scout bites out, the threatening promise of more a thick, cloying malevolent fog around us.

The triplets storm off, disappearing into the crowd. Once it’s safe, I turn around to face Winston. The picture from earlier didn’t do his appearance any justice. The man can wear a suit, that’s for damn sure. But a tuxedo? He’s delectable and dangerous all at once. A mix between prince and secret spy. A villain with a hero façade.

Tonight, in my story, he’s more hero than villain. He chased away the monsters and stares at me like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on. Sure, he’s scowling because he’s Winston freaking Constantine, but the intensity in his icy blue eyes is a mixture of concern and lust. It takes everything in me not to stand on my toes and press my lips to his.

“You have hearts in your eyes, Ash,” he says with an arched brow. “Heart eyes mean you want flowery words, and you know those will cost you.”

I deflate some, reminded of the fact those bastards stole all my money. “I can’t afford them. I can’t afford anything now.”

The music changes to something familiar. Winston gets the devilish glint in his eyes right before he does something to thoroughly embarrass me. But, rather than feel apprehensive, I find comfort in it.

I thought my old boyfriend Tate was safe.

I was never safe with Tate, which was why he was easily run off by the Terror Triplets.

With Winston, I feel it. His dark unspoken promise shielding me from everyone around us. He’ll want to make my stepbrothers pay for what they did.

“Dance with me.” He offers me a hand. “Come on.”

Lifting my chin, I meet his probing stare while not taking his hand. “How much?”

His eyes narrow, and his nostrils flare as he drops his hand. “It’s my birthday. Shouldn’t it be free?”

“The sex stuff is free,” I say, tossing his own words back at him. “The rest has a price.” I step closer and pat his chest. “Besides. I already got you a birthday present.”

At this, he smirks. “What could my little maid have possibly gotten me?”

“You’ll see. But first, let’s make a deal. Five hundred per song.”

“A grand if you stumble at least once over your own feet.”

“I know how to waltz, Win,” I huff. “It’ll be harder to mess up on purpose.”

“You’ve never waltzed with me, Cinderelliott. Take the deal or don’t.”

“You’re lucky I need money,” I sass back.

His villainous smile tosses a match on my brittle heart, setting it on fire. “Indeed. Hurry, Ash, the song’s almost over.”

“Sweeten it for me, and you have yourself a deal.”

“Since your poker face sucks, and I know you’re better at dancing than I’m giving you credit for, I’ll pay you two grand per song if you don’t mess up.”

I stick my hand out to shake on it. His hand envelops mine, offering me his strength. The song changes to “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers. He doesn’t drop my hand, but instead wastes no time pulling me to him. Because he’s Winston and waiting for me to goof up, I throw myself into the dance, recalling every dance lesson as a child and pre-teen. We effortlessly glide through the crowd, moving this way and that way until we’ve created a wide berth around us filled with smiling partygoers as they watch the birthday boy dance. It’s a little unnerving, but I focus on the extremely successful and wickedly handsome man.

His stare is intense as he keeps his attention focused solely on me. He spins me out and then brings me back to him, neither of us losing stride. I gasp when he dips me, worried my wig might slip, but then he’s tugging me back upright and all is well with my hair. We waltz around the room with practiced ease. Soon, the song is ending, but he doesn’t let me go.

“Again?” he asks, his brow arched.


His eyes linger at my mouth, and then we’re dancing to something different. Thankfully, several people have joined us on the dance floor, including Keaton and his date.

“You’ll have to pay me in cash until I can get a new phone sorted,” I tell him. “Mine’s gone.”

A flash of fury darkens his blue eyes. “Shall I get it back for you, princess?”

I roll my eyes, fighting a grin. “You’re supposed to capture the princess, villain, not try to defend her honor.”

“Apologies, Cinderelliott, I have my tales confused.”

“They took it all, Win.” My bottom lip trembles once. “What they did to my dress . . .” I swallow hard, blinking back my tears. “It was horrible.” Leo Morelli’s terrifying scowl flashes in my mind, making me shudder. I wish I could tell Win there are more monsters in my world than the triplets, but I can’t. I’m too scared, too worried that Win would . . . No, he wouldn’t cast me aside for it. My heart seems to trip over itself at the thought, at the fear.