Goddamn, she’s beautiful.

The dress makes her long legs seem even longer. They’re shiny tonight from whatever oils they put on her at the spa. My mouth waters to run my tongue up the inside of her thigh to taste her again.

We may not have love like she claims, but we have a damn good partnership going on right now. I know good business and sound investments. Ash was a risk, but it came with great reward. This thing between us is hot and entertaining. It’s enough for me, so it has to be enough for her.

“Do you have reservations?” she asks when we reach the door and step inside the busy restaurant.

I place a palm on the small of her back. “I called ahead and spoke to the owner.”

“Of course you did.” She flashes me a silly smile that warms my blood.

“Have you been here before?” I ask, leaning in to inhale her sweet shampoo.

“No. Never.”

“It’s called Edge. A five-star steakhouse. The cows were probably still mooing this morning it’s that fresh.”


I laugh and shrug. “You won’t say that once you’ve tasted the filet.”

The hostess greets us. Once I murmur my name, her eyes widen, and she scurries off. Moments later, a portly man with a wiry beard greets us. He must be Ed Stevens, the owner.

“Mr. Constantine,” he booms, shaking my hand. “So thrilled to have you at Edge tonight. Come this way.”

He seats us at a table in the middle of the restaurant that faces the door. As requested. I give him a nod and guide Ash to her seat. Once I’ve pulled out the chair and seated her, I take my seat beside her.

“Look, he does know how to be a gentleman,” she mutters to me, flashing me a wicked smile. “Who knew?”

I discreetly flip her off by scratching my stubble with my middle finger. “I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, Cinderelliott.” It has cost me a lot of money.

She reaches over and squeezes my thigh under the table. “Even when you drive me insane, I have fun with you.” She smirks. “Boyfriend.”


The restaurant is packed, but of course they found a way to indulge a Constantine. Money talks. In my case, it’s super fucking chatty and anyone’s willing to listen.

“Are you sure you’ve never been here before?” I cock my head to the side as I study her, lingering my stare on her plump lips.

“No. Not all of us are fancy like you,” she teases.

“This is the Baldridge building. Where your stepmother works.” Or worked if I have anything to say about it.

“No way,” she hisses, her hazel eyes growing wide and round. “This building is the one with the big fuss?”

I give her a clipped nod. “You never visited Manda?”

“No.” Her nostrils flare in disgust. “I didn’t.”

The evening goes on without a hitch. Our appetizers are savory and delicious. Wine continues to flow. And the steak is every bit as I hyped it up to be. It’s no wonder Leo Morelli wanted this building and plans to evict every tenant aside from Edge Steakhouse.

I’m watching Ash moan over chocolate cake when rats suddenly make their way into the building. Not actual rats. Morellis. Ash makes a choked sound upon seeing the entourage.

Oh good . . . dinner and a show.



Oh my God.

He’s here. That bastard is here.

Dread pools in the pit of my stomach, souring everything I just ate. With a shaking hand, I set the fork down with a clatter. I can’t look at him, but I feel Leo’s hard stare boring into me.

He wants to know Constantine secrets that I not only don’t have, but I wouldn’t give to him anyway. But the idea of him blasting our sex life to the world turns my stomach.

Dad will be disgusted.

Caroline will be horrified.

I tremble as I wonder how in the hell I’ll get myself out of this mess. Winston doesn’t know Leo’s been harassing me. If he did . . .

What would he do?

One thing’s for sure, he certainly wouldn’t roll over and take it.

Against my own will, my eyes lift to track Leo. He’s seated at a table near the front door, his dark eyes locked on me. His attention falls to his phone, and then mine buzzes from inside my purse.

It’s him.

I’m tempted to ignore him, but something tells me that won’t bode well for me.

I scramble to grab my phone. The last thing I need or want is for Leo to come over here.

Asshole Stalker: Why is Constantine in MY building?

Great. Here we go.

Me: He misses it.

Asshole Stalker: Don’t fuck with me, sweetheart.

Me: I don’t know why aside from the fact he likes the steak here!

A picture comes through and it’s one of the many explicit ones Winston has taken of me. My face burns with embarrassment and my gut twists almost painfully.