Where the other two boys are terrified, Scout is pissed. If looks could kill, there’s no doubt in my mind this psychopath would end me.

“You know why you’re here?” I poke his forehead, enjoying his snarl. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t talk with tape over your mouth.”

Perry laughs from behind me.

“Looks like you’ll just have to listen, then,” I say to the fuckwit. “You should have stayed the fuck away when I told you to.”

His eyes burn into me, but they’re growing glassy by the minute. Based on how the other two boys aren’t struggling anymore, I estimate that I’m running out of time to get my point across.

“It’s like this,” I explain, shaking my head as though Scout is a naughty child who needs scolding. “You fucked up. Royally. Then, you thought you could best me. A fucking Constantine. Like a little bitch, you waited until I was away before you pounced on my girlfriend.” I inwardly roll my eyes at the thought of Ash preening at my girlfriend comment. “You hurt her. You hurt what’s mine.”

Scout’s eyes close, and I thump him on the forehead to get his attention again.

“Drugs are bad, Mannford. Surely you knew this with your mother being a doctor and all.” I arch a brow at him. “How much oxy did you take?”

“Enough,” Xavier assures me. “Fucker tried to bite me, but he took his medicine like a good boy in the end.”

“Harvard is gone,” I bite out, thumping Scout again on the head. “Your weak attempt to coerce me into fixing your mistake was a waste of fucking breath. Your cars are gone thanks to your hot little sister. And now your mommy’s ability to make money is gone too.”

Scout’s eyes widen despite the drugged haze he’s in.

“She’s being sued for malpractice.” I shake my head as though I feel sorry for her. I don’t. “By several people.”

Perry chuckles. Ulrich, in his effort to uncover all he could about Manda Mannford, was able to find some people who were paid off for botched surgeries. All it took was a call from my attorney, the great Anthony Lambruski, offering to represent them for free and they quickly agreed their payoff wasn’t enough for the terrible medical care they received.

“But wait, there’s more,” I say in a tone that mimics a gameshow host. “I have one more thing to take away from you.” Rising to my feet, I stare down at the piece of shit triplets who thought they could go to war with me and win. They thought wrong. “Lacrosse.”

I step back and gesture at Todd. He storms over to Sparrow, raises his foot, and stomps on his knee. Sparrow screams from behind the tape, tears streaming from his eyes. Sully whimpers when Todd makes his way over to him. Without warning, he does the same for Sully. Both sob like children. Finally, Todd delivers the same fate to Scout, making sure to smash both knees. Their howls of pain are music to my ears.

“Remember what I’m capable of,” I spit out at Scout. “And this only scratches the surface of what I can do to you. I’m the king of this city, and you’re nothing but bottom feeding parasites.”

I give Xavier a nod of my head. He and Todd shove Sparrow and Sully into the backseat of their mother’s Porsche. Then, Xavier comes back for Scout. He pushes him into the passenger seat and then closes the door before climbing in the driver’s seat. Xavier gives me a mock salute before driving off. Todd hops into the SUV and follows him.

As soon as they’re gone, Perry shakes his head and cringes. “Did you hear the pops? Fucking sick, man.”

“Well deserved,” I remind him. “Come on. We don’t want to miss the show.”

He follows me over to the lookout of the parking garage that has a view of the street below. We wait patiently for several minutes. The white Porsche flies out onto the street, screeching as it turns sharply. It speeds up and then the door flings out, an ex-Navy Seal rolling out with impressive skill. The subsequent crash is loud.

Xavier hops to his feet, a knife in hand, making a beeline for the vehicle. He reaches in, cutting Scout’s hands free and removing the tape on his mouth. Then, he drags him into the driver’s seat. Todd pulls up in the SUV and quickly frees Sully and Sparrow. They close the doors and then hop into the SUV, disappearing down the next street. All of it happens within the course of a minute. Moments later, sirens can be heard as a police car makes it to the scene.

Their mommy will have a hard time cleaning up that mess.



Win: What are you doing?

Me: Waiting for you?

Win: Naked?

Me: I’m in a dressing room so . . .