“Again, common knowledge. I imagine anything with a skirt.” I twirl the liquid around in my glass, enjoying the heady scent of it. “I want to know what makes them tick. I need to know how to detonate them with one push of a button.”

His brow lifts, amusement contorting his handsome features. “You’re such a dick sometimes.”

We both laugh, because he’s one too.

“Fine,” he says after a moment. “I’ll get you your information.”

“And what do you get, baby Keat?”

He stands and walks over to the liquor cabinet, picking up the bottle we’ve been drinking from. “This. Your birthday gift.”

“Little shit,” I grumble over my shoulder. “Fine. It’s a deal.”

I don’t tell him my real birthday gift will be when Cinderelliott gets on her knees and chokes on my cock. Because, if he knew, he’d want that instead, especially once he realizes Ash is his age. He might convince Mother he’s in love with the prissy little rich girl he’s with, but I know better. She’s nothing more than a tool to be used in his agenda, whatever that may be. Another reason to add to the list of why my family can’t know about this girl.

Each and every one of them will try and take her from me in some way.

Except Perry.

For the first time in . . . ever . . . the golden child is my favorite, too.



I can do this.

I’m not some run-of-the-mill damsel in distress.

Women who can go toe-to-toe with a Constantine and hold their own don’t faint at the first sign of danger. And though I’m shaking like a leaf with tears steadily streaming down my cheeks, I won’t let this assault stop me.

I’ll make it to that birthday ball, find my dark prince, and show those twisted triplets they’ve messed with the wrong girl. They may scare the hell out of me, but my inner fire begs to be unleashed so I can watch them burn.

My mind races with rampant thoughts. Most of them revenge filled. Some of them terrified and cowed, especially when I think of Leo and the rest of the Morellis. But the thoughts that keep me powering forward are of him.

Winston Constantine.

My fucked-up Prince Charming.

The games we play are ours, and I won’t let those psycho stepbrothers of mine or Leo Morelli make me feel ashamed of them. Win gets me in a way no one else does. But, though I’m not embarrassed of what goes on between us, and I’m certain neither is he, I can’t discount the fact that there are ripple effects that could ultimately harm us in the end. That’s why I can’t be cavalier and assume he’s going to rescue me from this situation.

No, I have to think like Winston.

There’s a way to get the triplets back. I’m sure I’ll find it, too. They see me as this weak girl they can toy with and control. They’re playing with fire even though they don’t realize it yet.

As for Morelli . . .

That’s going to take a little more thought.

Winston can help me with Scout and his scary shadows, but Leo was pretty clear about his threats. I’ll figure something out. Once I’ve rested and had time to think.

Right now, I have a party to get ready for.

The doorbell rings, and I startle. I swipe the rest of my smeared makeup off my face before tossing the washcloth back into the sink. The bell rings again. By the time I reach the door, I’m out of breath. Standing on the other side is Perry Constantine, ravishing in a tuxedo.

His concerned expression transforms into one of fury. All plans to be brave and vengeful fly out the window in this moment. I burst into tears, thankful to have someone on my side after the horrible crap I just endured.

“Fuck, Ash,” Perry growls, pulling me to him in a fierce hug. “What the hell happened to you?”

He squeezes me tight, holding all the cracked and brittle pieces of me together. I allow myself a few ragged sobs before I’m reeling it back. Sniffling and swallowing down the emotion. There’s no time for this. I pull from his embrace, swiping at my eyes with the palms of my hands.

“Long story,” I croak out. “Right now, I need your help.”

Turning on my heel, I rush up the stairs to grab my bag. His heavy footfalls behind me are comforting. As soon as we enter my room, he lets out a string of curse words.

“What the fuck happened?” he demands, gesturing at my ruined dress on the floor. “Don’t give me the ‘long story’ bullshit. Your brothers did this to you?”

“Step,” I hiss, shoving the contents of my backpack they’d yanked out earlier back inside and zipping it. “They’re assholes.”

Perry shakes his head, blue eyes flashing with anger. “This is beyond asshole behavior. This is insanity. It’s assault.” His face pales. “Wait . . . Did they . . .”