“You’d kick me out?”

“There are plenty of women who’d take your place without any fuss. You’re not the best pussy to ever be here.” He released her hands and walked past her.

Russ had more important things to do with his time.

He entered the main office, and saw Lewis staring at a projector with Mandy’s three images. There was the image of when she had disappeared as a child, the one that had gone through the aging program, and then the image of the woman on the security footage.

“It’s her then?”

“Mandy’s blood was tested when she was a child so it was on record. I matched the two blood samples, and discovered them to be the same. It’s her, Russ. That’s Mandy. She’s alive, and she’s the one who has been helping those girls and women. I don’t know how she’s been doing it.”

He moved behind his friend, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find a way to get her out.”

“I’ve already made sure our contact knows money is not a problem.”

“What happens now?” he asked.

“They’re going to find the background info on Augustus, and then come back to me.”

“You don’t sound hopeful,” Russ said.

“Every second we wait, it risks Mandy. She was being monitored. If someone knew there was a leak of girls, she could be dead. My involvement could kill her.”

“Have you removed her photograph from the missing persons?” Richard asked.

“Yes, I removed it, and closed down any trace of that image ever being taken.” Lewis stood, and ran fingers through his hair. He had several weeks’ worth of growth around his face, and he looked like shit. Russ told him so.

“Have you gone home?” he asked.

“No. I’ve not wanted to go home. This is important to me, Russ. I can’t just go home.”

“What good are you going to be if they come back with an answer for bringing her home? You’re tired, worn out. What are you going to do then?”

“I’ve got to get her out of there.”

“You will, but you’re going to have to be prepared for what comes next. It may not be good.”

“I know that. I know she’s not going to be the same fucking Mandy who was taken. I get that you all care about me, and you’re all just looking for me, but it’s fucking hard, okay? It’s hard to know someone I’ve been looking for, for fucking years, is right there, and I can’t do anything about it.”

Lewis stormed over to the map and pointed at a location. He was being torn apart, and it was hurting him.

Russ couldn’t do anything but listen.

“We’re all here for you. None of us are going to back down. This is our mission as much as it’s yours.”

Lewis deflated. “I’m sorry.” He rubbed at his eyes and released a sigh. “I’m fucked in the head right now. I can just imagine her screaming for my help. She screamed for me then, and I was too damn slow. I don’t want to be slow now. I’ve got to be strong for her.”

Richard nodded. “We will.” He wasn’t about to tell his friend that Mandy could very well be dead. That wasn’t what Lewis needed to hear right now.

“I heard you and Anna are a thing right now? The girl that we saved?”


“Then you will know part of what I’m going through. Imagine Anna being taken, Russ, and you can’t find her, or locate her, and she’s always there. Her screams for help, begging you. She’s within your grasp, and you just can’t do anything.”

The very thought had Russ in knots. He couldn’t handle anything like that.

“Keep hold of her, Russ. Life is too fucking short, and it’s too fucking painful to live a life with regrets.”

Chapter Eleven

One week later Anna placed the light goods onto the shelf, and took her time so she didn’t hurt any other part of her body. It had been just over a week since she and Russ had sex, and they had fucked every single day of the week. Russ had an insatiable appetite, and he refused to wear a condom. She tried not to think of the pregnancy tests kits that she was now placing on the shelves.

Anna hadn’t taken a test yet, and she didn’t intend to. She wasn’t ready to know the truth, or to make a decision. The relationship she was having with Russ excited her. She never knew what was going to happen next, and when he touched her it was like a spark inside her, waiting to go up in flames.

When she finished with one case of tests, she pulled the trolley back to the supply room, being careful not to bump into any customers. Franny was in the back room as she passed, and Anna made sure to say hello to her.