Franny had been a rock in the workplace, keeping her busy, and getting her used to being back with the team. It wasn’t the kind of work she wanted to keep doing, but whenever she thought about moving on, it was too hard. Karen was gone, and taking that next step required her to remember what she had lost.

She was only on part time while her arm healed completely, and she had been to the doctors. They were sure the cast was going to come off within a matter of weeks. She couldn’t wait to have full use of her arm. Anna wouldn’t be as strong, but she would be able to use it.

Entering the warehouse, she moved toward the light section, and started to stack up her trolley when her cell phone rang. Russ had given her the cell phone, and demanded that she keep it on her at all times.

“You know I’m working right?” she asked, using her cast arm to hold her phone to her ear.

“I know, and I wanted to see you. You’re finished after lunch, right?”


“Come to my workplace.”

“No.” So far she’d avoided his workplace like the plague. She wasn’t afraid of his money, but seeing him in his business domain kind of scared her a little.


“I’m not coming to your workplace. They’ll probably throw me out on the street.”

“Anna! They would be fired on the spot. Come to my workplace. I’ve got a present for you.”

“I’m not comfortable having presents.”

He chuckled. “You’re going to love this kind of present.”

“Why?” There was something about his voice that made her body go wet with desire.

“Well, I was sitting here minding my own business, working, of course, and I happened to remember the taste of your sweet pussy, not to mention how damn good it feels wrapped around my dick. I started to get hard, baby. My dick, it needs your tight pussy on it, and I figured if I waited until lunch when your work was finished, you could come and help me.”

Anna rested her head against the shelf. He was driving her crazy. Her pussy grew slick just remembering the way he slid inside her. Russ was still a big man, but he didn’t hurt so much anymore when he fucked her. The pleasure was always intense, and he always pushed her to the peak of an orgasm, holding her on that precipice.

“You’re thinking about me right now, aren’t you, baby?”


“Are you soaking wet for me?”

“You know I am. I’m always wet for you, and I always need you.”

“Come to my office. I will make it worth your while.”

Nibbling her lip, Anna thought about it. There was no point in saying no. The only person she was going to disappoint was herself.

“Okay, I’ll stop by for lunch.”

“I’ll have lunch delivered to us, and ready for when you get by.”

“Bye, Russ.”

She hung up the phone before he got a chance to say anything else. His words had lighted a fire, and now it was up to her to put it out.

Licking her lips, she took some deep breaths and tried to stop the arousal that he’d created. He was turning her into a sex addict.

Grabbing the items, she dragged the trolley onto the main floor, unpacked everything, and went back, repeating the same process. All the time, she watched the clock for the lunch hour that signaled the end of her shift. The clock seemed to go so slowly, and it was driving her crazy. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to keep on moving even as her excitement started to build.

When it was lunch break, she cleaned up her trolley, placed it in the bay, and clocked out. She grabbed a cab, and sent a quick text to Russ, to let him know she was on her way. Locking her fingers together, she stared out of the window, unsure of what was going to happen when she finally got to his office. She’d never been there, and didn’t know what to expect.

The cab driver told her they had arrived, and she paid him the extravagant fare, and climbed out of the back. She stared up at the tall building, and swallowed.

Holy shit.

The building was larger than she imagined, and it just frayed her nerves. Entering the building, she walked up to the main desk where a blonde woman was talking on some head device thingy.

When she finished, she looked at Anna.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I have a, erm, lunch appointment with Russell Wyatt.”

The woman looked at her doubtfully, and glanced across some booklet, which Anna guessed was an appointment booklet. “What’s your name?”

“Anna Little.”

The woman looked up startled. “Can I see some ID?”

Pulling her license out of her bag, she handed it over to the woman. “Okay, you may indeed go on up.”

She took her license back and started walking toward the elevators.