“Are you talking about a virgin?”

“No. She doesn’t have to be a virgin. All she needs to do is not be drive-thru pussy.”

“I don’t know if I like you all that much anymore.”

He chuckled. “I get that a lot.”

“I bet you do. You’re very, erm, blunt.”

“You’ve been hanging around with Russ. He’s pretty blunt, too.”

“He’s very determined to get his own way.” Anna couldn’t deny that. Russ spent a great deal of time ordering her around.

“I’d say he was more protective than anything else. Russ cares about you. Do you care about Russ?”

“I do. I know we’ve not known each other all that long, but I like him. I’d never like to see him hurt or anything. He saved me. You all saved me.” She rested her head against his shoulder.

“Shouldn’t you be taking her for a test drive?” The woman who was at the bar and had made that nasty remark walked up to them.

“Back the fuck off, Tina. You don’t rule this club.”

“Club pussy comes here, and I don’t see Russ keeping her ass around all that long. She’s got a pretty big ass to accommodate.”

Richard stood, but Anna grabbed his arm. “Don’t let it bother you. It doesn’t me.”

“I’m not having anyone call you shit, Anna. You got a problem with a real woman being in your presence, Tina? Does it hurt that your used up pussy isn’t enough for Russ?”

“He’ll come back. You all come back.”

Anna wrinkled her nose. “You don’t want to go bragging about that.”

“I wasn’t talking to you, fatty. You need to learn your place.”

“I don’t have a place here, so I guess I don’t have to learn it.” Anna had no intention of ever fitting in a place like this. She didn’t want to be used by a variety of men.

“I suggest you back off, Tina,” Russ said, coming into view.

Anna saw he looked angry.

“Russ, baby, I’ve missed you.”

“When are you going to realize that he doesn’t want you?” Richard said.

She watched as Tina walked up to Russ, and was about to run her hand up his chest. Russ grabbed her arms and held the woman away from him.

“I will make sure your ass is thrown out of this club faster than you can fucking blink, Tina.”

“I’m your favorite. You wouldn’t do that. Not for her.”

Wow, this woman was crazy.

“No, you’re not my favorite. You’ve got a big, wet, pussy that can’t say no to a dick, and a whole heap of cash. Make sure you keep the rest of the brothers happy, as otherwise you’re going to have no dick, and no money. We both know you wouldn’t last two minutes out on your own.”

He pushed her away, and held his hand out toward Anna.

Anna climbed off the stool and stepped close to him, placing her hand within his.

She saw the angry look in Tina’s eyes, and she forced herself to stare right back at the woman.

I’m not doing anything wrong.

Russ isn’t married. I’m fine.

He gave her hand a squeeze, and they made their way back toward his car.

“Don’t you think that was a bit mean?” she asked.

“No. Tina knows her place. She’s no better than any of the other women.”

“She’s got a thing for you.”

“Tina’s got a thing for money and power, not for me. She wants to be the one to tame me. It’s not going to happen.”

Anna chuckled. “Can you really be tamed?”

“Some women like to think they can.”

They drove toward his apartment, and Anna rested her head against the chair. “Richard’s very blunt. I thought you were bad and crude. You’ve got nothing on him.”

He laughed. “Richard likes to shock in the boardroom. It puts his men in a difficult position. Some don’t take him seriously, and then when he barks out orders, they’ve got no choice but to jump. He’s a mean asshole.”

“I can see that. I adore him. He’s so damned nice.”

“He likes you.”

“Richard’s looking for the right woman to marry. I think he’s sweet, and when he finds that special woman, she’s not going to get away from him. He’s not going to let her get away.”

“You sound dreamy.”

“Sorry, it’s just one of those things that I do. I’m always trying to see something that’s probably not there. No, I know it’s not there.”

“You don’t think a happy ever after exists?”

“I’ve seen more proof it doesn’t exist than I’ve seen that it does.” She shrugged. “I’m not going to cry about it. I may want to cry about it, but I can’t. It’s the way of the world.” Anna thought about Karen. It was getting a little easier every time to think of her friend, and not want to burst into tears.