Standing still, she blushed as Laura pulled out some measuring tape, and started to take down her measurements. For the next ten minutes Anna blushed through the entire ordeal, hating every second of it.

“I’ll be right back with dresses for you.”

Laura left the room, and Anna sat down on the seat, glancing at her reflection. The bruises on her face had faded, and all that remained of the attack was her arm in the cast. The bruises around her ribs were still there, but they were a distant memory now.

“I’ve got some dresses here. Russ likes them, and he wants to see you in the red.”

“I’d prefer blue,” Anna said, wincing when Laura held up a silk red dress. “That material will cling to everything, and I’ve got a lot of everything.”

Laura tutted. “Russ has instructions, and he likes them to be adhered to.”

Sighing, Anna took a deep breath, and decided to go right ahead, and get stuck in. “All right.”

Removing her clothes, Anna wiggled into the dress that surprisingly fit perfectly. Laura secured the back, and when Anna turned back to look in the mirror she was surprised to see that she actually looked okay. Her hair fell around her in waves, and the dress seemed to push her breasts up.

“You look beautiful. Your sneakers won’t work though.”

Before Anna could stop her, Laura opened up the curtain, and there was Russ outside.

“That’s five,” he said.

She rolled her eyes, and waited as he looked. “What do you think?”

His gaze traveled down her body, and she was sure she detected heat in his eyes.

“You look beautiful.”

“I’ll go and get some black heels.”

Laura was gone, leaving them alone.

Placing her hand on her stomach, Anna looked down. “You think I’ll do?”

“More than do.” Russ stood up, and moved toward her.

“You come here often.”

There was something predatory with his steps. She was the prey, and he was the predator.

“Not really. Some of the women at the club needed new clothes. Laura takes care of them.”

“Is Laura one of your women?” Anna asked, surprisingly jealous of her.

“No. She auditioned for the part but never made it.”


Russ laughed. “Do you really want to know?” he asked.

“Yes.” She needed to create that distance so she stopped thinking about Russ as a man. He needed to remain a friend, nothing more.

“She didn’t like being fucked in the ass, nor did she like swallowing.”

Anna jerked back, and Russ caught her, holding her wrist. “I keep forgetting you’re part of an MC. The whole business persona confuses me.”

“That’s the idea, baby.”

“When you first started the club, did people take you for granted? Think you were weaker than they were?”

“Yes, and it was their mistake. It was a mistake they never made again.”

“I can see that.”

He caressed her wrist, and she glanced down at where he was touching. The distance she was trying to create between them wasn’t working. Russ stared at her mouth, and she found herself biting her lip.


“I’m so sorry. I went and didn’t even think about asking your size,” Laura said.

Jerking away from Russ, Anna turned to Laura. She was thankful the other woman had interrupted them.

Laura asked her what size she was, and when Anna answered, Laura smiled. “I picked that one up. Talk about lucky.”

The shoes were placed in front of her, and stepping into them, Anna was shocked by how comfortable the fit was. The heel wasn’t too big either, which was a relief. She hated wearing heels.

Running her hands down her thighs, she stared at Russ once again. “How do I look?”

“Stunning.” He turned toward Laura. “I want to see all of the clothes I picked out for her.”

“You picked out this dress?”

“Yes. I have good taste I think.”

She made her way behind the curtain, and tapped Laura’s arm. “Did he pick the size?” Anna whispered the question so he wouldn’t hear.

“Yes, I did. I picked very well, didn’t I?” Russ said, speaking through the curtain.

Closing her eyes she groaned.

“I’d take that to mean seven now.”

“You can’t count.”

“I can count perfectly. You don’t want me to know your size, and also the way you just groaned, added to the other five you’ve gotten, it makes seven.”

“Do I even want to know what he’s counting?” Laura asked.

“No,” Anna said, before Russ had a chance to embarrass her.

For the next half an hour, she was forced to try on four more dresses along with different shoes to go with each outfit. Anna never spent this much time thinking about what clothes to wear, and knowing Russ picked them out, including the sizes, made her even more uncomfortable.