Page 97 of Intoxicated By You


Well, that was a lie, but hopefully Raquel was buying it.

She took a few steps back. “I don’t want to go to jail.”

“Then tell me what happened, Raquel.”

She pursed her lips. “I need you to swear you won’t press charges.”

Everything was getting convoluted. I wasn’t sure if Chazz was actually testifying. But this might be our only hope to get anything on the brothers. Lex knew this, and she glanced at Travis. He gave a slight shake of his head. So Chazz hadn’t said anything yet. Lex closed her eyes, and I knew it killed her to say, “I won’t press charges.”

Raquel’s face was ashen. “You can’t send me to jail. I had the letter written.”

“What?” we asked in unison.

Raquel started getting more hysterical, pointing at Lex. “When your dad died, I figured why not make you more miserable. Why not take away the man you loved, too? Turns out you had it all. My father is a drunken fisherman from Ketchikan. You had it all. And I hated you for it.”

“You tried to ruin my life.”

There was no sign of remorse when she responded, “Yes.”

Irene walked in through the front door. “What is going on? Why are the police here?”

Oh no. If Raquel kept talking, Mom might make her stop. We needed to separate them.

Travis walked over to Raquel. “I need you to come with me. There are questions about Dixon and Chazz Hennington’s involvement and how much you knew about it that I need answered. You’ll need to make an official statement.”

“Yes, okay. No charges, right?” Raquel looked at Lex.

For Lex, it must have been a bitter pill to swallow. “I’ll keep my word as long as you keep yours. Tell Travis everything you know.”

She nodded.

Travis and Raquel walked silently to the car, but Irene followed them, yelling questions. Travis didn’t pause to answer her; instead, he helped Raquel into the back of his cruiser.

The car pulled out, and I laid my arm on Lex’s shoulder. “You ready to go home?”


As we made it to the doorway, Irene stormed back in with a wild look in her eyes, and I stiffened. “What did you do? Why are the police here to take Raquel?”

She took a few steps toward us, and I stepped in front of Lex. “I suggest you keep your distance. If Lex wants to talk to you, she will. If she doesn’t, we’ll be leaving.”

Now it was up to Lex how this played out.

Chapter Forty-Two


Emotions were welling up inside me, and I was on the edge of completely losing it. Raquel had forged the letter, but I wasn’t sure what else she had done. Was she involved in Dad’s death? There were so many unanswered questions and no concrete proof. Everything hinged on her statement. The guys said that Chazz might turn on his brother, but I wasn’t sure.

And now my own mother was looking at me with pure hatred.

“What have you done?”

“Did you know about the letter Raquel had forged?”

Suddenly, she was silent.