Page 85 of Intoxicated By You

“Yes, she is.”

Though Raquel was a piece of work, I wasn’t sure what Lex thought about this news. It had to hurt to know her mom deceived her, which shot Irene straight to the top of my suspects list.

She took a deep breath and looked through the rest of the papers. Something caught her attention, and she paused to read it intently.

I looked at the heading.

Last Will and Testament

“Drake, this is Dad’s will.”

I waited as Lex kept scanning the pages.

She stood abruptly, and I barely caught the wineglass before it toppled over. “He changed it. He changed it all. This isn’t what was read to me in the lawyer’s office.”

“What does it say?”

“I get it all. Raquel’s land. The B&B. All of it. Dad had bought the B&B before he married Mom. Remember? The title was never moved into her name.”

Oh fuck.

She handed me the paper and began to pace. The anger was clearly starting to build. “Drake, what am I going to do?”

“You don’t have to decide today. What else is in the folder?” I pointed to the open folder.

The only thing remaining was an envelope. Lex pulled it out, saw her name printed on the envelope, and dropped it like it was on fire. She stepped back, her hands up. “Drake, the last time I read a letter I thought was from Dad, it nearly destroyed me.”

She backed almost to the wall, and I picked up the envelope. The word Alexa was printed on it in neat handwriting. The sense of déjà vu was overwhelming.

“You don’t have to read it. But it might give you some closure.”

Chewing on her lip, she took a step closer. Then two more. After a few minutes, she was sitting in my lap and staring at the envelope in my hand. Her fingers traced the letters. With the way her hand trembled, I knew she was feeling it, too. “Can you read it to me? I don’t think I can do it.”

“Sure, baby.” The room grew deathly still. I flipped the envelope over, opened it, and began to read.

“Dear Alexa, if you’re reading this, I’ve gone on to my next adventure. This news may come as a shock to you. I’ve given a lot of thought to how to handle the fact that Raquel is not my daughter. And if you’re reading this, I didn’t know how to tell you or anyone else. This is still a shock to me. Maybe I’ll change my mind, and you’ll never read this letter. No matter what, I’ll never regret what happened because it gave me you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

“You’ve blossomed into a beautiful woman, and I’m so proud of you following your dream. I can’t wait to see you open up your clinic. And I know Drake will be beside you the entire time, supporting your dreams. He’s your match, Alexa, and he loves you. A father always hopes his daughter will find a man who will put her first in all things. Drake is that man. Giving my blessing for you two to be married was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. I love you more than life itself. Dad.”

As I finished the letter, Lex held onto me and sobbed. This was the letter she should have gotten. This was how everything should have gone. Lloyd had approved of us, and any doubt that had lingered in our minds vanished. Forever.

Thank you, Lloyd. I will love your daughter forever and always.

Chapter Thirty-Seven







All these feelings coursed through me simultaneously. I’d told Drake’s family what we’d found and showed them the paperwork from my dad’s folder. They hadn’t known what to say. Then I called Hollis, who came over. He got hold of his lawyer, who looked at the will. Apparently, there was nothing that could be done. I thought about what he’d said.