Page 7 of Intoxicated By You

Lex unlocked the door. Everything was covered in dust and smelled musty. I rubbed the back of my neck. Yeah, it needed a lot of work. “Maybe Fred can squeeze you into his schedule.”

Around this part of Alaska, Fred was about the only option for repairs, which meant he stayed busy.

“Yeah, I’ll call him.” Lex kept walking through the room. Pausing, she took a deep breath and pointed to the front area. Something changed, and her face brightened. “Can’t you see it? Patients come in here. There’s exam rooms over here. Offices. Upstairs can be a residence. It’s going to be wonderful.”

Her excitement was contagious. It had always been that way with her. “Yeah, I can see it. It’ll be great.”

She got that sweet look in her eyes. “Thanks, Drake. I know you get how important this is to me.”

“I do.”

Things shifted between us, and I took a step back. She has a boyfriend. “What did you need help with? I need to get back to the bar.”

Was that hurt that flashed across her face? After this was over, I was going to need a stiff drink. Maybe two. Or three. A case of beer wasn’t going to do at Moochie’s. I was going to need whiskey and a lot of it.

“Oh yeah. I’m sorry. I forgot. Can you help me take some measurements of the rooms? I need them to create a layout for when all the equipment comes. I’m going to take pictures, too. This way I can make a budget of what needs to be done.”

I picked up one of the tape measures from her bag. “I’ll start upstairs.”


Again, things felt awkward, or maybe it was what was left unsaid between us. Just ask her what happened. But the words died in my throat. Instead, I walked upstairs and took all the measurements and noted them in my phone. The second floor was just as bad as the first. Maybe worse. Some of the drywall needed to be repaired, and the plumbing looked shot.

I could hear Lex cursing as the measuring tape retracted, making a racket. So damn cute. She was impatient and had a temper to match. Another snap of the measuring tape made me smile and drew me to her.

I trotted down the stairs. “How’s it going?”

“Stupid thing is trying to kill me.” She threw it down on the floor and stomped on it.

“I think you’ve effectively killed the tape measure.”

We smiled at each other and then laughed. I had to fight the urge to sweep her up in my arms and kiss her until we couldn’t breathe. Her lips were addictive. I could happily drown in her touch. Instead, I cleared my throat. “Upstairs is done. I’ll finish downstairs if you want to take pictures of the upstairs.”

In no time, we were done and headed back to the Red Onion. Lex pulled up to the front and said, “I’ll let you out and go park.”

I chuckled. “This time, try not to lurk outside the window.”

“I will try. I can see how it might become a habit. Lex the Lurker.”

“Definitely has a ring to it.” Laughing, I got out of the truck and walked inside, unable to wipe the pussy-ass grin off my face.

The bar had slowed down some. Most of the party had left, leaving a few locals. I waved and chatted for a minute before going behind the bar.

A new guy was here; had to be a tourist. From

the looks of his loafers, he was a city boy. Lots of those came here thinking they’d tame the wild. If I were a pussy and rolled my eyes, this would be the time to do it as I watched him, imagining his thoughts. People like him drove me crazy.

Two of the local girls—Samone and Jane—had saddled up close to him. Those women would sleep with anyone. The city slicker smelled of money, which meant those two girls would be after him.

“Oh, Hollis, it’s going to be so nice to have a doctor in town,” Jane said.

My head snapped up and I stared at the guy. There was no fucking way this was a coincidence. This was Skagway, for shit’s sake. The guy gave Samone a smile, and I felt rage shoot through me. Lex didn’t deserve this. No rich asshole was going to cheat on the woman I’d give my right arm to still be with.

Jane slid him a piece of paper. “Call me.”

He took the piece of paper, and I lost it.

Chapter Three