Page 62 of Intoxicated By You

He? I waited for her to continue, but her eyes drooped a little. “Who is he?”

“My boyfriend.”



Hollis put his hand on my shoulder. I knew I was getting too intense. Teagan began to shift more, becoming restless. Changing the pace, Hollis took off his gloves. “So… I’ve been looking at treatment options. There are some amazing facilities you can go to.”

“Expensive.” It hurt to hear how defeated she sounded. But it gave me hope that she might want to get better.

“Yes, they are. But I’m going to cover all the costs. We need you better so you can have dinner with Alexa and me. You and I can exchange notes on all Alexa’s secrets.”

She gave a weak chuckle and looked at me. “You’ve been a good friend.”

I gave her a smile. “So have you. And you’ll be better before you know it.”

For a second, she closed her eyes and refocused on the doctor. “Am I on anything right now?”

“Methadone—to keep you from having severe withdrawal symptoms as you detox.” Hollis kept it very level and matter-of-fact.

Everyone in the room waited to see what Teagan would say next. She asked, “When can I go?”

“The facility has an opening now. We could leave as early as tomorrow if everything continues on track, medically speaking. How much heroin were you using and how often?”

“No, I mean when can I leave here?”

It wasn’t lost on anyone that she’d ignored the second part of the question. From the number of needles and heroin we’d found, it was probably a lot.

I reminded myself to stay calm. “Teagan, you need medical help to detox from the heroin. To get your life back.”

She turned my way and moved her hand closer to mine. “But I don’t want to. I wish you would’ve let me die. I’ve done things. Things a friend should never do.”

This confused me. “Teagan, what are you talking about?”

“How long, doctor?”

Hollis looked torn. “Legally, I can’t force you to stay. Medically, you’re weak and need help. I’m not sure how much more your body can take.”

This had to be her decision. She had to want to be clean.

Closing her eyes, she turned away from us. “I’ll think about it.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Lex was passed out on my lap in the waiting area, exhausted from everything that had happened that day. I sat and thought about something Teagan had said that was bothering me in a major fucking way.

“I’ve done things. Things a friend should never do.”

Was she behind the letter? Who is this guy she claims is her boyfriend? Lex had continued to try and talk to her, but Teagan had pretended to sleep.

Hayden handed me a cup of coffee. “What the hell was Teagan talking about? She’s ‘done things’? ‘Things a friend should never do.’ What kind of things?”

“I don’t know. None of this sits right with me.”

“Me either.”