Page 13 of Intoxicated By You

My darling Alexa,

You have always meant the world to me. I’ve been struggling with something that I need to tell you. I couldn’t find the words while we talked on the phone. I hope to take you to the cabin and tell you during your next visit. But if that time doesn’t come, I’ve written this letter. I have to protect my little girl.

I know you love Drake, but you need to listen to me.

Drake is not the right man for you. I know this comes as a shock, but I need you to trust me on this. As your dad, I implore you. End things with him. It will be for the best. I know this doesn’t make much sense, but I need you to do as I ask. Do this one thing for me. In time you’ll understand why. This may be the last piece of fatherly advice I can give you.

I love you, Alexa, with my whole heart.


The air left my lungs for the second time, and I felt nauseated. I checked the date of the letter. Lex’s actions all made sense now. “This makes no fucking sense.”


I swallowed, unsure how to tell her. But if we were going to have a chance, there was no holding back. “This was dated two weeks before he died.”

“I know.”

Do I tell her? I ran my thumb along her jaw, debating. Her blue eyes searched mine, pleading, and I knew I had to. “A month before that, while you were at school, we’d gone to his cabin for a few days to hunt.”

A faint smile emerged. “I remember. It had been in September. He had a good time. You guys got a moose.”

I took a deep breath. “Lex, that weekend I asked your Dad for permission to marry you. He gave me his blessing.”

A million emotions flew across her face—shock, joy, sadness. Hopefully this knowledge would change our future. I still wanted her to wear my ring, have my last name, be mine in every way. We just needed to find our way back to each other.

Lex grabbed onto me, desperate. “What? You did? He did?”

“Yeah. I’ve never lied to you before. And I never will. That letter wasn’t written by your Dad—I don’t care what anyone says. You know he would’ve said no if he didn’t agree. And if I’d done something wrong, he would have told me about it. I’ve been nothing but faithful and loyal to you. I swear it.”

I would have done anything to wipe away all Lex’s pain, absolutely anything. Continuing, I said, “He wouldn’t have asked me to take care of you with his last breath. You know I was there. He said, ‘Take care of my Alexa. She’s going to need you.’”

“He did?” Her voice was soft, and she closed her eyes. We had both suffered needlessly for the last two years. If only we’d talked.

“Yes, he did. I swear it. I didn’t tell you because when you came home for the service I just wanted to support you. And then you were gone.”

She clutched my shirt. “What have I done? Oh, Drake, what did I do?”

“Nothing that can’t be undone.” I hope. If only she’d give us a chance.

Lex held me tighter.

I had her back in my life now, and I would never let her go.

Chapter Five


The sun dipped below the horizon while we sat, holding each other. We didn’t say much, just sat and soaked up the moment. I have Lex in my arms again. She’s here. So many fucking times I’d wondered if it was truly over between us. Hoped to hell it wasn’t. She shivered and burrowed into my chest a little deeper. This felt right. She was mine to protect and watch over again. Truly mine.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said.

“It is getting cold. I just don’t want to leave. I’m scared you’re going to want things to be over.” This vulnerability wasn’t like Lex. She was usually strong and self-assured.

I waited for her to look up at me. The last rays of the sun were nearly gone, and Lex’s face was illuminated like an angel’s. Fuck, she was gorgeous. When her eyes met mine, I leaned closer until we were a breath apart. “That isn’t going to happen. From the moment I helped you change your tire on the side of the road, you held my heart.”
