Page 71 of Intoxicated By You

“Fermented Baltic herring.”

Fermented and herring did not sound like a good combination. The bile rose in my throat. “I think I just threw up in my mouth. When in the world did you try that? I might have to defriend you.”

Hollis’s face pinched up. “Some party I attended with my family in New York. It wasn’t a… pleasant experience.”

“No wonder you came to Alaska.”

“The surströmming sent me right over the edge.”

We smiled. Having Hollis here was such a gift. He was a true friend.

The community center grew even more empty. “Want to leave, baby?”

For a second, I almost objected, wanting to support my family, but then I remembered how badly Raquel and Mom had treated me. What’s the point of putting myself through that? There was none.

“Let’s go. Hollis, want to join us for dinner?”

“Absolutely. I’m not staying here by myself.”

As we made our escape, I saw Ike and Amie getting in their truck at the same time Drake’s phone buzzed. He read the text. “Mom and Dad just invited us to dinner. Hollis, too. She’s cooking burgers.”

“Sounds great.” I slapped Hollis’s shoulder. “Hollis, we can talk about how we’re going to get you out of that date with Ol’ Man Rooster’s granddaughter.”

“Wait. What about the auction?”

“You’re on your own for that.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


The next morning, I spent some quality time lounging on the couch. There was a chill in the air, and Drake had started a fire. I pulled the blanket in closer around me, soaking in this moment of utter perfection. Life was good… more than good, to be honest.

“I poured you a cup of coffee.” Drake’s deep voice drew my attention away from the crackling fire. I took a deep breath and was greeted with the aroma of fresh coffee. Drake was oh-so-delicious in jeans with no shirt.

“You are the best boyfriend ever.” I reached out with gimme hands. He paused before handing me the cup. “What?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just like having you here with me.”

That was a little odd. Not to say that the past wasn’t still fresh in our minds, but he normally never brought it up.

I took a sip. “I love it, too. This place is more perfect than I ever could have imagined.”

“It is.” He motioned for me to lean forward, and then he settled in behind me. I lay back against his chest. The fire crackled, and the wind blew the leaves outside. It was a moment in time I wanted to freeze and keep forever. “This is a perfect Saturday morning. What time do you have to leave?”

At dinner last night, Reeser had called Drake and asked if he could come to Juneau. At the last minute, Reeser had been invited to a business dinner with some influential Alaskan business leaders. Somehow Drake’s name had come up, and they’d asked Reeser to see if he could join them. It was an opportunity Drake couldn’t pass up. They were discussing the possibility of getting a group of business owners together to promote Alaskan-owned-and-operated businesses. Alaskans weren’t typically fans of chains that took customers away from our locally owned businesses. We stuck together by keeping as much locally owned as possible.

He checked the clock. “In a couple of hours. Hayden’s going to fly me there and then come back. One of the guys joining us, Rick, will drop me off on his way to Anchorage.”

“I’m goi

ng to miss you.”

He kissed my neck. “I’m going to miss you, too. Are you going to stay out here tonight or head into town?”

I’d given that some thought. I found the quiet isolation comforting. “Here. I’m going to soak in our huge tub and eat ice cream. Maybe read.”

“I’m jealous of the tub.” His hand crept up my thigh, and my lower stomach clenched in anticipation.