Page 31 of Intoxicated By You

Kane’s eyes widened as his lips thinned. “I had no idea. Alexa is like a sister. They better watch their fucking step around her. Watch her back, okay? Yours, too.”

The words left me uneasy, but I understood what he meant. Someone had sabotaged our relationship two years ago. It was highly unlikely we were going to be left to go our merry way now that we were back together. No one, not even me, thought we’d manage to work things out.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”

One of the workers waved to us as he left the shed. Kane asked, “What does she think about it all?”

“I think she’s still trying to wrap her head around it all. For the last two years, she conditioned her mind to reject the thought of us. Then she comes back, and… I don’t know… we couldn’t stay away from each other if we tried. But it’s some heavy shit to process. It felt like we had a breakthrough last night, though. Lex told me that even if her dad did write the letter, she was choosing me.”

He blew out a breath. “That’s some fucked-up shit.”

“Yeah, it is.”

With an intensity only Kane could have, he looked me in the eye and vowed, “If you need anything, call me. I don’t care if I’m in West Buttfuck, Alaska. Call me, and I’ll be there.”

“Thanks, Kane. I appreciate it. Dad mentioned that I should contact Butch Cowart, see if he’d look at the letter. Then at least we’d know if it was forged. I’m going to get his number from the Red Onion. I think I have it in my office.” The finality of knowing whether Lloyd had written the letter made me uneasy.

Kane thought for a second. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But I’d want to know. I wouldn’t want that shit hanging over me. Something like that would gnaw away at a man. You want me to call Butch? I think he’s planning on heading up to the woods to meet me this evening. He’s helping me with the hunt. Not sure if there’s cell reception out there.” He chuckled. “Butch may kill these bastards, so you might want to get his thoughts before he’s in jail.”

“Why is he going with you?”

“Demand for private hunts is high—even when I raise my prices. I’m charging nearly quadruple what I was last year. I’m going to raise them again for any new ones I book. Butch mentioned looking for some extra income, so he’s going with me on a few hunts over the next two weeks. We’ll see how it works out.”

Kane and Butch were good friends. They’d hunted together from time to time. “If you don’t mind. It would be great if he could look at it before he leaves town. I just need to run it by Lex first.”

“Sounds good. Let’s get loaded up, and I’ll make the call.”

Chapter Fifteen


It was early evening, and there was a chill in the air. Since the day Lex arrived home, Skagway had returned to normal temperatures. But a cold front had come through today, putting us in the forties, which was colder than normal for late August.

After we finished the repairs at the clinic, I had a meeting with the city council. Then Moochie and I had a quick bite to eat. It had been a hell of a busy day. Now Lex and I were in my office while Crete manned the bar for me. I was going to give him a bonus. Over the last few days, he’d been available at a moment’s notice.

Butch sat at my desk, studying the letter against samples of Lloyd’s handwriting.

When I arrived at the clinic, Lex and I decided we needed to know the truth. Either way. Dad was right—it was better to know the truth and deal with it than let uncertainty linger.

But hell, I was nervous. Lex paced, and then sat, and then paced some more. I was on my second beer but probably needed something stronger. The tension seemed to bounce off Butch. He was laid back, like we were sitting at dinner, talking about the weather. I’d have bet he’d had one hell of a life.

The sound of shuffling paper filled the otherwise silent room. Thankfully, Mom had found some lumber orders with Lloyd’s writing. Mom kept everything. For the last twenty minutes, Butch had methodically studied the letter and the lumber orders. Each time he shifted his focus, the anticipation in the room grew. It felt like a fucking elephant on my chest.




I swore I could hear the second hand on the wall clock ticking the time away. Lex chewed on her nails, paced some more, and then sat next to me and fidgeted.




It felt like my life was hanging in the balance. Yeah, we’d find our way. But if Lloyd had truly wanted me away from his daughter, it was going to hurt like a son of a bitch.