Page 75 of Dissipate

Aiden’s troubled voice broke the unsteady quietness that had settled over the room. “Do you love him, Kenzie?”

Perching my chin on his chest, I replied, “Not like I love you.”

“That doesn’t really answer the question, sweetheart.”

I closed my eyes for a second as I gathered the words. “Matthew was my best friend for as long as I can remember. Everyone in The Society thought The Light was going to match us together for marriage. He’s a good person, Aiden. He’s been a victim of a bad situation like me. But to answer your question, yes, a part of me does love him. But it’s like you and Stacy. My feelings for you don’t even compare.”

“I’m grateful for what he did in warning us. But, hearing him say you guys were going to get married makes it a jagged pill to swallow.”

“I’m yours, Aiden. Matthew and I never even kissed. You have all of me.”

He let out a slow relaxing breath. “And you have all of me.” The taut muscles of his body continued to soften. Aiden ran his fingers along my arm. “We’ll figure all this out. But as long as he’s here, I’m in your bed at night.”

“I completely understand.”

THE NEXT MORNING, I’d gotten up at my normal time, but Aiden had already left the bed. Before I headed downstairs, I got ready. Walking around in my pajamas with another man in the house didn’t seem like a good idea.

As I made it toward the bottom landing, I noticed the blankets Matthew had used were folded pristinely on the end of the couch. Voices came from the kitchen as I slowed my decent.

Matthews spoke, “Do you really love her?”

Aiden answered without hesitation, “I do. With my whole heart.”

They lapsed into silence and I remained motionless. I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I couldn’t pop into the kitchen during this awkward moment.

“I love her, too.” Matthew spoke with as much conviction as Aiden.

“I’m not letting her go, Matthew.”

“Then, you’re smart. But, do you love her enough to let her choose?”

Tears pricked the back of my eyes as the two men I cared most about talked about their love for me. I didn’t deserve them. There had been a time I’d believed Matthew and I were meant to be together. But after meeting Aiden, all that shifted into focus. I truly believed Matthew would find his true intended—a girl that truly took his heart. He would make someone happy and I hoped we remained friends, always.

The boys became silent again and I decided to make my entrance. They were sitting at the bar, each eating a bowl of cereal. Matthew was dressed in Aiden’s jeans and T-shirt. They were nearly the same size.

“Good morning.”

Both men smiled at me. Their faces looked relaxed, but I could still sense the tenseness with how stiff their muscles were.

They both in unison responded, “Good morning.”

“How’d you sleep, Matthew?” I asked as I grabbed my own cereal bowl. Aiden came to the sink, putting his bowl up before giving me an innocent kiss on the cheek.

Matthew shrugged. “Off and on. I’m still working on processing it all.”

“Yeah, I am too. It gets better with time.”

Matthew nodded introspectively and took another bite of his cereal.

Aiden came up beside me. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”


I followed Aiden up the stairs and to my bedroom. After the door closed, he kissed me hard. Having him want me had desire racing to the forefront of my mind. Brushing a few gentler kisses along my lips, he said, “I’m going to take care of a few things. I think you and Brooklyn need a security system.”

There seemed to be something else going on with Aiden as his eyes didn’t fully meet mine like normal. “Why are you leaving?”

He looked down. “Because as much as I love you, I need to let you be alone with Matthew.”