Page 29 of Dissipate


At my agreement, Aiden and Brooklyn high-fived. Looking at the time, Brooklyn stood. “I’ve got to get a shower. My work here is done.”

Bounding up the stairs, Brooklyn broke out into some tune. Music was still something I was adjusting to. We had sung hymns at The Society, but instruments were not allowed. The Light thought music distracted from the message the songs should bring. The Light. I mentally scoffed at myself for not questioning all the teachings sooner.

Glancing back toward Aiden, I raised my eyebrow. “You two are good. What time do I need to get there by?”

“I want to pick you up. This will be your first party and I don’t want you going alone.” Aiden stood, breaking our connection. He seemed nervous all of the sudden. “I need to get back to the house. I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow night. Does that work?”

“Eight sounds great.”

Taking our drinks from the table that I had gotten us halfway through the movie, Aiden traipsed to the kitchen. I followed. Part of me was glad I’d have the place to myself this evening.

A piece of paper caught Aiden’s eyes. “What’s this?”

Crap. I had meant to throw that away. “I ran into Trent today. He wanted me to go to the house party. I said no. He gave me his number again to get coffee.”

Aiden’s lips thinned. “That asshole. He knows.” Anger laced his voice.

He knows? Taking the piece of paper, I tore it into little pieces before putting it in the garbage. “I meant to throw it away when I got home, but I was hungry. It was easier to take his number in order to end the conversation. What does Trent know?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing. He’s an ass. Has he given you his number any other times?” Aiden’s jaw became stiff.

I touched his arm. It was familiar now to touch him and not feel like I was breaking a rule. Aiden relaxed. “No. We’ve run into each other over the last few weeks a couple of times. When we see each other, by chance, Trent reminds me to call him. I give a polite smile and he goes on his way. I have no plans to call him”

It was hard not to like Aiden being possessive of me. Since Tasha’s comment today, I kept thinking about the possibility of us together. As we had watched The Hangover, I focused on how much I enjoyed being near Aiden. This felt like we were on the cusp of making an important decision.

His phone vibrated and he picked up. “Hello. Yeah, I’m on my way. Yes, I know. I know Mike has plans. Okay. Is Trent there? Good.” Blowing out a breath, he looked at me. “I’ve got to go. There’s something we need to discuss tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Why not now? You’re making me nervous, Aiden.” A million different questions formed in my mind. Worry ebbed in.

His hands came out and his thumbs brushed my shoulders causing a shiver. “Don’t be nervous. I need to get back. I’ll see you at eight, okay?”

“Okay.” As Aiden left for the front door, I felt desperate and my self-assuredness of what I had been contemplating deflated. “Hey, Aiden.” He turned my way and gave me a killer smile. “You’re a really good friend to me. Thank you for everything.”

Instantly, his face dropped. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The door shut and I felt alone. Feeling the bun on the top of my head, I let it out to relieve the never ending headache from the weight. My hair was still long and quite a few inches past my waist, but I kept it up all the time. I don’t think anyone had really seen it down.

“Kenzie, your hair is gorgeous. Why don’t you ever leave it down?”

I jumped and saw Brooklyn standing there, looking beautiful in jeans and a lightweight sweater. “It’s too long and I want to get it cut. I haven’t had time. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll find a place.”

She looked at her phone and frowned. Glancing back up at me she said, “Let’s make a day of it tomorrow. We’ll go get your haircut, then go look for some winter things.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

Giving me that don’t-be-silly look, she typed something out on her phone. “Of course not. I’ll be your chauffeur and we’ll find the perfect outfit to wear to the party tomorrow.”

“It’ll be fun going with Aiden.”

Whatever had been bothering her, left her face as I spoke. I may have sounded a little too anxious. Who was I kidding; I was anxious about the whole Aiden thing. And now he wanted to talk to me

She flicked her wrist. “Yes, it will. We’re going to get something that makes Aiden go crazy and push his ass in gear!”


She came up and gave me a squeeze. “You really are adorable. I’ve got to run by the sorority house before I meet up with Mike.” Grabbing her jacket, she sincerely asked, “Are you going to be okay here by yourself?”