“And I’ll be with you.”

“Alex will know something is up if we aren’t together. This is what I used to do. Trust me.”

“I do… with my life.”

The sun had set some time ago. We were in the master bedroom. The second hand ticked by on the mantle clock.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The sound maddening—never-ending. The time was nearly eleven. Though I was beyond exhausted, my nerves had me wired. Gabe leaned against the headboard, alert. The glow from the lamp gave off the only light in the otherwise dark room.

“I’m going to turn out the light now.” Though low and quiet, Gabe’s words pierced the silent room.

“Got it.”

Since retiring to here at ten, we’d left the light on for a bit. The house was visible from a distance and it had to appear as normal as possible.

The floor creaked beneath the weight of Gabe’s feet. The room was blanketed in darkness. Within seconds the mattress dipped as Gabe crawled into the bed. “I’m here. You’re safe.”

“I wish we could have a nightlight tonight.”

“I know. I wish I could do that for you.”

Shifting, I brought myself a little closer. I had on high-tech Kevlar pants and a shirt. Overall, it was lightweight but not what I was used to wearing to bed, and a little uncomfortable. It added to the element of danger we faced. The sooner this was over, the better.

Throughout the afternoon, Gabe took my pulse. He even used a baby monitor at one point to listen to the babies’ heartbeats. Everything was fine with all three of us. Knowing I needed to stay as calm as possible for the health of my babies kept me from completely freaking out.

Alex’s plane had landed almost two hours ago. An hour ago the security confirmed he was on the property waiting… with Harley.

Alex was on my property. He remained on the edge, waiting to make his move as the men did their patrols knowing where he was the entire time. At some point I’d asked why not just take him down when we knew where he was. Gabe and Trent took turns explaining that Alex was cunning and they wanted to reduce the risk of him escaping. The farther he came onto the property, the harder it would be for him to escape.

The thought kept me checking every shadow while pretending to sleep next to Gabe.

My senses were hyperaware as I focused on every sound. At some point, Alex would have forced this scenario. All afternoon Gabe and Trent ironed out the details. I hoped I never faced something like this again. The thought of the unknown while someone stalked me brought out a fear I had never known.


My breath stuttered and I held my pillow tighter. “It’s only the house settling, sweetheart. Try to get some sleep. Alex hasn’t moved from where he is. Harley is on the other side of the property.”


“After tonight, this will all be behind us.”

I hoped so. Oh, I hoped so. To go through this for days would be maddening.

Gabe massaged tiny little circles on the back of my neck.

“That feels good.”

Methodically, he kept going and I relaxed into the mattress, letting my mind drift as sleep finally found me.

I felt the blanket whip on top of me. It was a special Kevlar blanket. A hand landed on my shoulder.

“He’s in the yard. Be still. Don’t move. You’re safe. I’m going to intercept him before he gets in this room,” Gabe whispered.

Adrenaline coursed through me. The man who wanted to hurt me was close. If given the chance, he would take the babies and me from Gabe forever. “Keep your promise to me.”

“I will.”

The pressure on my shoulder was gone. Gabe piled pillows against me to create the impression of his body.

Alex was here.

In the yard.

Coming for us.

More specifically—me.

It took all my strength to keep my breathing under control as I listened to the silence. The quietness was never-ending. I strained to hear something, but there was nothing. I was on the verge of throwing rational thought out the window. What worried me most was that Alex wanted to do more than kidnap me. He wanted to take me away from Gabe forever—the ultimate punishment. Death.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I nearly jumped off the bed with the sound of the clock. My pulse jumped at the base of my neck and my muscles tensed for the arrival of the predator. Stay calm. Gabe is near. He knows what he’s doing.


My breath caught. Was that the house settling? Was it Alex? Where was Gabe? Focus on my breathing. Breathe in… one, two, three. Breathe out… one, two, three. The mental technique helped.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

After this, that clock was leaving this room. I gripped the pillow tighter, willing this to be over. Was Alex near the room on the outside of the house? Having someone unwanted on the premises made me feel violated.


Oh shit. Was that the house settling? I wasn’t sure. Had that been the same sound as before? I strained harder, but didn’t hear anything. I squinted to see if he was here in the room.

Where was Gabe?

Aside from the clock, the room grew eerily silent. I wanted to scream in terror but choked the noise back.


The noise came from the patio outside the room. The muffled sounds of struggling and grunting filtered in. I pulled myself into a tighter ball. Was Gabe okay?

More footsteps outside the door. Gabe cursed. Or was that Alex? I had to fight my instincts to push the blankets off and check to make sure he was okay.

“Get him out of here. Take him to the barn. I’ll be there shortly. No one talks to him until I get there.” That had to be Gabe.

More footsteps.

In the darkness a voice screamed into the night, “I will kill her! I will take away everything you’ve taken away from me!”

Alex wanted me dead and his words caused a chill to run through me.

More talking and cursing faded away. Lights flicked on and filtered in but only shadows passed in front of the blanket.

The blanket peeled back and light blinded me. I needed to be in Gabe’s arms so I scrambled to an upright position. He caught me and brought me to him. Tremors shook me to the core.

“Shh… it’s over. It’s over. You’re safe.”

I wrapped my legs around Gabe’s waist. I leaned back, searching him with my hands to make sure he remained unharmed. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

“I’m good. It’s over. That’s all that matters.”

I wasn’t sure as I

kept searching. “You’re bleeding.” There was a cut on his lip.

“It’s nothing.” He started to set me down, but my I wound my legs tighter around him. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s sit together.”

After all the time alone under the blanket, I wanted to feel connected to him. Gabe moved to the edge of the bed and handed me a glass of orange juice. “Drink this. It’ll help.”

Slowly I let the juice trickle down my throat. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. The men got Harley also. They’re both in the barn until I give more direction.”

“It’s over?” Gabe was okay and I clutched him harder to me. There was a slight tremor in my hands as I touched his cheek.


It was done. We were free. My shoulders sagged in response. “I never want to do this again. You swear it’s over?”

He held me closer to him. “I swear.”

Putting a little distance between us, Gabe pulled up his shirt to show me his scar less stomach. “I don’t want there to be any doubt.” I hadn’t doubted his identity simply from the way he cared for me. Alex had never been able to show this amount of emotion.

I trailed my fingers over the flatness—thankful he was unharmed. “It’s really over?”


Timidly, I asked, “What happens now?”

“I’m giving De Luca the option to take them. We’ll know within the hour if he wants them.”

Searching Gabe’s face, I wanted to make sure he was okay with this decision. “How do you feel about that?” Basically, handing over his brother was a death sentence.

“I don’t have a choice. Alex pissed off a lot of people, which connected our world with his. He sure as hell can’t go free and I’m not putting our future on the line for the bastard. We may share the same DNA, but that’s it. A brother would have never done the things he did to you and me. If De Luca doesn’t take him, we’ll have to deal with him.”

When he put that way, I hoped De Luca took him. From what he’s insinuated, Gabe had killed before while working for the government, but I wouldn’t want him to the bear the death of his brother. Regardless of how much Gabe hated Alex, killing him took it to the next level.