Our friends and Mitchell had been shocked. I truly believed Mitchell had feelings for her. Heartbreaking. It is now Marissa’s life’s mission to set him up with someone. Last month, I had been a bridesmaid at Marissa’s wedding, pregnant belly and all. It had been a beautiful church wedding in New York City.

“Touchdown, Patriots!”

Hearing their dad yell, the babies kicked.

“Motherfucker!” Carson cursed.

A giggle escaped Francesca. I stayed tucked behind the corner as I took the moment in and leaned against the wall.

My wedding ring caught my attention. Gabe and I had married in Italy a week after we were engaged in the same place Dad proposed to Mom. It had been a small affair.

“You may kiss the bride.”

Gabe’s eyes locked on to mine underneath the gazebo. Gardenias hung from the latticework. “I promise I will forever watch over you and our twins. Love you until my dying breath. You have given me the world, Mrs. Thompson.”

“Forever, Mr. Thompson.”

His lips descended on mine as applauses from our friends surrounded us. The wedding was intimate with only Nonno, Carson, Francesca, Bennett, Marie, Trent, Mildred, and Chris in attendance. They were my family and now Gabe’s.

As we stepped apart, Gabe whispered in my ear. “And now we have the honeymoon.”

“Yes, we do.” Though I had no idea where we were going.

An odd silence grew over the crowd as our family stared at us. Carson and Francesca looked everywhere but at us.

I checked my dress. “What’s wrong?”

Nonno looked between us. “Did you say twins?”

Most everyone now knew I was pregnant, but we hadn’t disclosed that we were having twins. The plan was to announce it at the reception.

I laughed. We were the worst at slipping. However, it was time. “Yes, Gabe and I found out we’re having twins. We were going to announce it at the reception.”

With his hands in the air, Nonno rushed forward. “Oh, this does my ole Italian heart good. I have a long list of names I suggested to your mom I’ll share with you. They’re strong Italian names.”

Another giggle escaped. “I can’t wait, Nonno. But, we are keeping it a surprise.”

“Sei proprio come tua madre,” he muttered in Italian. And that’s when I realized it. I was just like my mother. Through Mom’s pregnancy they had gone back and forth about Italian names.

The congratulations continued as Trent approached. “I’m happy life led you here. Treasure it always.”

I sensed the longing in his voice to have what Gabe and I had. The heartbreakingly sad tale of Trent would one day find a happy ending. “Someday you’ll find your soul mate.”

“Maybe, we’ll see.”

The wedding had been perfect. Francesca followed suit a month later marrying on the rooftop of the Whitmore Hotel in Florence at sunset. Simply stunning. They kissed as the bells of the Deumo tolled.

Finally, Carson and I had our happily ever afters.

Trent remained close, but he traveled all over the place with his security team, keeping busy. We still had a small security detail with Andre and a couple of other men Gabe knew that Trent now employed. Still, the longing in his voice to one day have love when we spoke at my wedding stayed with me with. Once or twice I tried to broach the subject, but he delicately sidestepped it. I would be forever thankful to Trent, and he would always be like a brother to me.

Because of Alex, I had him in my life. It was the silver lining in the situation, which helped me heal. About two months ago, we had gotten the message from De Luca that Alex and Harley had been dealt with. Their bodies were found on the side of the road… burned. A message had been scrawled on the sidewalk.

They were dead. And I was glad they were out of our lives.

“Yes, take that! Eagles score for the tie!”

“It’s only a temporary problem before we kick your ass.”

My phone vibrated with a text from Gabe.

Gabe: Are you doing okay?

Me: Yes, I’ll be there in a few minutes.

Gabe: Tell the babies I miss them.

Me: They miss you, too. They love hearing you speak.

Gabe: Hurry. I want to feel them kick. Oh and look at the picture Apple Blossom sent.

A picture appeared of Alex Junior. He held a paintbrush and had a smile to his face. Though his father was gone and Candy had left with a new boyfriend to California after Harley turned up dead, Alex Junior thrived.

The first time we met he looked at Gabe and said, “You’re not my dad. Who are you?”

We had been worried about confusing Alex Junior, but he had seen the truth all along. Now, we visited him regularly and loved him with our entire hearts. I texted Gabe back.

Me: Such a sweet little boy.

Gabe: I know. Can’t wait to see him this weekend.

Me: Me, either.

Gabe: Time’s up. I’m missing the babies too much.

I stepped out into the hallway as Gabe stood. The radiant smile took my breath away as he walked to me.

“Hey, sweetheart. Did you finish?”

“I did.”

His hand found my stomach as they excitedly moved about.

“They love you.”

For a second he remained silent before swallowing hard. “It’s unbelievable the bond I feel with them.”

The fact that I had the ability to give Gabe this gift of unconditional love warmed me beyond reproach. After his terrible upbringing, I made sure to shower him with as much love as possible.

For a month, no one found the body of his mother. No one had cared. Two kids out joyriding happened upon her. No words described the depth of emotion I felt for what happened. None.

This was a time for happy thoughts. The past was in the past where the darkness belonged. Only the light and our future remained out front.

Francesca, now in her seventh month, sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn sitting on her belly. About a week ago her father reached out to her to begin mending the bridges. Abruptly she sat up, sending the popcorn flying.

She looked our way. “Are you done?”

“I just finished.”

For the past month, it had driven her crazy not allowing her to go into the room while I painted. I spent a few hours here most mornings, working on the mural that turned into more than I ever dreamed. Luckily, they bought a house right after they married that was ten minutes from ours. They still

had the beach house, but wanted to keep it as a weekend getaway. It was wonderful having them so close. Francesca and I were already working out playdate schedules and mommy time.

The pregnancy waddle commenced as Francesca hurried through the main level of the house with Carson right behind her. Throughout the month I had received bribes such as chocolate-covered cherries flown over from Europe, a masseuse who came to my house for a week for massages, and more to let them see the room early. I refused to break but took the bribes in good fun.

Francesca opened the bedroom door and disappeared into the room, but I remained in the hallway. I loved allowing people to take it in without feeling the pressure. Art was meant to be experienced freely.

“Willow?” I walked to the door as she stuck her head in the hallway. “Get in here.”

I walked in the room and saw Carson on the opposite side reading the story from the beginning. Each wall was a progression of scenes that told the story of lion whose name was Myles, which also happened to be the name of their son they were having.

The story incorporated the furniture and moved around the room as Myles the Lion rode airplanes, climbed trees, read books, and much more. Even Gabe was quiet as he took in the room, engrossed in the story.

Carson finished first. “I… this is amazing. There are no words.”

“You like it?”

He hugged me. “I don’t have words to express what this means to me.”

Francesca’s hand hovered over the lion as he took a swim in the pond. Looking my way tears spilled from her eyes. “I have no words, either. This is amazing. Our child is so blessed.”

“Thank you. Gabe and I got Myles a gift in the chair.”

The taupe chair had a stuffed animal sewn to match the lion on the walls. “Mildred helped me make Myles’s the stuffed lion. Open the box.”

The lion paper tore easily as Francesca opened it and gasped, covering her mouth. “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up from this dream.”