“I know.” And this is why I fought to come, I thought. “You love your children unconditionally without seeing them. It’s going to be hard seeing your mother, knowing how she treated you and the lack of love you received from her.”

“It is.”

I took Gabe’s face in my hands. “But… that doesn’t define you or what you’re capable of. Your mother has no power over you.” My hand moved to his ear. “I’ve seen the love you’re capable of and it’s pure, Gabe.”

He touched his lips to mine. “I need you.”

“I’m right here.”

Kissing me again, he pulled me to him in a silent thank you. Nothing else was said as we rode. I became the strength Gabe needed.

Trent’s voice came over the intercom came on. “We’re pulling down the last road.”

Gabe hit a button. “Thanks, Trent. I’m ready. Is everything set?”

“Yes, everything is in order.”

We straightened up as the partition rolled down and Trent looked back. Gabe’s vulnerability diminished and left hard edges forming an impenetrable exterior.

“I need you to listen to everything I say when we get there,” Gabe said.

“I promise.”

The lane was desolate. Tall weeds covered the vacant lots. An abandoned house trailer added to the already eerie feeling. A dog ate from a carcass on the side of the rode. Blindly I reached for Gabe’s hand. He was there to hold mine as I imagined a little boy running down the road. “Were these the conditions you grew up in?”

“This looks much worse. It had been bad, but cleaned enough to keep social services away. Fuck, this is worse than I imagined.”

My heart ached. The man next to me was born to love, and yet he had been deprived of it most of his life. Never again. With me his life would always be filled with joy, love, and happiness.

Andre turned the car down the gravel driveway where a shell of a house sat at the end. A rundown car on cinder blocks was abandoned in the driveway with a few stray cats sunbathing on the hood.

“Stay in the car until we create a perimeter.” Trent’s voice left no room for argument as he exited the car. The paint on the house peeled away as if repulsed by what resided inside. The woman who had done terrible things lived behind those walls. I fidgeted with a loose piece of blonde hair as I watched the men surround the property.

Gabe responded to his earpiece. “Understood.”

“Willow, I’m going to get out. Andre is still in the front seat. When it’s safe for you to come in, he’ll get the all clear. Listen to him. No hesitating.”

Nerves set in. “I promise.” I looked out the window at the men who were almost in position. It was like ants descending on a place.

“I’m going now. Are you okay?”

Too quickly, I nodded. “I’m fine.”

He kissed me and then vanished out the door. The heat nearly swallowed me up as it fought its way inside the vehicle before he closed the door with the whirl of the air conditioner.

Alex might be in the house… waiting. The thought gave me pause as Gabe walked up to the door. I wanted to run to him and pull him back to the safety of the car. Part of me was glad I slept through the De Luca meeting as the sound of my heartbeat speeding up filled my ears.

Please keep Gabe safe. Please keep them all safe.

Gabe’s posture was alert and he moved his head to scan the area. He walked up the rickety steps and knocked three times on the door.

A reflection on the window kept me from seeing if anyone had appeared.

“It’s Gabe! Open up!” Gabe boomed.

I jumped at the complete coldness in his voice.

The door creaked opened. Gabe and four men disappeared inside.

I held my breath as I waited for someone to tell me everything was okay.

The seconds ticked by. The minutes never seemed to pass.

From the front seat, Andre said in a calm voice, “Walter is coming to get you. He’s taking you straight in the house.”

Walter was someone Gabe served with overseas at some point.

A long breath left my body. “I’m ready.” My voice came out calmer than I felt.

Heat hit me as I opened the door. On steady legs, I emerged from the car into the heat of the day. The stench of garbage hit me full force. Please don’t make me sick. Let me get through this, little babies. Breathing through my mouth helped as I walked, flanked by two additional men.

At the bottom of the steps, Gabe emerged from the door. His eyes scanned me with a worried look. Something was on his mind. “You okay?”

“Yes. Was Alex here?”

He wrapped his arm around me as we climbed the steps. “No, but he has been. I think we missed him. Listen, it’s bad inside. Looks like she’s started doing drugs at some point. Are you sure you want to come in? This woman is a worse version than the one I knew.”

“Yes, I want to do this.”

Oh shit. How was that possible?

Garbage littered the floor and the strength of the smell nearly overwhelmed me. Shallow breaths. Breathe out my mouth. I pressed my fingernails into the palms of my hands.

“Who the fuck is this?” The scratchy voice sounded like someone who’d smoked habitually for years.

My eyes adjusted to the dimness of the yellow dingy lamp. A bone-thin woman sat in a tattered chair, the color indiscernible. Greasy hair matted on top of her head—dark like Gabe’s. “I’m, Willow. Gabe’s girlfriend.”

A squeeze on my hand reminded me Gabe was here.

“You sent that cocksucker to talk to me this morning. And now you think by bringing me your whore I’ll talk.”

De Luca came to visit already. Of course he had.

The firmness of Gabe’s tone left no room for argument. “I had nothing to do with that man. He’s after Alex.”

She went to stand, but Peter placed his hand on her shoulder as Gabe said, “Don’t move, Chasity, or I will have to restrain you.”

“You fucking bastard. You brought this on your brother, didn’t you?” The hate from this woman was unimaginable.

A deadliness not to be trifled with came from Gabe. “No, Alex fucked with the wrong people. He double-crossed him. I’d say he learned that from you. Where is he?”

Cackling, she threw her head back, revealing only a handful of teeth. “He played you so well. I thought our little games were over until he told me about the rich girl you landed. I never thought I’d get to meet her.” Dragging a hand across her face, she eyed me. “So, looks like my little Gabriel has fallen in love. Do you actually love him back?”

“I do.” I met her stare head on.

She scoffed. “Impossible. Are you sure you didn’t fall in love with Alexander?”

Her power di

minished every time she talked. I felt her lose any hold she had over Gabe, too. “I’m certain I fell in love with the right man. I pity you.” This woman was vile. I had nothing else to say.

“I don’t want your pity.”

The way her gaze moved over me unnerved me, but I kept my spine ramrod straight. How had this woman stayed alive? I never imagined people willingly lived like this.

“We’re leaving, but tell Alex the gig is up. People know about him being a twin. And I’ve visited his son.”

There it was… all out on the line.

“You were always a fool.” She spit on the floor. “Alexander doesn’t have a son.”

Gabe paused. Alex had kept part of his life secret after all. But why? “Alex does have a son and a wife. How did you not know this?”

The woman visibly flinched, showing weakness for the first time. “You lie. I have tried to get him to have a child. We needed someone to continue our game with.”

The thought made me ill and I had to swallow the bile that rose in my throat. If she knew I was pregnant…

“Think what you want. We’re leaving now. Give my message to Alex if you see him.”

“You always were a disappointment, Gabriel.” She stared at him with dead blue eyes, making me wonder if he favored his father’s looks more than his mother’s.

“So were you, Mother. And now you’re a junkie who has no one.” The title came off Gabe’s tongue with complete distaste.

“I have my son! I have Alex!” she screamed. Trying to stand, Gabe’s men held her down without much effort. “FUCK YOU! Leave! Leave my house! Alex will get her!”

Oh my gosh. My eyes widened at her words. It was time to leave. Gabe sensed it too as he led us from the house at a clipped pace to the car. Gabe remained silent as we sped off in the car, leaving a trail of dust behind us.

The tension in the car grew. Beside me, Gabe sat silently as he looked out the window. Trent and Andre were on the phone nonstop. The veins in Gabe’s neck bulged as he reined in his rage. Right now, he needed to gather himself. When he was ready for comfort, I would be there.