As I stepped out, she stared down at her ring. I gave words of encouragement, taking a few steps forward. “Carson is strong. He’s a fighter. I know he’s trying to get back to us. I know it.”

They turned toward me as Bennett wiped a tear away. “Yes, he is.”

Francesca, unable to speak, showed me the box. The antique square diamond set sparkled in the afternoon sun.

“It’s beautiful, Francesca. Carson had it specially designed for you.”

Francesca took a deep breath as she slipped the ring onto the third finger of her right hand. “When Carson wakes up, I’m going to have him put it on my left hand.”

I gave her a hug. “I think that sounds like the perfect plan.”

I walked into Carson’s room and kissed his forehead. I paused for a moment, expecting him to say something. “Good morning.” I then brushed aside some of his blond hair I’d misplaced.

Touching his cheeks, I noticed the cuts were getting better. That had to be a good sign he was healing.

“We took Francesca to the house last night. It was beautiful, Carson. She’s going to be here in a little bit. The doctor is checking on her and the baby. Your mom is with her. She’s still on cloud nine about finally becoming a grandmother.”

Happiness floated through my voice. I checked the monitor, hoping I reached him today. There was something different about today. I could feel it. Something big was going to happen.

Taking his hand, I squeezed it. “Your dad gave Francesca her engagement ring. She loves you so much. I know your love is strong enough to get through this.”

Time passed far too quickly before I had to leave and Bennett came into the room. “He’s looking good. I think he has more color.”

Bennett gave me a hug and looked at Carson. “I think so, too. Marie is switching times with me today since she’s with Francesca and the baby.”

“Good. Francesca needs someone with her.”

Each day was easier and harder at the same time. Easier because Carson was healing, and I became stronger. Harder because he wasn’t waking up. I overheard the doctors saying the longer he stayed on life support, the more worrisome it became.

Shaking my head, I refused to let my thoughts go there.

Trent was across the room on the phone. “How was Carson today?”

“He’s looking better, but there’s still no response. Are we ready to head to downstairs?”

The doctor here at the hospital wanted to check my vitals within twenty-four hours of being released. It had been six days since the accident. In the elevator. I noticed the circles underneath Trent’s eyes were more pronounced.

“Do you ever sleep?” I asked

He shook his head, and his steely eyes grew fierce. “Not lately. This motherfucker has pissed me off.”

Taking Trent’s hand, I held it with gratitude. “Thank you. It means a lot that you’re here.”

He held on to me while meeting my gaze. “I’ve cleared all the cases I can. My top guys are on this, Willow. I won’t let your dad down.”

“You’re a good man, Trent.”

Trent gave me a smile as we got out of the elevator. Once in the waiting room, I checked in with the nurse, who quickly got me back in. Now that I was pregnant, I noticed pregnant women more. Knowing my flat stomach would become round brought a grin to my face.

The doctor came in with my chart after the nurse took my vitals. “Everything looks good, Ms. Russo. Next week, at six weeks, we’ll do another trans-vaginal ultrasound, and we’ll hopefully be able to hear the heartbeat.”


The doctor confirmed. “Really. Bring whoever you feel comfortable with if you want anyone else to be here for that.”

“I will.” Tomorrow I would tell Carson about the appointment. That would be positive news to share with him. “Hopefully Carson will be able to make the next appointment for Francesca.”

The doctor looked at his charts. “I hope so, Ms. Russo.”

Faith and hope was what I would cling to.

It was midafternoon, and we were headed to the Whitmore Hotel near the hospital. Bennett and Marie had offered it while I’d been unconscious. With each of our homes nearly forty-five minutes away, the commute each day wasn’t sensible. Plus, we were close if anything happened. Trent’s men had also taken over a room for security headquarters. Last night, I had briefly seen their operation. The main room had a dozen computers. There was gear for the men everywhere.

The car turned sharply, and I grabbed the door handle and closed my eyes. Cars still made me a little on edge; every little thing made me remember the crash.

Mercifully, the ride was over before I knew it.

The hotel was pristine as expected with grand chandeliers and ginormous flower arrangements. Cherry wood ceilings gave an extra amount of opulence.

We used the private elevator—it was the only elevator that had access to the top floor. There were only two ways to get to our floor; the private elevator or the stairs. Both had constant security and surveillance from Trent’s men and the hotel.

The top floor was cleared of all guests. Nonno and I were in one of the suites, each with our own bedroom. He had an appointment this afternoon with his accountant. Of course he’d offered to cancel, but sometimes it was good to be alone to organize and process my thoughts. Having time to get my emotions in order helped me stay mentally strong. Lately, someone remained at my side at all times.

Last night, it had been wonderful to sleep in peace, alone.

We excited the elevator. “Tomorrow I’ll have someone go to your house to get your purse, if that works. I know last night we’d discussed doing it today, but I had to keep that man on surveillance on your place. One of my men had to leave for a family emergency.”

“Yes, of course. Family first.” I understood, but inside I was disappointed. Another day before I was able to reach out to Tack.

Where is he?

He had been able to reach me at the gallery, and I was sure he visited while at the hospital. Why hadn’t he made contact? It bothered me. More and more my thoughts drifted there, wondering what was going on.

We passed Bennett and Marie’s suite. Francesca had been offered the option of having her own or staying with them. She’d chosen to stay with them, which was a good decision, in my opinion.

Trent walked me to the door. He slid the key card into the lock. It beeped and unlocked the door. Turning to me, he asked. “Can I speak with you a minute?”

“Sure. Would you like some water?”

“Water would be great.”

I walked into the large suite. The living room connected to the dining room, which led to the kitchen. Nonno had given Trent’s team the larger suite since it had more bedrooms. I liked the small coziness of ours.

The cream colored distressed table seemed like a good place to have our discussion. So we sat. “I wanted to wait until we were alone to share some new findings with you.”


There was more on Alex. And from his tone, I wasn’t going to like the news.

I hated this. Was it ever going to end? I was ready for it to be over with, especially after the stress of the last few days. Taking the bottle cap in my hands, I gave myself a mental pep talk. I am strong. I can handle this. It will get better.

Looking Trent straight in the eye, I felt an inner strength return. “What did you find?”

Trent took a drink and cracked his neck to relieve some of his stress. “If this is too much, tell me. I don’t want to stress you and the baby out.”

I placed a hand on my stomach. “I’ll be fine. What did you find?”

A file I hadn’t seen landed on the table. “I’ve tracked down an additional loan shark Alex was connected with. He’s the worst of his kind. He goes by Jack De Luca.”

The name sounded familiar. Had Alex mentioned him from one of his fake undercover stings? The answer was on the tip of my tongue. I knew there was something familiar about him. “Why does that

name sound familiar?”

The folder flipped open, revealing a man with dark hair and dead brown eyes. Deadly was an understatement with regard to this man’s vibe.

“Jack De Luca was under arrest for murder. The case was dropped because all the witnesses wound up dead. Burned, actually.”

The news. That was why the name seemed familiar. Alex and I had been in the living room when news of Jack De Luca came on. He’d been obsessed with the case. “Alex made a comment about Jack De Luca. His arrest was on television. Alex said that’s what happens when good guys win. Jack was going to get what was finally due to him.”

Trent scribbled a few notes. “Did he say anything else?”

“No, that was one of the only times he made reference to his job. Or what I thought was his job.” I asked the obvious. “Do you think Jack had something to do with Alex and Commander Taylor’s deaths? Since they were both burned?”

A hand scrubbed down his face. “I think so; it’s too coincidental. Alex may have betrayed him. I think that’s a motive to come after you. Mob guys don’t get satisfaction from the person themselves. They go after the family, too.”

The baby. Me. We were Alex’s family in Jack De Luca’s eyes. They were coming after me. They wanted me. I massaged my temples. “Will this ever stop?”

All I wanted was to live an Alex-free life with my baby.

Trent’s hands were fisted on the table when I opened my eyes. “If I have anything to do with it, it will. I won’t stop until you’re free to live, Willow.”

“Dad would be proud of you. I wish I’d known you when he was alive.”

The tension eased as he sat back. Trent was a little scary when he was worked up. A sad smile came over his face. “Me, too.” He took a deep breath and brought us back to task. “We’re going to keep an eye on Jack De Luca. He’s the strongest suspect we’ve got.” After making a couple of notes, he added, “I’ve wired the money for Alex’s son at Apple Blossom. The account is still current. We have a tap on Alex’s first wife to see if anything is said. We’re working on getting one on Harley.”

I tried to fight it, but a little tired yawn came out of me.

Trent stood. “One last thing; I had this ring designed with a panic button installed. You press in these two places—where the diamonds are—simultaneously for three seconds.” Trent showed me to two spots on the ring.

He handed me the ring, and I slipped it on.

“Try it.”

With minimum effort, I pushed in the stones. His phone beeped with an alert. My hand shook as I looked down at it. I had a ring with a panic button. My life was not my own. Trent’s hand landed on top of mine. “It’s only precautionary, Willow. There’s a tracking device in it, too. All of these precautions only make it safer for you and the baby.”

I took a steadying breath. “I won’t take it off.”

“Good. I’m going to share your frequency with the men.” Gathering his stuff, Trent walked to the door. I followed. “Get some rest, Willow. We’ll be right outside the door if you need anything. The room has been swept multiple times.”

“Thanks. Goodnight, Trent. Try to get some sleep.”

“Once I catch this motherfucker, I’ll sleep.”

And like that, he was gone.

I yawned and plodded over to the couch with my phone. I was going to close my eyes for only a second.

In a haze, I awoke and looked at the time. Nearly four hours had passed since I’d fallen asleep. It was early evening. A text from Trent flashed on the screen of my phone as a reminder that I hadn’t read it.

Trent: Mr. Russo came back and retired early. He wanted me to let you know if you needed anything to knock on his door.

Me: Thanks. I just woke up. I didn’t hear him come in.

Trent: That’s what he said. He also confirmed he refuses to learn how to text. His whole life he’s gone without it. No reason to start now.

Me: Sounds like Nonno. I’m going to bed shortly, too.

Trent: Sounds good. I’m briefing Andre outside.

I got up and opened the suite door to see Andre there. I hadn’t seen him since the accident. The doctor had released him from the hospital but hadn’t signed his release to return to work. He gave me a grin, and I threw my arms around him. “Thank you for getting us out of the car like you did. You saved our lives.”

He patted my back. “I’m glad I could help, Ms. Russo. Wish I could have done more.”

“You saved us. You saved my baby by getting us out so fast and meeting the medics. You gave us enough warning to buckle up.”

“Just doing my job.”